Twenty minutes later.

Three people walked into the studio carrying equipment and bags. Seeing Rong Yuheng, they extended their hands warmly, “Give me five!”

Rong Yuheng responded with a familiar handshake, “Five~!”

Shan Qi assessed the newcomers: they looked quite professional, and their equipment was top-notch. He wondered how well they could shoot. However, he trusted Rong Yuheng’s judgment. If he called them for help, they must be good.

Shan Qi walked over and greeted them, “Friends of Rong Bao?”

Rong Yuheng succinctly replied, “Old acquaintances. We once formed a strong friendship.”

The former paparazzi trio, upon hearing this, seemed to recall something and stiffened for a few seconds. Then, they nodded sincerely, “Indeed, a solid friendship…”

The bond forged by the black gold card was indeed unbreakable.

Shan Qi didn’t doubt it. After thanking them, Li Jiao quickly led the three to the shooting location, “Thank you for your help; you’ve done a great favor!”

One of them modestly waved his hand, “No problem. We owe today’s opportunity to Young Master Rong’s guidance.”

Rong Yuheng was instantly struck by the title. It felt as if he had entered a world constructed by Qiu Jianlun.

Before he could correct them, the photographer who was setting up suddenly stood up and walked a few steps towards them, “Are these the people you brought?”

The former paparazzi trio didn’t know what was happening and wore puzzled expressions, “Uh, what’s wrong?”

The photographer just wanted to act high and mighty but didn’t expect that they had indeed brought in reinforcements. He became both angry and anxious, “This is for promoting a brand, not just any random shoot with cats and dogs! If something goes wrong, who will take responsibility? I don’t want to be implicated by you.”

A soft murmur came from the trio of former paparazzi, “We used to be dogs, but not anymore…”

Rong Yuheng, “…”

Li Jiao, not known for his patience, was even more confident now with the reinforcements. He raised his chin and retorted to the photographer, “You also know this is for promotion. What kind of work have you done? Even our kid at home takes better selfies than you.”

The photographer, with a stiff neck, challenged Li Jiao, “My skills have been used to shoot photos for big shots like Qiao Tan. Do you dare to question me?”

Rong Yuheng’s expression became complicated, “… No, I question Teacher Qiao Tan.”

What made him make such a choice?

The former paparazzi trio, completely unaware of the situation, found themselves in an unexpected position—since they turned over a new leaf, they relied on connections and relationships for photography jobs. If they got a job, they took it; if not, they didn’t go out of their way to compete. This was the first time they encountered a situation that was about to turn violent!

They looked at Rong Yuheng, shivering… What’s going on? Nobody told them this before they came!

Why did they feel like they were being used to fill a hole again?

The gaze, mixed with accusations, pleas, worries, and confusion, was too conspicuous for Rong Yuheng to ignore. He could only try to reassure them, “It’s okay, just do your job, don’t mind him.”

The photographer then shifted the conflict back to Rong Yuheng, “Who do you think you are? Do you think you can call the shots here?”

Rong Yuheng, unusually irritated, furrowed his brows, “Why are you more unreasonable than Wen Zhecheng?”

The photographer’s boasting abruptly stopped, “…”

Then, he stared in disbelief. This newcomer dared to criticize Wen Zhecheng! He was finished!

Rong Yuheng added, “But Wen Zhecheng is much cuter than you.”

Team members: … This is a really sweet dose of dog food.

Photographer: What’s going on? Is this some kind of compensation? Too late!

“Then shoot by yourselves. I won’t accompany you.”

He packed up his equipment and walked out. Although he was forced to leave, he had to do it gracefully. Otherwise, how would his peers see him?

As the studio door slammed shut, the photographer thought, “Tomorrow’s hot search is set: STAR-T member acts arrogant, Bian Chen uses violence against a photographer, Rong Yuheng pulls down an actor…”

Heh, let them be arrogant now!

Inside the studio, with one spirited soul less, the air immediately became fresh and cheerful. Li Jiao turned to the lighting and styling team, saying, “Sorry for the delay, let’s start now.”

The stylist hummed lightly, walked over, and tidied up the team members’ clothes. Finally, he clapped his hands in satisfaction after evaluating the refreshed appearance of everyone. “Alright, let’s get to work!”

The retrained paparazzi, after completing the reshoot led by Shan Qi, edited the photos on the computer. The result was no less impressive than the previous group photo of six people.

Huang Jianing was especially delighted. He even put his arm around one of the paparazzi’s shoulders and asked, “How long have you been in this industry? You take great photos. Let’s exchange WeChat. I’ll introduce you to some suitable jobs next time!”

The blossoms of friendship quietly bloomed in the studio, and Rong Yuheng, as the sower, had a face covered with a loving and contented glow…

May one day the entertainment industry be as friendly and pure everywhere.

After all the members finished shooting, it was already 6 p.m. The three paparazzi were invited by Rong Yuheng, and although they were willing to volunteer as free labor for friendship, it was mealtime. It was only reasonable to treat them to dinner before they headed back.

After dinner, when STAR-T members returned to the dormitory, it was nearly 9 p.m.

Bian Chen and Zou Yi, yawning, prepared to freshen up and sleep. Huang Jianing was still extending the flame of friendship with the paparazzi on WeChat. Rong Yuheng was about to go upstairs when Tang Ji stopped him.

“Rong Rong… Is everything okay like this?” Tang Ji seemed a bit hesitant. “The photographer today didn’t seem too good.”

Though Tang Ji phrased it delicately, Rong Yuheng immediately understood what he meant. “Do you think he might retaliate against us?”

Tang Ji nodded. “He mentioned making Bian Chen trend, should we be cautious?”

Rong Yuheng reassured him, “Don’t worry too much. Jiao-ge will surely handle it. If it really trends…”

Tang Ji anxiously leaned forward, “What then?”

Rong Yuheng affectionately patted his head, “That’s when we rely on our background.”

Tang Ji, “…”

In the evening, after taking a shower, Rong Yuheng lay in bed and video called Wen Zhecheng.

Of course, this time it was a very pure kind.

“So, you directly replaced the photographer?” Wen Zhecheng praised after hearing Rong Yuheng’s account. “Truly my disciple, wise and courageous!”

Rong Yuheng wasn’t sure how seeking external help due to necessity became wise and courageous, but Wen Zhecheng rarely had the chance to shower him with rainbow farts, so he naturally wouldn’t refute in a dull manner.

Rong Yuheng made a comfortable humming sound and then said, “But I suspect he might have some follow-up tricks. We need to figure out how to handle it.”

Wen Zhecheng comforted him, “Don’t worry, no one can outsmart you.”

“…” Rong Yuheng looked meaningfully, “No need to be modest.”

A slight blush of embarrassment appeared on Wen Zhecheng’s face.

After a day of chaos, the two didn’t chat for long before ending the call. Rong Yuheng obediently covered himself with the blanket, turned off the lights, and closed his eyes…

He had a premonition that tomorrow would be another beautiful day.

The next day, the sun was warm, and the wind was gentle.

It was a good day for outings, gossiping, and enjoying a show.

STAR-T male group’s schedule for the day was to record an album at Fan Yu Entertainment. Not long after they left, Li Jiao received a call from the public relations team, saying that STAR-T was trending on Weibo, and the heat was continuing to rise.

Li Jiao checked Weibo, and indeed, it was about yesterday’s incident.

The photographer from yesterday had indeed taken photos of many A-list celebrities, and he had a considerable number of fans. There were many photos of him with celebrities on his Weibo.

The latest Weibo post, posted at 8 a.m. today, was full of insinuations and high-level white lotus behavior:

@JonLi-珅v: Nowadays, artists are becoming more arrogant. The lower their status, the bigger their temper. Sigh… I miss collaborating with big-name stars. Only teachers like that embody both virtue and talent.

Immediately, fans asked for clarification:

“Who is Jon talking about? Just name them directly. We don’t need to tolerate arrogant artists!”

“He’s right. The higher the status, the higher the quality. This is the difference between A-listers and lower-tier ones [thumbs up].”

“Suggest naming names! Let everyone see who has a big temper and acts arrogantly, so as not to deceive the audience on stage and off.”

Li Jiao angrily cursed as he read the Weibo post, “This Jon has the nerve to accuse others of being arrogant. Yesterday, he was constantly saying ‘just debuted’! And damn, talking about big-name stars with both virtue and talent. If he treated big-name stars the way he treated us yesterday, let’s see if they’d still be polite to him!”

Bian Chen glanced at Weibo, his lips curling in disdain. “Idiot.”

JonLi’s Weibo post didn’t name anyone specifically. The best approach at this point was to ignore it, so as not to inadvertently become a target. Li Jiao had decided to ignore it, but little did he know that JonLi’s next moves would escalate the situation further.

Once the heat from JonLi’s first Weibo post subsided in the comments, he began deflecting:

“Sigh… they are all popular rookies. I can’t afford to offend them. I won’t say more, won’t say more. [Sad]”

Fans’ sense of justice was instantly ignited:

“In this day and age, having popularity means you can do anything? Even abandon moral standards? Jon ge, tell us, we’ve got your back!”

With the support of fans, JonLi didn’t wait long before posting a second Weibo.

@JonLi-珅v: I’m not one to stir up trouble originally, but there are things I can’t tolerate. It’s not for myself, but for a certain male group that debuted less than a year ago. Yesterday, during a collective endorsement shoot, they were acting arrogantly, and a B member even resorted to violence… and they cursed people. Not just me, a R member even took the opportunity to belittle a certain W-surnamed movie emperor. They found another photographer themselves after I left… I couldn’t bear it and chose to leave. I’d rather not take this job than work with such a team.

JonLi’s exposure quickly gained attention! Initially, people were not very interested in the incident, but he had built up anticipation with the first post and then dropped a bomb about a certain W-surnamed movie emperor. In just a short ten minutes, the attention surpassed 600,000.

Fans followed the clues provided on Weibo and almost immediately identified the individuals involved.

“A male group that debuted less than a year ago with B and R members, isn’t that STAR-T?”

“STAR-T recently reunited and has been participating in various group activities, so it matches.”

“??? OMG, is this for real? I always felt that the members of their group were nice. I’m even a fan. How can they be like this in private?”

“W-surnamed movie emperor, besides WZC, who else could it be? Is he crazy to belittle my brother Zhecheng? He even hired another photographer, acting so high and mighty.”

At this moment, STAR-T members had just arrived downstairs at Fan Yu Entertainment. When they saw the Weibo, they almost burst out laughing! Especially the last sentence from JonLi, it was the pinnacle of shamelessness.

Li Jiao had already contacted the public relations team to prepare for clarification and debunking. However, since there were no audio or video recordings at the time, it was inevitable that a verbal confrontation would ensue.

In other words, the villain was the first to complain. If there was no concrete evidence to overturn the situation, STAR-T’s public image would be tarnished.

While Li Jiao and Shan Qi were discussing whether to seek help from Fan Yu Entertainment’s higher-ups, Rong Yuheng, who was nearby, suddenly pulled out his phone and started typing.

Others hadn’t realized what he was doing yet, but Tang Ji was the first to react. What did Rong Yuheng mean by “background” yesterday when he talked about fighting for the background?

He leaned over, “Rong Rong, what are you doing?”

Rong Yuheng, in high spirits, said, “I’ve been very well-behaved lately, and my Weibo account is back.”

Tang Ji, “… So?”

After Rong Yuheng finished speaking, he pointed sacredly at the screen —

@STAR—TRongYuhengv: I’ll admit to it. I’m the one who belittled a certain W-surnamed movie emperor @WenZhechengv [Cool] //@JonLi-珅v: I’m not one to stir up trouble originally, but there are things I can’t tolerate…

Tang Ji widened his eyes and couldn’t help but exclaim the first curse of his life, “What the…!”

Rong Yuheng was too bold! Whether it was directly confronting JonLi or mentioning Wen Zhecheng, who would do such a thing?

Other team members were initially shocked by Tang Ji’s “What the…!” and then gathered around to see the source of the transformation.

Soon after, all the members couldn’t help but shout, “Damn!”

Indeed, Rong Yuheng.

By reposting this Weibo, Rong Yuheng had directly confronted JonLi.

The fans across the internet were shocked by Rong Yuheng’s proactive admission, while also suspecting the authenticity of Rong Yuheng’s belittling of Wen Zhecheng. After all, these two had a genuinely good relationship, even to the extent of having half-opened cabinet doors!

For a moment, CP fans were both frightened and puzzled, unsure whether Rong Yuheng’s move was sweet or malicious…

But soon, a repost from Wen Zhecheng calmed all CP fans’ hearts, even directly pushing this post into the top ten trending on Weibo.

@WenZhechengv: “If you hadn’t belittled me, I wouldn’t have been unreasonable to you.”

Author’s note: Photographer: Belittling Wen Zhecheng, you’re done!

Wen Zhecheng: You’re the one who’s done.

Rong Yuheng: Haha…