Chapter 111 - That Summer's First Kiss

'We're back here again,' Lu Fang complained to himself. How many summers have they spent here yet all that his mother does is sit in the second-floor balcony reading a book, occasionally sneak a peek at the mansion across with her binoculars.

He wondered if his mother ever saw anything interesting from where she stood. The mansion had a very huge lawn and trees fenced the entire estate.

One time, he asked his mother why she was very interested in looking at the property. "Honey, I just think the structure is very beautiful. I've been studying it, you see. I want your father to build the same mansion one day."

His father had packed him several business books to read but he easily got bored of those even as he was reading them from home. On their second day, Lu Fang decided to take a stroll in the neighborhood.

Despite being close to the city, the residential area was well vegetated. There was also a great distance of twenty to thirty meters between mansions or homes. It was meant to house families of the elite and those who want the utmost privacy.

In the previous years he had wandered just within the nearby area of their vacation home but this time, he decided to check out the oak trees across the street. It was there that he saw the biggest dartboard as far as his memory could tell. Although hammered against a tree, he could tell it was about two meters in circumference. What made it even more interesting was how the bull's eye was made so small.

Unfortunately for him, there were no darts to play with it and decided to continue his walk, but just as he was about to leave a small knife went past him hitting the small bull's eye. Before he could turn to see, another knife followed, once again hitting the tiny bull's eyes.

"Haha! Did I scare you?"

He found a girl who seemed three to four years younger than him laughing. He frowned and became flustered. "What if you had hit me with those knives?"

"Haha! You are such a scardy cat! Don't worry, my precision is 100%," said the girl in denim jeans and green sweatshirt.

The girl came up and studied him closely, looking up, rotating her head from one angel to another. He looked straight at her and there he saw the most angelic face he had ever seen with a pair of light brown eyes. He was immediately drawn to her. 'We have the same eyes,' he thought.

"I'm Andy, what's your name?"

"My name is Fang."

She giggled and said, "Fang? Like the vampire's fangs? Haha! Is that even British?"

Lu Fang could not believe her. Not only did she threw knives at him, but she was also making fun of his name.

"Well, I'm not from here. I am half Chinese and I grew up in China."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't meet that many kids especially one from China. It's nice to finally meet a co-Chinese half-breed!"

From that day on, the two of them became friends. Every day, the little girl was brought by a nanny to Lu Fang's vacation home and would play together or, just enjoy each other's company.

One time she brought along with her pellet toy guns and Lu Fang could not help but comment. "Andy, are you going to be a soldier one day? You play with knives and toy guns! This is a serious boy's game."

"Hah? Really? I've always played with knives since I could remember. Knives are my brother's favorite toy."

Lu Fang, "???"

Andrea had only been with her new family for eight months and although she had everything she needed in the big white mansion, the adventurer within often manifested. She could not help but roam around the surroundings and play her dangerous games in the open.

Her new brother, Gabriel was not much fun to play with and her foster mother always reminded her not to bring him outside the house. Meeting Fang, she was excited to finally have a friend in the neighborhood, plus he was pretty handsome. She thought, 'this boy is a keeper.'

They were playing cops and robbers, Andy being the culprit hid behind a tree. She heard him step on a fallen branch to her left making her giggle in secret, 'this guy is so easy, he is so not like Anton!'

She was so excited to shoot him with a pellet that she stormed at him without realizing he was already half a meter away. They ended up falling to the ground with her face resting on his chest. Getting up, she caught the same light brown eyes directly starting at her. She instantly diverted her gaze to hide her red face.

"Andy! Andy, where are you? It's time to get ready for dinner," a nanny had come to get her.

She frowned at the thought of leaving. "I guess I need to go. I'll be back tomorrow."

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"What? Already? But, we haven't even tried wrestling yet!"

"Wrestling? Haha! You are not a normal girl, Andy."

"Will I see you again, Fang?"

"Hmmm… Maybe next year. We often come during this time of the year."

Andrea was in deep thought as she walked towards the direction of the voice calling out her name. She really wanted to see Fang again, but what if he doesn't come back? She needed to make him remember her so he would definitely be back next year!

Out of the blue, she came running back towards him declaring, "You are the most handsome boy I have ever seen! You are way too handsome to miss out on and I want to marry you someday!"

She jumped at him and kissed him on the lips with her arms around his neck.

Lu Fang was taken aback, having been kissed for the first time. The moment she let go, his face turned red. 'I had just been kissed by a fallen angel and a strange one at that!'

She bent her head down and before getting a reaction, she warned him, "You better be back next year – "

"Wait… I have something for you." Lu Fang handed her a wooden locket pendant, "I bought this from home and it has my name on it so you will…" he blushed again before adding, "so you will remember me."

Andrea bragged about her new friend to Gabriel and her foster father. She always carried with her the locket pendant the entire year and when the time finally came, she visited the house across their mansion every day of that summer.

In each passing week, she would tell herself, 'maybe he will be here next week.' She waited the entire season until the very last week when the leaves have started to change color and fall to the ground. Needless to say, she was disappointed.

"Andy, why are we stopping here again? Get in the car now, it's getting cold!" Gabriel called looking out from inside the car.

"Why are you so sad?"

"Nothing… I thought I found my first love, but apparently not."

Since then, she had left in her drawer the locket pendant and diverted her attention to play with Gabriel instead. As time passed, she had forgotten about meeting the boy she had kissed for the first time that summer.