Rong Yuheng wouldn’t be naive enough to think that when Wen Zhecheng mentioned “tying the wrist bone,” he was referring to some martial arts-style wrist protection technique—this person is definitely thinking of something dirty again!

He even suspected that before long, he would be able to see a genuine masterpiece on the fan site.

After ordering Wen Zhecheng to obediently change into a shirt and put on the tie, Rong Yuheng was satisfied and took a screenshot to save as their chat background.

It was already late, and Wen Zhecheng hadn’t showered yet. After admiring the shirt and tie, they were about to end the call. Wen Zhecheng, now more uninhibited due to the partial unveiling of his true nature, enticed Rong Yuheng as he was about to hang up, “Just keep it on, you’ve seen my bathroom before.”

Rong Yuheng gave him a cold glance and decisively ended the video call—well, was the purpose of the video call to let him see the bathroom? Wen Zhecheng was quite adept at changing the subject!

Suppressing the restless pet owner in an invisible way, Rong Yuheng, on a whim, opened the fan site. It had been a while since he last browsed it. What did Little Crystal grow into?

On the fan site, the tag “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” was still popular. Scrolling down the rankings, among the top ten fanfictions, three were “non-slanderous,” and two were “Yao Tai Jian Yue” parodies featuring the two in their “Plain Robes.”

Rong Yuheng’s heart skipped a beat: incredible! Who would have thought that half of the top rankings on the “Ze Cheng Yi Yu” overall list were commissioned by the main character!

The fanbase for the “non-slanderous” pseudonym had surpassed sixty thousand, a remarkable figure in the fanfiction community.

Rong Yuheng clicked into her profile, and with just a casual scroll, he saw words like “sleep” and “bed.” Unable to resist, he muttered a soft “damn” and quickly retreated.

Xun Guang’s writing was basically Wen Zhecheng providing inspiration, and it could be easily guessed that these words came from his hand!

Yao Tai, however, was different. Rong Yuheng gave her full creative freedom. Since the first commissioned work ended in disaster, Rong Yuheng didn’t allow Yao Tai to send him the illustrations anymore. Instead, he placed regular orders, and Yao Tai directly posted them on the fan site—

Anyway, the goal was to cultivate “Little Crystal”; whether he looked at it or not didn’t matter.

Now, with an attitude of checking the results, Rong Yuheng clicked into Yao Tai’s profile.

The latest short comic was posted three days ago, coded with holy light to prevent leaks. It was clear that it wasn’t anything serious!

The title of the short comic was “Phone,” and Rong Yuheng couldn’t help but frown. He had a feeling that things weren’t simple…

He cautiously extended a small finger, clicking into the Russian nesting doll-like external link. After breaking through layers and layers into the adult world, Rong Yuheng finally saw the true face of this set of comics—

Separated by distance, video calls, irresistible emotions, and roller coaster rides…

His face turned red in an instant! His mind buzzed from the impact.

Damn, damn, damn…! What kind of devilish scale was this? Moreover, it wasn’t just a comic; the crucial part was that Wen Zhecheng had actually done this yesterday. The shameful memories rushed back to his mind!

Rong Yuheng quickly escaped from the adult world, returning to Yao Tai Jian Yue’s profile.

The comics were posted three days ago, and Rong Yuheng, feeling his chest pounding rapidly, slowly calmed down. A bold yet logical speculation emerged in his mind:

Could it be that Wen Zhecheng was inspired by this?

The two-day transition period ended, and Rong Yuheng resumed his busy schedule.

STAR—T was preparing to record their second album, practicing dance and song these days. Since Rong Yuheng returned to acting, the team finally had the chance to assemble, and the fans were celebrating joyously.

Their team manager, Li Jiao, secured a noodle endorsement deal for them, with six flavors corresponding to the six members. Rong Yuheng was designated the “Tomato Beef” flavor of noodles. He had the fairest skin tone in the team, with naturally rosy lips, and he looked healthy and radiant. Against a red background, he appeared enticing.

They arrived at the studio around 2 PM. The brand manager was already waiting there, and upon seeing the six male group members, he quickly greeted the photography team and stylists to get ready.

Rong Yuheng and the others followed into the dressing room. After a few moments of preparing their makeup, when the six of them emerged, the brand manager’s eyes lit up—six members, each with their own style, and not a single one clashed with another.

The only similar pair was Zou Yi and Bian Chen, but Zou Yi exuded a more sunny temperament, and he looked a bit straightforward. On the other hand, Bian Chen gave off a cool vibe, as if he might exhale fragrance at any moment.

The first shots taken were a group photo of the team, intended for official announcements on Weibo. The photographer adjusted their poses, taking dozens of shots in succession before transferring them to the computer for post-processing.

When the final images appeared, the effect was not bad. The brand manager took a quick look and patted the photographer on the shoulder. “Okay, that’s good. You guys continue shooting; I have something to attend to this afternoon.”

Once the manager left, only the STAR-T group and the photography team remained in the studio. After finishing the group photo, they moved on to individual shots.

As the team captain, Shan Qi was the first to step forward for his solo shots. Rong Yuheng stood on the side, quietly observing.

Shan Qi had a relatively cool and elegant demeanor, with half of his eyes covered by his bangs, giving off a sharp impression. In reality, he was a warm and caring older brother, always taking care of the other team members. It created a cute contrast.

The camera shutter sounded like a series of “click, click,” and Rong Yuheng, halfway through his observation, furrowed his brows slightly—why did he feel like the photographer was being perfunctory?

Several times, the photographer took shots before Shan Qi could adjust his expression properly. The camera angles were also repetitive, with six or seven shots that hardly differed from each other. It was a stark contrast to when the brand manager was present.

Li Jiao, who was on the sidelines, noticed this too. He quickly approached to interrupt the photographer. “Excuse me, Mr. Photographer, should we adjust the angle a bit more for Shan Qi? Also, it seems like he wasn’t ready with his expression for some shots. Wouldn’t that affect the overall result?”

The photographer glanced at his camera and replied impatiently, “Are you the photographer, or am I?”

Li Jiao, who had initially spoken politely, was met with a brusque response. His temper flared up. “You are the professional here, so we’ll follow your lead. I won’t comment on the angle, but can’t you wait until the subject has adjusted their expression properly before taking the shot?”

The photographer sneered sharply. “Adjusting the expression is your artists’ job. I’m here for photography. If your professional qualities are not up to par, should I wait for you all afternoon? If I have to wait until everyone is ready, it’ll be a waste of time.”

Rong Yuheng couldn’t believe his ears:

Wait a minute, sir, did you just say that Shan Qi’s professional qualities are not up to par??

The other members of the group also had subtle changes in their expressions—Shan Qi was the highest-skilled member in their team. If his professional qualities were inadequate, then what about the rest of them?

Moreover, even a layman could see that the photographer’s attitude was perfunctory.

Unable to contain his temper, Bian Chen stepped forward, confronting the photographer. “What the hell, do you even know what attitude you’re giving off?”

Throwing his camera aside, the photographer retorted, “What attitude? I’ve photographed plenty of A-list celebrities. You guys who just debuted, what are you?”

Bian Chen muttered a curse and was about to grab the photographer’s collar when Rong Yuheng, who was closest to them, rushed over to stop Bian Chen.

Li Jiao was also taken aback. If an artist got physical, it would be a scandal! Regardless of who was right or wrong, they’d be criticized until they issued an apology statement.

Li Jiao and Rong Yuheng jointly restrained the agitated Bian Chen.

“Bian Chen, calm down!”

Shan Qi quickly approached, with the rest of the team forming a protective circle around him, attempting to shield the photographer’s irritating face to calm Bian Chen down.

The photographer, seemingly of a strange breed, continued to taunt Bian Chen despite the situation. “You dare hit me? I’ll make sure you trend on Weibo tomorrow!”

Bian Chen, on the verge of exploding, suddenly heard a light and joyful voice coming from under his armpit. “Bian Chen is finally going to trend?”

He looked down and met Rong Yuheng’s delighted face.

Bian Chen, “…”

Rong Yuheng and Bian Chen playfully exchanged punches. “Baba is happy for you. You’ve got natural flow now! You really don’t appreciate good intentions!”

The tense standoff turned into a chaotic scene reminiscent of elementary school kids fighting. The ignored photographer, standing outside the circle of people, fell into a momentary stupor.

No, he muttered to himself. Why did it turn out like this…?

The two novice combatants pecked at each other for quite a while until the stylist intervened, stopping them from escalating further. The stylist, wearing a pink jacket and small leather boots, spoke in a soft voice, yelling, “Hey! Stop fighting! You messed up your clothes!”

The two fighters simultaneously paused, turning their attention to the stylist.

Approaching with a few steps, the stylist, in a soft tone, walked over, and to discipline Rong Yuheng, gave his buttocks a solid pat, producing a loud “smack!”

“Look at this, your collar is all messed up!”

Rong Yuheng’s perky buttocks were patted, creating a concave and then a bounce. Every hair on his body seemed to stand on end—Hey, don’t act so coquettish!

Wait a minute, why am I talking like this?

Rong Yuheng quickly covered his buttocks and sidestepped, while Tang Ji, beside him, quietly reached over to fix Rong Yuheng’s collar.

In the silent moment, the photographer, who had been forgotten, seized the opportunity to assert his presence. He shouted, “Not shooting anymore, huh? Look at all of you, just debuted and already acting like you don’t understand humility. Fine, I won’t shoot anymore. Find someone else to do it!”

After saying this, he sat on a bench at the other end, hugging his camera, and started playing on his phone.

Rong Yuheng’s expression was quite surreal. Since a while ago, this photographer had been harping on the fact that they had just debuted, emphasizing his vast experience with A-list celebrities. Did he think that taking photos of them would tarnish his reputation?

Once the photographer left, the lights, props, and costumes were frozen in place. Was it really not happening? What were they supposed to do now?

Zhou Yi looked at Li Jiao. “Brother Jiao, what should we do?” He added quickly, “Let me say it first; I don’t want to apologize to someone like that.”

Li Jiao glanced at him deeply. “Why haven’t I seen you plan ahead like this before?” He knew he had blocked Zhou Yi’s words.

Zhou Yi scratched his head shyly. “Wisdom is for fighting against the forces of evil.”

Unable to resist, Rong Yuheng coolly remarked, “No wonder they say the higher the tower, the taller the devil.”

With your intelligence, you can’t compete.

“…” Zhou Yi fell silent.

The spectacle of an elementary school chicken fight was about to unfold again, but fortunately, Shan Qi came over, placing a hand on Zhou Yi’s shoulder and patting him. “Alright, let’s solve the immediate problem first.”

This photographer dared to act this way because he was hired by the brand. STAR-T had just been established, and they didn’t have many connections. Even if they did, they wouldn’t spend a lot of money to hire another photographer, only to have the photos end up in his hands. In the end, they would still have to apologize.

Huang Jianing asked, “Can’t we report this to the brand?”

Li Jiao replied, “I’ve heard of similar situations before, but photographers often have close relationships with the brands. In cases where the brand’s stance is unclear, it’s safer not to risk it.”

Shan Qi, whose family had connections in Fan Yu, knew some photographers. He hesitated before saying, “How about I make a call to ask? But if we want to change photographers, we might have to pay extra.”

Li Jiao said, “I’ve considered that too, but I feel it’s not worth it.”

The photographer on the other side, still sitting with his legs crossed on a chair, arrogantly glanced over at Rong Yuheng’s group, witnessing their tense situation.

Bian Chen, inadvertently catching sight of this, nearly rolled up his sleeves to charge at him again.

Rong Yuheng, lowering his head to fiddle with his phone, suddenly exclaimed, “Hey,” and grabbed the impulsive Bian Chen rushing towards him.

Staring at his phone, Rong Yuheng looked delighted. “It seems I’ve found some free labor.”

The others turned their heads. “…Huh?”

Author’s Note:

Rong Yuheng: Setting up a spectacle? Let’s start with a family photo.

Bian Chen: And then kick your mom out.

Huang Jianing: Huh? What are you guys talking about??

Rong Yuheng & Bian Chen: You’re the one who’s out of line~

*Ps. Check out Warm Teacher’s character setting (promotional copy): Stoic, mysterious, domineering! The collapse of character settings doesn’t exist; the initial appearance of a cold and aloof male god was a deception—[Roar] This is called a return to character setting~