“Guests from A Distance Place” was a lifestyle program with three regular guests each season, along with two to four special guests. The participants stayed in a villa provided by the program, where they cooked, chatted, and played games.

Each episode was recorded over two days and one night, requiring guests to bring their overnight luggage.

Rong Yuheng had initially secured the resources for “Guest from A Distance Place” when he first signed with Fan Yu, but unexpectedly, he was eventually invited to the show.

Originally, Qiao Tan wasn’t part of the second season’s regular cast, but due to an expose on one of the original regulars, the program had to make a last-minute replacement while keeping the rest unchanged.

Rong Yuheng still remembered a regular guest named Ju Ziyi, who had a silly son named Chi Tang that had been pursuing someone for a long time without success.

Rong Yuheng couldn’t help shaking his head: “Kid, you’re not good enough…”

Special guests needed to travel to the program location on their own, and since the recording was in City H, Rong Yuheng and Wen Zhecheng set off together, taking a flight on the first night.

After a night’s rest, the next morning, they took the program’s business car to the villa.

Among the regular guests, besides Qiao Tan and the long-time friend Ju Ziyi, there was also the masked actor Chen Luoxing.

Inside the business car, Rong Yuheng squeezed onto Wen Zhecheng’s lap and asked, “I haven’t seen Chen Luoxing; do you know him?”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “I’ve heard of him, but I haven’t met him.”

Rong Yuheng comforted him by gently patting his head, “Then I’ll accompany you, don’t be nervous.”

Wen Zhecheng said, “…Okay.”

He thought that Chen Luoxing might be more nervous upon seeing him.

They arrived at the villa at 9:30 in the morning. The villa had a European-style appearance with three floors and an estimated area of over six hundred square meters. Outside the villa was a lawn with a pond and a swing, and on the other side was a sunroom with various flowers and plants.

Rong Yuheng found the combination of the pond and the swing intriguing, and Wen Zhecheng noticed that his expression was off. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

Rong Yuheng shook his head, trying to adjust his mood to prepare for the program’s recording, “Nothing, just sentimental about familiar scenes.”

Carrying their luggage, they rang the doorbell. Qiao Tan opened the door, and upon seeing them, he immediately opened his arms excitedly and hugged them.

“Ah, welcome, welcome! Welcome, Teacher Wen and Rong Rong!”

Qiao Tan stepped aside, inviting them in. The living room was tidy and spacious, with large French windows providing ample natural light. The interior was in a style—clean, refreshing, and highly comfortable. Next to the living room was the dining table and an open kitchen. When Rong Yuheng looked up, he coincidentally made eye contact with Ju Ziyi behind the kitchen counter.

Ju Ziyi had a gentle and dignified appearance, with black hair falling behind her back. She wore light makeup, and when she smiled, there was a small dimple on her right cheek.

Rong Yuheng almost instantly figured out why Chi Tang, his silly son, hadn’t succeeded in pursuing her—

He simply didn’t understand why his son would choose to pursue a girl with such a fresh and pure style!

Ju Ziyi was making tea, and she greeted them across the living room, “Welcome, Teacher Wen, welcome Rong Rong.” Afterward, she turned her head and called upstairs, “Brother Xing, guests are here!”

After a few seconds, the sound of footsteps came from the staircase. A young man who looked to be around twenty-five or twenty-six rushed down and greeted them, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

Wen Zhecheng, with his hand in his pocket, was like a noble flower, “No problem.”

Perhaps because of his overly indifferent tone, Chen Luoxing sped up, making a series of clattering noises. He extended his hand toward them, “I’m Chen Luoxing, welcome, Teacher Wen!”

Wen Zhecheng shook hands with him and then turned to Rong Yuheng. Chen Luoxing realized and quickly added, “And welcome Rong Rong as well.”

Rong Yuheng didn’t mind, “Thank you.”

Qiao Tan patted Chen Luoxing on the back and explained to the two, “This is the first time Luoxing is so nervous, he’s a bit excited to meet Teacher Wen.”

Chen Luoxing is actually about the same age as Wen Zhecheng, but he has only been in the industry for four or five years, making him Wen Zhecheng’s junior. Chen Luoxing said, “Yes, yes… I’m Teacher Wen’s fan…” Wen Zhecheng remains calm, “Thank you.” Chen Luoxing instantly becomes visibly disheartened. Rong Yuheng can’t help but feel a wave of sympathy for him… Kid, it’s not that Teacher Wen is too indifferent to you. He’s just used to being reserved behind the camera.

Ju Ziyi brought the freshly brewed tea to the living room. Qiao Tan took Wen Zhecheng and Rong Yuheng upstairs to drop off their luggage, introducing them to the decoration and layout of the entire house. “The first floor is the living room, kitchen, and dining room. There’s a sunroom in the back with some flowers and plants. The second floor has more entertainment facilities, such as drums, guitars, pianos, a gym, dance machine, and a large-screen TV connected to a Nintendo Switch. The third floor is the bedroom, with a study on one end and a bathroom on the other…”

Wen Zhecheng looked in the direction pointed by Qiao Tan and then turned to Rong Yuheng, saying, “The bathroom and bedroom are a bit far apart. I prefer a bedroom with an attached bathroom.” Rong Yuheng nods, “Me too, plus a walk-in closet would be even better.”

Qiao Tan’s hand hanged in mid-air, “…”

Wait, why does he feel like these two are here to inspect the house, and he’s the real estate agent?

Ignoring this strange feeling, Qiao Tan helped the two settle in and then headed downstairs with them. Qiao Tan asks, “Was the journey tiring? If you’re tired, we can sit in the living room and chat for a while. Ziyi has made tea for you to try. If you’re not tired, we can prepare lunch.”

“I’m fine,” Wen Zhecheng says, then turns to Rong Yuheng, “Are you tired? Do you want to rest?”

Qiao Tan, “…”

Rong Yuheng, thinking that Ju Ziyi had already brewed the tea, and they hadn’t introduced themselves yet, said, “Let’s go taste the tea that Ziyi made.”

Wen Zhecheng looked at Rong Yuheng, his gaze soft, “Okay.”

Qiao Tan, “…”

His “Guest from A Distance Place” is completely useless!

The three went down to the living room. Chen Luoxing, sitting on the sofa, saw Wen Zhecheng and immediately straightened his back, sitting up properly. Ju Ziyi, looking at him speechlessly, gave everyone the brewed tea, “Try this hidden tea; it’s especially fragrant.”

The amber-colored tea in the white porcelain cup was clear and transparent, with a full and rich color. Rong Yuheng took a sip, and the entire mouth was filled with the aroma of tea, leaving a mellow aftertaste.

Comfortably, he squinted his eyes, “It tastes really good…”

Ju Ziyi smiled, “Right?”

Wen Zhecheng, staring at Rong Yuheng enjoying it, asks thoughtfully, “Do you like this taste?”

Rong Yuheng nodde his little head, “I like it.”

Wen Zhecheng said, “Good.”

Qiao Tan was already used to it, he sipped the tea calmly without saying a word. The two remaining guests were still in a daze, carefully savoring the meaning behind that “good”…

After chatting for a while and introducing themselves, it became much more relaxed and casual. Seeing that it was almost 10:30, Qiao Tan stood up to greet them, “Shall we prepare lunch?”


The five head to the kitchen, and Qiao Tan said, “Don’t be fooled by Teacher Wen’s appearance; he’s actually good at cooking.” 

Ju Ziyi was surprised, “Really? An actor also cooks by himself!” 

Wen Zhecheng nodded, “Yes.” 

Qiao Tan said, “Teacher Wen, do you have any signature dishes? Show us today?” 

Wen Zhecheng said, “It depends on what you want to eat. I can cook anything.” 

Chen Luoxing’s mouth instantly formed an “O” shape, he had now adapted to close interactions with his idol and is wholeheartedly praising him, “Really? That’s amazing!” 

Wen Zhecheng said, “If you don’t believe it, you can ask Rongrong.” 

The others turn to Rong Yuheng for confirmation, and he, with a natural expression and sincere attitude, said, “It’s true. Noodles, dumplings, stir-fried and mixed vegetables, Western desserts… Teacher Wen can make them all, and they’re delicious.”

Everyone: That’s enough… Information overload!

Wen Zhecheng asked him, “What do you want to eat today? You can choose.” 

Rong Yuheng replied, “I want to have potato and beef over rice noodles.” Wen Zhecheng opened the fridge and checked, “We have the ingredients, we can make it.”

After that, he turned to the other regular guests who were already stunned and asked, “What about you guys?”

Qiao Tan’s mouth opened and closed. He almost blurted out, “I’m already full of dog food,” but at the last moment, he swallowed the words. “How about we stir-fry tomato shrimp for Teacher Wen, and I’ll take care of the soup today. Ziyi and Luoxing, each of you can handle a dish. Is that okay?”

“No problem!”

With the tasks assigned, when Wen Zhecheng laid out the beef on the cutting board, Rong Yuheng belatedly realized, “Oh, wait… what about me?”

Qiao Tan, boiling water and blanching tomatoes, said, “You’ve already completed the task of ordering. Teacher Wen will make two portions, and one of them counts as yours.”

Wen Zhecheng added, “And you also need to help me bring the condiment box later.”

Rong Yuheng, back to his old job, wasn’t happy at all. “Am I a walking shelf?”

Wen Zhecheng corrected him, “Of course not. You have to stay in place and not walk around.”

Rong Yuheng was stunned: The essence of being a shelf hasn’t changed at all.

Seeing that his little hamster was not in a good mood, Wen Zhecheng immediately blew some rainbow for attention. He turned to Qiao Tan with a bit of a show-off, “Rongrong can even distinguish between sugar and salt. Isn’t that great?”

Qiao Tan’s hand trembled, almost dipping into the boiling water pot. He steadied himself, looked at Wen Zhecheng, and tried to find a hint of irony or teasing from the latter’s face. But he quickly failed—Wen Zhecheng genuinely thought Rong Yuheng was great!

Qiao Tan scooped up the tomatoes with a blank expression, “Hmm, very impressive.”


Ju Ziyi made a garlic-flavored cauliflower, Chen Luoxing cooked a Di San Xian (a Chinese dish with three stir-fried vegetables), and Qiao Tan’s tofu soup was still simmering on the stove. They put the finished dishes on the table.

After Chen Luoxing had overcome his initial excitement and nervousness, he had returned to his usual state. He opened a bottle of low-alcohol white wine for everyone, then took his seat. Although Qiao Tan was a newcomer as a regular, as the most senior member, he raised his glass first, “Come, let’s celebrate the premiere of Season 2, Episode 1 of ‘Guest from A Distance Place,’ and let’s welcome Teacher Wen and Rongrong!”

“Clang!” Five glasses clinked on the table. Rong Yuheng pulled back his cup, realizing that he had just taken a sip, and found a stern gaze from Wen Zhecheng’s cup next to him…

“…” Rong Yuheng stared at the cup and frowned. Then he looked up to meet Wen Zhecheng’s eyes and tentatively said, “Are the neighboring kids jealous?”

Wen Zhecheng, “…”

Qiao Tan almost sprayed out his drink, while Ju Ziyi burst into laughter, “Hahaha!”

Wen Zhecheng said, “I just want you not to drink too much.”

Rong Yuheng lamented, “Are you doubting me?”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “Then you shouldn’t tease me either.”

Seizing the logical loophole, Rong Yuheng retaliated, “But I was telling the truth; I wasn’t teasing you!”

Wen Zhecheng looked at him for two seconds, then a faint smile appeared on his lips. He reached out and ruffled Rong Yuheng’s hair, “Look at you.”

“…” Qiao Tan instantly felt superfluous.

He was indeed just a tool for “Guest from A Distance Place” to facilitate conversations!

As the banter between the two ended, the conversation at the dining table returned to everyday topics. Chen Luoxing and Wen Zhecheng were both actors, and it was a rare opportunity for them to exchange experiences. Although Chen Luoxing was young and joined the industry late, he was very dedicated. He rarely used a stunt double during filming, often performing his own action scenes, resulting in numerous scars on his body. At this moment, he rolled up his sleeves to show the scars on his wrists, “This was scratched while filming a drama. There was a scene where I smashed a bowl, but unexpectedly, it bounced back from the table and almost stabbed my hand.”

Rong Yuheng couldn’t stand such injuries. His empathy was strong, and just hearing the description made him feel heartbroken. He immediately curled up into a hamster ball, attempting to disperse the pain with continuous repetitions of, “It hurts, it hurts, it hurts…”

Chen Luoxing chuckled, “What are you hurting for?”

Rong Yuheng, anxiously staring at his injured hand, said, “I’m hurting for you.”

Chen Luoxing, “Thank you~”

As the two engaged in a lively chat, Wen Zhecheng suddenly rolled up his sleeves, revealing old wounds on his arms. “This was when I was shooting a survival film on a deserted island. I got stabbed by a thorn. At that time, I couldn’t stop shooting, so I had to deal with it after we finished.”

After finishing his story, he sipped his wine, looking at Rong Yuheng with the expression of a primary school student waiting for an award.

Rong Yuheng was stunned for a moment, then he realized it and almost burst out laughing.

Rong Yuheng reached out to rub the vinegar-soaked arm of his foodie owner. “I know that movie. Didn’t we watch it at your place?”

Wen Zhecheng’s expression softened considerably. He made a pretentious “Hmm~” sound, but upon closer listening, there was a hint of playfulness in his tone.

Rong Yuheng, seeing through it but not exposing, continued to praise enthusiastically, clapping his hands, “Teacher Wen is amazing, Teacher Wen works so hard~!”

The others at the dining table also put down their chopsticks, joining in the applause, “Impressive, impressive… truly a three-time Golden Award-winning actor!”

As the scattered applause subsided, Wen Zhecheng, using his acting skills, suppressed the rising corners of his mouth. He lowered his eyelashes and said, “It’s nothing.”

After Wen Zhecheng’s remark, he didn’t forget to acknowledge Chen Luoxing, who was also “injured,” “You’re very impressive too.”

“Thank you…!” Chen Luoxing, flattered, couldn’t help but feel puzzled—why did he feel that his idol was a bit different from what he had imagined?

After lunch, it was time to play games. The villa’s second floor had an entertainment area with a variety of musical instruments, board games, and electronic games.

Rong Yuheng had his eye on the dance machine during the tour and now dragged Wen Zhecheng to dance the tango together.

Wen Zhecheng debunked his fantasy, “The dance machine doesn’t support this dance style.”

Unwilling to give up, Rong Yuheng browsed through the song list again, only to find that there really was no tango. He instantly fell into a melancholic state.

Chen Luoxing, who watched the entire process, couldn’t help but show a complicated expression.

As fellow actors, he looked at Rong Yuheng, who was full of drama, and couldn’t help but willingly submit—no wonder his idol looked at Rong Yuheng differently. The latter’s acting was just effortlessly brilliant!

Wen Zhecheng, having the idol burden on camera, didn’t force him. He happily battled with Ju Ziyi, one on each side.

Ju Ziyi originally had a dance background, but while dancing with Rong Yuheng, she inexplicably got influenced. Rong Yuheng, who behaved normally in team performances, let loose his nature privately, continuing with his unique dance style—

Every step he took exuded the flavor of the tango, and every beat hit the rhythm of elementary and middle school radio calisthenics!

As the two danced to the end, even Chen Luoxing couldn’t bear to watch anymore. He reached out and pulled Ju Ziyi, who was getting excited, and uttered a warning,

“Ziyi, maybe it’s better to give up. You’ll be walking the idol path in the future.” You and Rong Yuheng were different.


After the exhilarating dance, Ju Ziyi felt a bit tired. She suggested that everyone go see the plants in the sunroom.

To reach the sunroom, they had to go through a small door behind the living room. The five guests walked along a cobblestone path, and suddenly, everything opened up.

The transparent ceiling refracted sunlight, and various flowers and plants were planted around the room. It was spring, and with ample sunlight and good indoor cultivation conditions, many plants had bloomed, presenting a vibrant scene at a glance.

It was evident that Ju Ziyi especially liked these flowers and plants. She brightened up, waving to Rong Yuheng,

“Look at this area. It should bloom next week.”

Rong Yuheng sincerely praised, “It’s really beautiful.”

Chen Luoxing, seeing Rong Yuheng, the little demon, enjoying the flowers, approached Wen Zhecheng and engaged in conversation with his idol,

“Teacher Wen, what kind of flowers do you like?”

“I…” Just as Wen Zhecheng began to speak, Rong Yuheng on the other side suddenly turned around.

He propped up his chin with both hands and smiled at the two, “Like this flower?”

The warm sunlight overhead reflected on Rong Yuheng’s face, enhancing his fair complexion and making his red lips appear tender. His smile was extremely infectious.

Even Chen Luoxing was momentarily stunned. Then he heard an almost imperceptible “Hmm” from beside him.

The author has something to say: Rong Yuheng: As delicate as I am, a flower…

Wen Zhecheng: Pick only the white ones.

Rong Yuheng:?