Chapter 160 - The Women's Secret

The next day.

Allison arrived in her brother Alex's mansion.

She was about to go to the garden, Greg's favorite place when he was intercepted by her brother.

"Ali...come to my study room...I have something to tell you," Alex said.

"What is it?" asked Allison looking at her brother's serious face.

"I'll tell you after we're inside the study room," he replied.

They went back to the living room and climbs the stairs towards the study room located on the second floor.

Allison raised her brows, inside her mind, she was asking why her brother become secretive all of a sudden.

A moment later.

The siblings entered the study room and closed the behind them.

Allison lowered herself on the sofa.

Alex sat opposite his sister.

"Are you going to talk to Greg?" he asked.

"Yes...why?" she asked.

"From now on don't mention Caroline to our brother anymore," he said.

"Why?" Allison asked in confusion.

Alex released a deep sigh. "Caroline got married to her boyfriend yesterday..."

Alison's eyes went saucer-like. "What—?" she blurted in a loud voice.

"Yeah...I was able to get inside the wedding reception held in the Monte Carlo Hotel. From what I heard from one of the guests, they tie the knot on a civil wedding ceremony on the same day," Alex revealed.

Allison's eyes darkened instantly. She gritted her teeth in anger. Hmm, that woman is trying to discard their agreement by marrying her boyfriend! She was fuming inside. This can't be!

Alex saw his sister's nostrils flaring in anger. He was wondering why Ali is reacting this way? She looks furious right now.

"Why are you angry, Ali?" he asked curiously.

Allison shook her head. "Nothing..." she said, shrugging. "So... you brought me here in your study room just to tell me that?"

"Yes. I want you to stop mentioning Caroline's name to Greg. And don't ever tell him that Caroline got married to her boyfriend yesterday. As much as possible, let's keep him in the dark, let's spare him the detail. I don't want him to suffer so much pain after hearing the news," Alex said sadly.

Allison took a deep breath. This is not good! he promised to Greg that she can make Caroline stay with them. And now that girl can't stay beside her dying brother because she's already a married woman. What Caroline is trying to do? Is she trying to make her angry? She didn't even bother to text or call her to inform her about the wedding!

She sighed deeply trying to control her rage inside.

"Ali, I don't know what your plan is. But all I know is that you are trying to humor our dying brother and give him everything he wants and needs while he's still slive. I have to remind you that Caroline is now a married woman, you can no longer force her to visit Greg anytime you want her to. Just leave Caroline alone—okay?"

Allison was shaking her head, not agreeing with her brother. "But Caroline promise me that she will stay here with us to serve Greg! Marrying her boyfriend was never part of our agreement!" she said furiously.

Alex brows furrowed together upon hearing the word...AGREEMENT.

"Huh? What kind of agreement you forced Caroline into?" he asked in bewilderment.

Allison breathed deeply. "Something happened...that is why we have this agreement. I'm sorry dear brother, I can't reveal the deal I have with her as of this moment. I still need to talk with Caroline for the last time. Don't worry... I won't force her..." she said.

Alex knew how her sister's mind works. Allison can be cunning and manipulative if she put her heart onto something...

"Ali, listen to me. Whatever the deal you had with Caroline, it's already over. Give it up, leave that woman alone!" he ordered.

Allison looked at him hard in the eyes and smiled. "Brother dear... don't worry. I'll know when to back off if the situation is not in my favor. But right now..." her voice trailed off.

She was about to tell her brother that she still can convince Caroline to live with them but she needs to be sure first.

She will call Caroline now!

She wants to hear her explanation.

She placed a call to Caroline.

Ah, she changed her mind. She would just text her first.

Allison typed her message... ' got married yesterday at a civil wedding ceremony and held your wedding reception in Monte Carlo Hotel. You didn't even inform me or invite me. I'm upset and sad. Aren't you going to honor our deal?'... she sent the message to Caroline.

"What are you doing!?" Alex asked.

"Typing and sending a message to my dear friend Caroline..." she grinned.

A creased appeared on Alex's forehead. "What is the message for? Are you going to harass that poor girl?"

"Harassing her? Hell no! I just want to remind her of her promise to me," she responded.

Alex was dismayed with his sister's secretive attitude. "Can you tell me now, what is this deal you made with Caroline?"

He wants to know the truth. He doesn't like it when he was being kept in the dark.

"Don't worry brother... you will know about it... but not right now. Don't meddle so much in my affairs," she warned him and smiled a little.

Allison's ringtone message filled the air, a signal of an incoming text. She looked at her phone inbox, she smiled upon seeing that Caroline replied to her immediately.

She was grinning in triumph after reading her message. She feels that... she wants to brag Caroline's message to her brother.

"I told you! Here...I want you to read her reply to me," Allison said and eagerly placed her phone on her brother's hands.

Alex read the message that comes from Caroline...

'Sorry, I will explain everything about the wedding. I'll see you today or tonight. Our deal will continue as it is. I'll find a way to get out of this mess somehow. See you soon!'

Alex read Caroline's message five times. Based on his analysis of Caroline's message, she hinted on something... a mess... meaning she was in a difficult situation. He looked at his sister hard in the eyes. "Did you blackmail her?"

Allison released a deep sigh and shakes her head. "It's a long story brother... One day you will know everything. Just not right now, not the right moment yet to let you know what happened..." she said.

What will be his brother's reaction if he will discover that his ex-girlfriend Brenda was killed by the woman he was attracted to?

Well... she doesn't want to stress herself out thinking what's going to happen if her brother will know about the truth. She was sure, her brother will bring Caroline to the police station right away the moment he will know what happened on that tragic night.


Alex was dumbfounded. He was lost with words on what to say anymore. If his sister won't tell her anything then maybe, Caroline will confide to him if he will ask her about the deal she made with his sister.

Allison rose to her feet. "I won't stay long because I'll still need to meet Caroline later. I'll go now downstairs to see our brother and talk to him for a few minutes before leaving," she said.

She looked at her brother. "Anything" she asked him before she will leave the room.

Alex was shaking his head, totally dismayed by his sister's refusal to tell him the truth. But she knows his sister well... she will confide to him sooner or later. He could wait for that specific right time that she was talking about, but, dammit! the suspense is killing him. He wanted to know what the women were hiding from him?


"Alright, you may go now," Alex replied with a deep sigh.

Allison shook her head, she knows what's going on in her brothers' mind. 'It's better that you don't know what happened to Brenda,' she said to herself.

She sauntered towards the door and left the room.

Alex was now alone in the study room pondering about the two women. Should he hire someone to tail the women and find out their secrets? Or he will just wait for the time that his sister will explain everything to him?

Hmm... he will think about that issue in the coming days.

If the waiting is killing him, he will hire a private investigator to uncover the women's secret.

For now... he will just observe from a distance and let the situation unfolds slowly before his very eyes... then he will decide later if the women's secrets are worth uncovering.

He stood up and left the study room, going to his bedroom to take a shower and get ready to report to his office.


Allison went to the garden and saw her brother sitting on the lounge chair, watching the flowers while sporting a gloomy expression on his face.

"Brother, how's your morning?" she asked him cheerfully.

Greg looked at his sister's face. "My morning is the same, sister. I'm still lonely and sad. I miss Caroline so much! When is she coming back to visit me?" he asked wistfully.

"Hopefully soon, brother. I'll try to ask her if she has free time this week. I'll try my best to convince her to visit you one of these days, okay?"

"Thank you, sister!" Greg was smiling now. For he believes that his sister will always find a way to bring Caroline to visit him. Because of that reason he was very grateful for her support and love.

"Have you eaten breakfast already?" Allison asked him.

Greg nods his head. "Yes. I'm done with breakfast three hours ago. Would you stay here with me until lunch?"

Allison smiled brightly at her brother. "Sure!"

She sat down beside her brother and they engaged in a lively conversation.

Alex went to the garden and informed them that he will report to his office and he will come back at noon to join them during lunchtime.