Chapter 162 - Buy Your Love

Alex leads Caroline to the garden beside the swimming pool.

Greg was sitting comfortably in one of the lounge chairs, his gaze was fixed on the calm water on the pool. His eyes sparkled with happiness after seeing his beloved woman. "Caroline...! You're here! Thank God!" he exclaimed happily.

This time, Caroline smiled genuinely for her ex-boyfriend. She has to focus on his good sides before all this happened, he was good to her during their relationship in the province, before his heart was corrupted with darkness due to his illness and desperation.

"How are you doing?" she asked him casually and sat on the opposite chair, facing him.

"I'm fine...I...I'm always waiting for your visit," he said teary-eyed. The happiness he felt right now was overflowing in his heart.

"Did you drink your medicine every day?" she inquired trying to feel a little bit of concern for his poor condition.

"Yes! I drink my medicine every day... 'coz I want to live longer so that I can see you," he said with glowing determination flashing in his eyes.

"Alright, you do that," she responded.

They engaged in a pleasant conversation.


Alex watched as Caroline was conducting the conversation with her brother in a cheerful manner. For him, that is good enough.

Maybe, if his brother was not involved with selling illegal drugs, they might already be married a long time ago.

But it's too late now to think of that possibility. His brother Greg has chosen the wrong path, if he only stopped and reformed his life, he would never lose the woman he loves with all his heart.

Just that... people made mistakes in their lives, and sometimes the consequences of those mistakes are dire and life-changing.

Too bad, if he was only able to find his brother early, he could have turned his life for the better.

Anyways, past is past, no need to torture himself with what could have been.

He turned around and ambled towards the living room. He will wait for his sister Allison there.

Alex sat on the sofa and turn on the remote control of the television. He settled watching an international news broadcasting live as of the moment.

Fifteen minutes later.

The sound of the vehicle stopping in front of the house can be heard from the living room.

Alex muted the television.

A smiling Allison entered the living room. "Hi bro, I dropped by on the bakery and bought my favorite Black Forest Cake!" she said. She put the box of cake in the center table.

"What is that for—? What's the occasion?" he asked.

Allison smiled. "Let's celebrate tonight because sister-in-law is here!" she grinned.

"Huh? Are you crazy? Why are you calling Caroline as your sister-in-law?" he asked feeling confused as hell.

Allison erupted into peals of laughter, thoroughly amused by the reaction she saw on her brother's face. "Never mind... just ignore my ramblings," she said.

"Can you please stop fantasizing that Caroline will marry Greg. She just got married to another guy recently. That should wake you up from your fantasy," he scolded her.

"Whatever..." Allison shrugged. "Where are they—?"

"They're chatting in the pool area," answered Alex, he unmutes the television to resume watching the news.

Allison climbs the stairs to put her shoulder bag in the guest room.

Alex called for the housemaid to put the cake to the dining table.

"Bring the cake to the dining table," he ordered.

"Yes Sir!" The housemaid obeyed, she picked up the box containing the cake inside with her right hand and left the living room.

Allison descended the stairs and sat on the sofa. She watched the news silently together with her brother.

One hour later.

"Sir...Madam... the dining table is ready for dinner," the housemaid announced.

Allison rose to her feet. "I'll go to the garden and inform the love birds that dinner is ready," she said.

Alex nods his head.

Allison exited the living room and walked on the garden path.

She found Caroline and Greg sharing a good laugh. A pleasant smile appeared on her lips. She was delighted upon seeing her bother's smiling face... which rarely happens nowadays.

"Hi, guys... sorry to interrupt your conversation... I just want to inform you that dinner is ready. Let's go to the dining room!" Allison said cheerfully.

"Alright," Greg stood up.

Caroline rose to her feet and followed the siblings inside the house.

Alex arises from the sofa after seeing the trio walking towards the dining room.

They all settled around the dining table.

Alex took a seat beside Allison while Greg was seated beside Caroline.

Allison looked at her companions. "Let's eat!" she said.

They began eating in silence.

Caroline eats the foods with a good appetite. The dishes taste delicious and mouthwatering. It would be a waste if she won't enjoy her meal.

No one bothers to talk... so they just focus on eating.

One hour later.

Allison cut the cake and give everyone two slices of cake on the serving plate.

Done eating the cake.

They retired in the living room.

"Guys, as much as we enjoyed your company, Caroline and I have to leave," Allison announced.

Greg's reaction was that of instant sadness. "When are you coming back to visit me again, Car?" he inquired.

Caroline looked at her ex-boyfriend. "Maybe next week..." she responded.

Greg was feeling happy with Caroline's statement. "Okay, I'm looking forward to your next visit," he said with a smile.

Alex and Allison witnessed their brother's happy countenance.

Caroline can make their brother happy.

Alex stared at Caroline's face. Too bad Caroline can not be bought with money, because if that's the case, he would take that route. He can buy anything for his brother's happiness, money is never the problem, unfortunately, the woman Greg loves is already married.

"Alright, we will go now," Allison stood up and walked towards the door.

Caroline followed Allison outside.

The two brothers also went outside and watched the girls entered their vehicle.

Caroline waved her hand at the brothers.

Alex and Greg waved back.

The brother watched as the women's car exited the gate and disappeared from their eyes.

"She's a beauty, isn't it?" Greg spoke all of a sudden.

"Huh?" Alex looked at his brother.

"Caroline is my beloved woman. I don't want her marrying another guy. If possible, can you marry her for me after I passed away?" he asked his older brother.

"B-but...I'm already married brother...just in case you forgot about that," he pointed out.

"Where is your wife...then? Why she's not living here with you at your house? You and your wife have been estranged for a long time. Annulled your marriage with your wife and then marry Caroline. If I can't marry Caroline because of my illness, then you should fulfill my request in this lifetime," he declared.

Alex was stupefied. His brother's request is getting outrageous.

"And also get her pregnant for me, I want to see your babies with her, one or two will do," Greg added nonchalantly.

"What—? Are you serious, bro?" he asked his sibling in disbelief.

Greg took a deep breath. "It's originally my plan to marry Caroline and raised a family with her. But since I can no longer do it and I don't want to burden Caroline. I just prefer that she will end up with you and not with another guy. At least if I can't materialize my goal and plan with her when I'm still alive because of my poor condition, then you can do it for me after I die," he said.

Alex was at a loss of words on what to say to his brother.

After a few minutes of thinking about his brother's outrageous demands... he decided that he can make things happen for his brother just to make him happy by agreeing to all his request but not going through all the steps in reality.

"Alright, if that's your request, I'll do it," he finally said.

Greg scrutinized his brother's face. "Y-you would do it for me?"

"Yes, why not? Through me, your plan for Caroline can happen. But as you can see, she has the final say... I can't force her if she doesn't want to marry me and have my babies," Alex said.

"But you have your resources, you can make things happen," Greg insisted.

"Brother, even if I have the resources I won't force her. I will offer her marriage after you passed away, but if she refused then there's nothing I can do about it. I don't want a forced marriage with anyone. I want the woman to agree in marrying me," Alex remained adamant on his decision.

Greg released a deep sigh, truly disappointed with his brother's remarks. "You can court her, make her fall in love with you..." he suggested.

Alex snorted. "That woman hates me so..." he reasoned out.

Greg wants his older brother to pursue the woman he loves after his death. "But you can at least try. Don't say you don't want to... just tell me that you will try to win her over when the time comes. If you say yes... then I'm happy and satisfied," he said.

Alex stared at his toes and released a deep sigh. If saying yes can shut up his brother then he might as well give him false hope right now. "Okay, I'll try courting her after you passed away," he finally said.

Greg smiled. "That's great! Now I can have peace of mind."

Alex was shaking his head.

Greg looked at him. "What's wrong, brother?"

"Nothing...I'll go now to my room," Alex said. He turned around, entered the house, and climbs the stairs.

Greg was following him from behind, going to his room.

Inside Alex's bedroom.

He went to his bed and lie down.

He closed his eyes for a moment, thinking of what Greg had told him earlier. His brother wants him to marry Caroline after he passed away. But what his brother doesn't know is that Caroline is already a married woman.

Besides, he is a married man too.

But his brother doesn't have to know the truth or he might die too quickly due to severe heartbreak. He doesn't want to upset him.

His brother is acting like a spoiled brat though.

Agreeing to Greg's request, for now, is the best course of action just to humor him.

He will worry about the possible outcome later on... once the wheel of motion is finally unfolding in their lives.