Wen Zhecheng directly reposted the Weibo where Rong Yuheng mentioned him, with their names side by side, boldly and arrogantly displayed in the same frame.

The fans in the comments section were almost flipping the comments upside down:

“Wow, wow, wow!!! Interaction in the same frame! When was the last time this happened…!?”

“Replying to the above, it was during the time they both got their accounts suspended together~”

“Hahaha, this is outrageous! I seem to foresee a repeat of history.”

“Oh my god, this is like a love story! Did you guys just open your locker doors directly!?”

“It’s… because… you… are… unreasonable! My God, my heart!! Is Zhe ge showing his temper? This slightly domineering way of acting cute is really irresistible!”

“I… I’m speechless. I should have thought about it when Rong Er mentioned Zhe Ge, I would be drowned in millions of tons of dog food [crying].”

“Ze Cheng Yi Yu is for real~!”

The pink bubbles under Wen Zhecheng’s Weibo almost overflowed from the screen, and the comments section became a joyful ocean, with groups of CP fans wandering happily in it.

But JonLi’s Weibo did not have such a good atmosphere below.

Most CP fans were still immersed in the state of being sweet, but the loyal fans and onlookers keenly seized the information revealed by the two main characters—

The so-called “Rong Yuheng belittling Wen Zhecheng” was just a joke between the two. However, the way JonLi wrote it made it suspiciously seem like he was deliberately starting a fight.

At this moment, the direction of the wind in JonLi’s comments section had completely changed:

“R-member belittling W actor? How did you put on this hat?”

“Laughing to death, maybe the village here doesn’t have internet access, not even knowing ‘Ze Cheng Yi Yu’? [Shrug] When I just found out the identities of R and W, I was skeptical, but because the comments section was full of ‘justice,’ I was afraid of being sprayed to death, so I didn’t say anything.”

“Replying to the above, maybe people who don’t pay attention to the CP circle really don’t know. But fortunately, he doesn’t know. Do you hear how loud this slap is? [Dog head]”

“After eating dog food and turning back to look at this whining Weibo, suddenly sensing a strong smell of white lotus… it makes people doubt the authenticity of other revelations [contemplation].”

“I’m a fan who took over the shift for STAR-T. The brothers are really nice! Last time when picking them up, Brother Qiqi reminded us female fans not to wear high heels next time, it’s tiring to stand. So when I saw JonLi saying they were acting high and mighty, I didn’t believe it at all!”

Rong Yuheng just glanced at it briefly and closed his phone. With this setup, the credibility of the team’s clarification that would follow should be greatly enhanced.

They still had to record the album next, and the whole group followed Li Jiao towards the building.

Huang Jianing secretly approached Rong Yuheng, “Aren’t you and Teacher Wen too courageous? You’re putting on a ‘clarification’ skin while engaging in ‘long-distance public display of affection’!”

Rong Yuheng vaguely heard a sense of “flies and gnats” in the phrase “long-distance public display of affection.”

He said, “Where did we show affection?”

Huang Jianing looked at him meaningfully… If this wasn’t considered showing affection, then what would these two look like when they were sticky in private?

Huang Jianing sighed, “Suddenly, I feel that the CP fans of Ze Cheng Yi Yu are really lucky.”

Following his logic, Rong Yuheng extended, “So you also want to ship Ze Cheng Yi Yu?”

Huang Jianing choked for a moment, “…No, thanks.”

Rong Yuheng made a regretful “oh” sound—such a mournful tone, as if Huang Jianing had lost the joy of reaching the sky!

The album recording took up the entire morning, and it seemed like the morning’s Weibo had influenced the explosive power of the entire STAR-T today.

Especially Bian Chen, who seemed like he wanted to chew his microphone, his big white teeth shining under the lights, almost making Rong Yuheng lose his composure.

Finally enduring until the end of the recording, the team of six gathered on the sofa in the rest area to eat takeout.

Rong Yuheng almost immediately dug into the food box, happily munching away like a content little piglet.

Shan Qi, like an old mother, worried about her offspring. He didn’t touch the food on the table, first taking out his phone to check the morning’s trending topics.

Li Jiao had an extremely high efficiency, he managed to churn out the public relations draft in the morning. As soon as the clarification Weibo was posted, the online camps were divided into two distinct teams: one supporting STAR-T, and the other supporting JonLi.

Most voices leaned towards STAR-T. In the remaining voices supporting JonLi, it was unclear how many were attempting to tarnish STAR-T.

Shan Qi was anxiously scrolling through Weibo when suddenly, his finger paused. “Hey! Look at this.”

“What?” Huang Jianing, closest to him, peered over. It was a long Weibo post detailing the whole incident from yesterday, written by someone claiming to be a staff member present at the time. The narrative was casual, as if jotting down details that came to mind, including some personal complaints and feelings, making it sound even more authentic.

One passionate section described the highlight of the battle between Rong Yuheng and JonLi:

“…Actually, it started with JonLi and the manager arguing. Because the photos JonLi took for SQ were too ugly! The manager, also a talent, said JonLi’s photos weren’t even as good as SQ’s selfies, which cracked me up. Then came RYH’s advanced mockery of JonLi—

JonLi: “You question me? I’ve taken photos for Qiao Tan!”

RYH: “No, I question Qiao Tan.”

…I burst into laughter at that moment! Should I say RYH really is a comedian? Such sincere sarcasm is the most lethal!

After that was the scene where JonLi mentioned the ‘belittling,’ and I can reconstruct it for everyone—

JonLi: “Who do you think you are? Is it your turn to speak here?”

RYH: “Why are you more unreasonable than Wen Zhecheng?”

RYH: “But Wen Zhecheng is cuter than you.”

Hahaha, that’s the simple truth behind the ‘belittling’! JonLi was completely overwhelmed by Rong Yuheng. I genuinely laughed until my teeth were clattering…”

This blog had already been reposted tens of thousands of times, and the comments section was filled with “hahaha.” There were even enthusiastic netizens tagging Wen Zhecheng, asking him to come and see how Rong Yuheng praised him for being cute.

As netizens were enjoying the spectacle, they suddenly discovered a familiar figure in the melon field—none other than the long-lost Zhonghua Countryside Chachang Zhao!

@Zhonghua Countryside Chachang Zhao: So many years with Gege, I still haven’t seen where he’s cute! Quick, let me see how he’s cute! [Peeking]

With Zhonghua Countryside Chachang Zhao’s appearance, countless CP fans immediately exclaimed that an insider had arrived!

Haven’t seen it? Of course, Gege’s cute side is exclusively reserved for Rongrong~

Shan Qi took a quick look and then helplessly exited Weibo, ready to eat with chopsticks—

Sure enough, no matter what kind of conflict arises, it always ends up being influenced by “Ze Cheng Yi Yu”

As lunch was approaching its end, Huang Jianing was scrolling through Weibo and suddenly exclaimed, “What the heck, Rong Yuheng!”

Rong Yuheng disagreed and corrected him, “Don’t phrase it like that, others might misunderstand our relationship.”

Huang Jianing, who currently had no intention of being a sidekick, grabbed Rong Yuheng and brought him to the phone. “Teacher Qiao Tan is cueing you!”

Rong Yuheng was taken aback. “Huh?”

Other members also approached with the mentality of enjoying the show. They saw Qiao Tan directly mentioning Rong Yuheng on Weibo.

@DF Qiao Tan: Long time no see, come out for a meal. By the way, clarify whatever doubts you have about me [smile] @STAR-T Rong Yuheng

Rong Yuheng, “…”

He was dumbfounded. Was Qiao Tan also here to enjoy the spectacle?

The netizens, whose humanity seemed to have vanished, were laughing uproariously in the comments section, displaying a schadenfreude that was entirely different from the usual supportive demeanor during fandom events!

Zou Yi, somewhat envious, remarked, “Teacher Qiao seems to really like you. It’s clear he’s on your side.”

Huang Jianing sighed, “Ah… blame Rong Yuhe for being too goofy. I almost forgot that during the Star Ace period, he was the pet of all the teachers.”

Rong Yuheng heard this perspective for the first time and was skeptical, “Really?”

Even the usually silent Tang Ji couldn’t help but speak up, “Yes, and it’s quite obvious.”

After pondering for two seconds without results, Rong Yuheng could only cup his face, blush shyly, and bow his head, “Forget it, blame it on me being excessively beautiful.”

He added, “But among the teachers, my favorite is still Teacher Wen~”

Others, “…”

After swiftly dealing with the situation, Rong Yuheng quickly responded to Qiao Tan on Weibo.

@STAR-T Rong Yuhengv: …Sure, I miss Teacher Qiao Tan too~ [Shy]

Bian Chen, unable to tolerate it, exclaimed, “What the hell is this disgusting tone?”

Rong Yuheng, like a blooming delicate flower, replied, “Boy, you can choose not to listen~”

Bian Chen instantly got goosebumps, hugging his robust self and curling up in a corner, “Damn! So disgusting, so disgusting, so disgusting…!!”

With clarifications from various parties and the support of high-profile figures, JonLi instantly became a meme across the entire internet. Many phrases like “With my level…” and “… Is it your turn to decide?” flooded Weibo.

It’s likely that even JonLi himself didn’t expect that his status as a top photographer would ultimately become fodder for the meme community.

That evening, back at the dorm, Rong Yuheng fell into contemplation as he looked at the lively Weibo. After a while, he opened a chat with Qiu Jianlun on WeChat and typed a few lines.

After about fifteen minutes, Qiu Jianlun replied with a simple “Okay.”

Rong Yuheng peacefully exited the chat and prepared to wash up and sleep.

After the heat subsides, everything will become a wave on the path of drainage. All the discussions will be buried as fertilizer under towering trees.

He was waiting for the flowering and fruition.

Days passed in this ordinary yet extraordinary manner. Three days before the official announcement of the endorsement, Rong Yuheng received a call from Qiao Tan.

The latter had just returned to the city and, thinking about the dinner arrangement they had agreed upon on Weibo, decided to call Rong Yuheng out.

Although Rong Yuheng’s schedule was tight, time for a meal could always be squeezed in, especially when it came to Qiao Tan. It was only right to meet him both emotionally and logically.

The restaurant was only a ten-minute drive from Rong Yuheng’s apartment. When he arrived at the designated private room, Qiao Tan was already waiting there. His temperament remained gentle and serene, with a few fine lines appearing at the corners of his eyes.

People who have danced always carry a unique charm that others can’t imitate.

Seeing Rong Yuheng, Qiao Tan immediately smiled, “Still the same.”

Rong Yuheng ran over with quick steps, hugged Qiao Tan, and said, “Teacher Qiao Tan!”

After they separated and sat down, having ordered their food, they began chatting.

Qiao Tan glanced up and down at Rong Yuheng, “You’ve become even more refined. You stunned me more than when I first saw you.”

Rong Yuheng said with a mouthful of food, his cheeks puffed up, “Being in the industry for half a year, I can’t afford to become uglier.”

Qiao Tan chuckled, “You’ve got a point.”

Afterward, he brought up the matter on Weibo, “You and Teacher Wen are practically semi-public, right?”

With puffed-up cheeks, Rong Yuheng, eating happily and with shiny lips, swallowed the food and said, “Huh? Teacher Qiao Tan, how did you also notice?”

Qiao Tan was speechless, “I’m not blind.”

Subtext: You guys are too conspicuous; you’re one step away from shouting it from the rooftops.

Shyly, Rong Yuheng buried his head, “Ah, like that.”

Qiao Tan, “…”

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Qiao Tan lightly tapped the table, “Oh, does that mean I’m the matchmaker for you two?”

Rong Yuheng’s goldfish brain couldn’t handle him contemplating, “Why?”

Qiao Tan, “Do you remember during the auditions, when you were performing on stage, Teacher Wen suddenly came over to bring me my phone?”

He explained, “We were chatting in the rest area before the recording. Later, when I went to record, I left my phone there, and he brought it to me. The director strongly hinted that I should keep Teacher Wen around, and then I even let you two perform a dance.”

Rong Yuheng suddenly recreated the scenario in his mind. He clapped his hands, swayed his head cheerfully, “Oh—I even danced the tango with Teacher Wen! Unfortunately, his butt isn’t perky enough, lacks soul, kekekeke~”

Qiao Tan’s gaze instantly became complicated. He looked at Rong Yuheng, carefree and somewhat foolish, thinking, “You better pray that Teacher Wen doesn’t recall it. Otherwise… things might get complicated.”

“But judging from your plans, are you planning to gradually make it public?” Qiao Tan asked.

Rong Yuheng nodded, “As Teacher Wen said, boil the fans in warm water.”

Qiao Tan commented, “That’s his style.”

Rong Yuheng asked, “What style?”

“Steady,” Qiao Tan, although older, had known Wen Zhecheng for many years and understood his approach, “He doesn’t gamble, isn’t aggressive. He prefers a slow and steady pace.”

Rong Yuheng chuckled, “Indeed, Teacher Wen is like that.”

He was the same, not engaging in battles without assurance, avoiding gambles without an exit strategy.

Hence the birth of the “Rong Xing Plan.”

Half of it was to purify the entertainment industry, and the other half was to preserve something between him and Wen Zhecheng.

In this relationship, Wen Zhecheng had arrived much earlier, paving a path towards Rong Yuheng in places unknown, solidifying every footprint toward him.

So Rong Yuheng thought, for the road the two would walk side by side, he would be the one to lay it.

Qiao Tan supported his chin and looked at Rong Yuheng for a while before suddenly speaking, “Do you and Teacher Wen want to participate in my show?”

Rong Yuheng was puzzled, “What show?”

Qiao Tan smiled, “《Guests from A Distance Place》. I’m a regular guest on the new season.”

“The first episode is on Valentine’s Day, just right for me to play matchmaker for you two.”

After a meal, Rong Yuheng, with a grateful heart, sent off Qiao Tan and then called Wen Zhecheng to report.

“Teacher Qiao Tan said that day happens to be Valentine’s Day, and we can meet across the galaxy~”

Wen Zhecheng, on the other end of the call, was delighted but still corrected him rigorously, “The meeting of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl is on Qixi, not Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is a Western holiday.”

Rong Yuheng immediately put on a serious face, “Why? Now everything is internationalized; why can’t they celebrate Western holidays!”

Wen Zhecheng quickly pacified him, “Okay, okay, as long as there’s love in the heart, every day is Qixi…”

Satisfied, Rong Yuheng hummed, “Then I’ll tell Sister Qiu, and you tell Brother Qu.”

Wen Zhecheng agreed, and then, on a whim, thought of a question: It seems like Rong Rong is always staring at his butt; this doesn’t seem like a good sign. He decided to use this opportunity to solidify his domineering position.

Wen Zhecheng subtly probed, “If Teacher Qiao is the magpie bridge, then what are we?”

Like who is the Cowherd, who is the Weaver Girl, and so on…

Rong Yuheng affectionately said, “Of course, you’re the Cow, and I’m the Herd.”

Wen Zhecheng: “…??”

Wen Zhecheng carefully asked, “Then… where did the Weaver Girl go?”

Rong Yuheng raised an eyebrow, “Why, do we need another woman in our story!?”

Wen Zhecheng hurriedly assured, “No, no, I’m the Cow, you’re the Herd, no one else!”

Rong Yuheng, “That’s about right~” After saying that, he flicked his nose and puffed up his chest, educating Wen Zhecheng, “We’re about to cross the magpie bridge, and you still haven’t clarified your position!”

Wen Zhecheng, with a good temper, said, “Now it’s clear. I’ll be a good plowing ox for Rong Rong.”

After the flirtatious banter, Rong Yuheng hung up the phone, still savoring the “sweet” conversation. He lifted his head, the sky clear, soft clouds floating, occasional breezes brushing his face, a scene of peaceful days…

After a while, Rong Yuheng’s serene gaze suddenly slightly froze.

Wait a minute, what did Wen Zhecheng just say?

…Plowing ox?

Author’s note: Wen Zhecheng (confidently): I’ve found my position.

Rong Yuheng (weakly): The GPS just malfunctioned; you need to reposition…

Translator’s note: So, in the library there are always High Schooler strolling around! You guys don’t know how much I need to endure to keep my face straight and serious while translating Rong Rong’s mischiefs!