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The Whole Village Thrives After Adopting a Lucky Girl 04-19 12:04
Farm Girl Turns Everything Around: Sly Husband, Let's Farm 04-18 12:04
All Hail Cousin Brother 04-18 10:04
The Fox of France 04-13 10:04
I Became Stalin?! 04-13 10:04
Forgotten Legend Of The Bloodied Flower 04-12 16:04
Power and Wealth 04-12 10:04
The Rise of Rurik 04-11 03:04
My German Empire 04-11 02:04
King of Mercenaries 04-11 01:04
USSR 1941 04-10 20:04
My British Empire 04-10 20:04
Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology 04-10 20:04
Reincarnated as Napoleon 04-10 19:04
The return of the fallen king 04-10 19:04
The Golem Mage 04-10 18:04
Rome Must Fall 04-09 22:04
Last King of Kings 02-10 06:02
Transmigrated into a Blacksmith's Husband 01-18 21:01
The Emperor Wants To Marry The Doctor 10-25 12:10