Chapter 161 - Arrogance

The couple exited the car.

They entered the airport terminal.

"Sweetie...take care of yourself. I'll call you later after I landed in Cebu City. Bye my love," he said and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Bye hubby..." Caroline replied.

"I'll go now, talk to you later," he said and turned around heading to the departure lobby.

Caroline watched as her husband entered the lobby.

She turned around and went back to the parking area to get Mike's vehicle.

Once inside the vehicle, she exited the airport's premises and drive the car towards Eastwood Subdivision.

She arrived at her house thirty minutes later.

Everyone greeted her with a smile.

"Daughter, where is Mike?" Thelma asked.

"He's on a business trip to Cebu City. He will return a few days later for our honeymoon," she explained.

"Oh my baby, did you miss mama?" she said.

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Baby Cathy squealed in delight upon seeing her mother.

She smiled and took her daughter from her mother's arms. She showered her daughter's face with light feathery kisses. "Mama, miss you so much!"

"I'll go upstairs, Mother dear. But I'll go out two hours later. I need to go somewhere. I just want to bond with my daughter for a few hours," she informed her.

"Okay," replied Thelma.

Caroline climbs the stairs and went inside her bedroom.

She went to the bed and placed baby Cathy on her lap and turn on the television so that her daughter can watch her favorite nursery rhymes.

She fished out her phone from her shoulder bag and placed a call for Allison.

"Caroline..." answered Allison.

"Allison, I'm coming to your house after two hours," she informed her.

"Okay, why don't you just head straight to my brother Alex's house and visit my brother Greg for at least one hour. Then after that we can go to my house or go somewhere private and have a chat?" suggest Allison.

"Sure. I'll call you if I'm already heading to Alex's house," Caroline responded.

"Alright, see you later, girl," Allison said and ended the call at her end.

Caroline placed the phone on the bedside table and bonded with her daughter.


In Allison's mansion.

After talking to Caroline on the phone, she started dressing up wanting to go to her brother's mansion right away.

She wanted to surprise her brother Greg personally... that his beloved woman will visit him today.

She placed a call to Alex on her phone.

"Ali..." Alex's voice said.

"Bro, where are you?"

"I'm still at my office. Why?"

"Prepare a hearty dishes for our visitor, she will come to your house tonight," she said.

"Huh? W-who is the visitor?" he asked in confusion.

"It's no other than yours truly, Caroline!" she revealed excitedly.

"What—? Are you kidding me?" he asked in disbelief. "She just recently married her boyfriend and now she was visiting her ex-boyfriend? That doesn't sound right to me," he argued.

Allison laughed. "Brother dear... stop asking questions and just do my request and stop wondering about things. There are things you don't know about Caroline. But anyway, I don't want to reveal much. All I wanted you to do is instruct the cook to prepare at least three to four special dishes for tonight. I want Caroline to spend dinner with us... as a family," she explained.

Alex fell silent for a moment.

"Brother, are you still there?" Allison asked wondering why her brother was no longer answering her.

"Yeah, I'm still here. Alright, I will notify the cook to prepare special dishes for dinner tonight," he finally said.

"Tell Greg to be prepared because Caroline will visit him tonight and she will stay for dinner," she added.


"That's all bro! See you later," Allison bid goodbye.

She put her phone inside her shoulder bag and exited her room going downstairs to the garage area to get her car.

She saw his minion Owen sitting in the living room watching a television show.

"Madam, you want me to drive the car for you or fix your hairdo?" asked Owen.

Allison shook her head. "Not today. I'm just going to my brother's house."

"Madam, can I go out with my friends tonight?" Owen asked permission.

"Your day off is on Saturday, but okay you can go. Be back before midnight!" she reminded him of the curfew hours in her house.

"Of course! I'll be back before midnight, Madam," Owen replied cheerfully.

Allison resumed walking, exiting the living room, and going to the garage.

She entered her vehicle, started the engine, and exited the gate... going to her brother's place.


Inside Alex's office.

He was staring at his phone for a long time.

A line appeared between his brows. Caroline is acting strange!

Why would a married woman visit her ex-boyfriend?

Wow, he got a headache all of a sudden analyzing Caroline's weird behavior lately.

But then...he also realized that maybe... she will visit his brother for the last time. That might be the reason for her visit. So, why should he make a big deal out of it?

He will go home early tonight. For some strange reason... he felt a sudden excitement exploding in his heart. He's excited to see Caroline again!

There's nothing wrong seeing a married woman? Right?

It's not that he was planning to molest her.

Damn, what he's thinking! He raked his hands on his hair.

He rose to his feet and wore his navy blue stylish jacket, then he put his phone in the pocket of his jacket.

He will go home early to see her.

He needs to talk to her first before his brother does.

He exited his office.

A few minutes later, he was now driving his car heading to his house.


Eastview Subdivision.

Caroline watched as her daughter's eyelids start dropping, she finally had fallen asleep. She put baby Cathy in her crib.

Thelma entered the bedroom. "You may go now. I'll take care of baby Cathy while you're outside," she said.

"Thanks, Mother," replied Caroline.

She took her shoulder bag and exited the bedroom going downstairs.

In the garage, she entered her car, not her husband's car. She will be using her car to go to Alex's house. Before she inserted the car key into the ignition, she typed a message first to Alison informing her that she's on her way to her brother's house, finished with typing, she sent the message to Allison and dropped her phone inside her shoulder bag.

She started the engine of the car and exited the gate of her house, going out of the subdivision and driving safely in the busy highway heading to her destination.

Thirty-five minutes later.

She arrived outside the mansion and the guard recognized her face, he opened the gate right away based on the property owners' instruction.

Caroline drives her car and entered the gate.

She parked her car in front of the house and stopped the engine.

She saw Alex in front of the house looking handsome as ever... her brows furrowed... was he waiting for her?

She exited the car and dropped her car keys inside her shoulder bag.

Alex went to her side.

"Nice seeing you again in my humble abode dear Caroline!" he said the words excitedly. His eyes were shining with hidden meaning.

Caroline raised a brow. "I'm not here for you!" she retorted dryly. Then she realized that she shouldn't treat Alex bitchily since she'll be staying in his house and eat his foods in the coming days. He will be feeding her literally. Damn!

She doesn't want to be on his bad side.

She musters a bright smile for his benefits. "Hi, Alex... how are you?"

Alex saw the sudden shift of her expression and attitude... from cold to friendly. Well, he can't blame her though. She must be suffering in some kind of internal struggle. Caroline has never been friendly towards him.

"I'm fine Caroline... how about you? How are you feeling after getting married to your boyfriend the other day?" he asked.

Caroline's eyes narrowed. 'How did he know?' she asked herself.

"How did you know?" she uttered the words aloud.

Alex shrugged. "Well, I happened to have a business meeting with a business associate on the night of your wedding reception inside the Monte Carlo Hotel. I just happened to drop by and saw you and Mike's photo outside the venue. Out out of curiosity I was able to enter the venue and saw with my two eyes that you finally married him. I must say...Congratulation on your wedding!" he said.

"So... you're the one who informs Allison about the wedding?" she asked.

Alex looked at her face closely. "Yeah. Since you and my sister are now best friends, I'm just wondering why you didn't invite her to your wedding?"

Caroline released a deep sigh. "None of your business..." she said in a low voice trying hard not to offend him.

Alex sighed. He would always provoke her snobby attitude, when is the time she would get cordial with him, at least.

He looked at her fingers and saw the wedding ring...

Caroline followed where his gaze landed, on her wedding ring. She hides her finger.

"If you're here to visit my brother... can you please take that ring off your finger for a few hours? You may wear it again after you leave the house. This is to ensure that my brother doesn't know the truth that you already married somebody else. It can be painful and traumatic for him during this stage. He shouldn't know about the truth..." said Alex.

Caroline looked at her wedding ring and reluctantly took it off her finger, she put it inside the pocket of her shoulder bag.

"Good girl. Next... you might as well mute your phone or turn it off completely for the time being while you're inside my house. Just to prevent your husband from calling you while you're talking to my brother," he suggested.

Caroline complied with his suggestion, he got a point though. She fished out her phone from her shoulder bag and turn the mobile phone off. If Mike will call, she will just tell him that her phone was low battery and she didn't notice it.

"Happy now?" she asked him.

Alex grinned. "That's my girl! I love it when you follow all my commands. I like a submissive girl in my bed," he whispered in her ear, teasing her. Damn! he can't help himself.

Caroline's eyes widened and blushed for some reason she couldn't understand. When he whispered those words and his breath reached her ear, she experienced tingling on her skin. Eh? What the hell is that!?

His eyes twinkled and chuckled. "Ah, no need to blush, dear Caroline. I'm just joking..."

"Stop harassing me!" she protested angrily.

Alex erupted into a burst of throaty laughter. "I'm sorry dear. I'm not harassing you...I'm just joking. Anyways, I'm serious now," he said and his face went blank.

Caroline sighed inwardly and shut off her eyes for a moment.

Alex smiled again and addressed her formally. "Nice seeing you again, dear Caroline. Welcome back to my humble abode! Let's get inside the house 'coz my brother is already waiting for you," he said and lead the way towards the living room.

Caroline followed him inside, feeling glad that their uncomfortable conversation ended right away 'coz there's something about Alex that she didn't like. Maybe it's his arrogance or something else that she doesn't want to put a name on it.