Chapter 132 - No Way Out!

Brenda was in the process of cutting the duct tape out of her captive's hair but Caroline kept struggling, she pressed her head on the hard floor. "Lay still or I will cut your ear!" she hissed.

Caroline obeyed and lay still.

Brenda was about to continue cutting the duct tape when her phone starts ringing...she looked at her phone in the corner muttering a string of profanities under her breath.

She paused what she's doing and walked to the corner to get her phone. She dropped the knife on the floor and picked up her phone. She checked the caller...

"Hello Vera, why are you calling me!?" Brenda asked in an irate voice.

"Why you are not answering my messages? What is keeping you busy? What are you doing?" asked Veralyn in a worried tone.

"I'm at the warehouse about to pour acid on Caroline's face and you are disturbing me!" she yelled on the phone.

"What—!?" Veralyn asked in shock. "I told you not to do something stupid to Caroline! Stop! what are you planning to do to her!" she shouted desperately on the phone.

"And — why should I listen to you?" Brenda asked indignantly.

"Because that warehouse was rented by my name, whatever crime you are going to commit inside that place I will be implicated on it! So, please think carefully!" Veralyn shouted while Owen was listening intently to their conversation in the background.

Owen sent a message to his Madam informing her that Brenda kidnapped Caroline and brought her to the warehouse outside the city.

Back in the warehouse.

Brenda was facing the entrance of the warehouse still talking to her lesbian lover.

While the lovers continue bickering on the phone...

Caroline was able to crawl closer to the acid and knocked the bottle down resulting in the contents spilling on the cement floor. She was freeing herself from the rope that binds her moment in time is all that she needs!

That was also the moment Brenda glanced at Caroline's location upon hearing the bottle falling into the floor, she was horrified to see that the acid was already spilled on the floor!

"Dammit!" Brenda screamed in rage.

"Brenda, what is it!?" Veralyn asked in alarm.

"Because of you! I was distracted and Caroline managed to knock the acid down with her feet and it's now spilled on the floor! Now I have to kill this woman!" Brenda said indignantly.

"Brenda, listen to me don't do it! You will end up in jail because of killing Caroline!" Veralyn continues to convince Brenda in a hysterical voice.

"Shut up! You talk too much!" Brenda hissed on the phone, due to sheer anger she smashed her phone on the floor.

With her consciousnesses already overcome with rage...

Brenda sprinted to the corner, picked up the knife and charged at Caroline meant to stab her heart...

Without Brenda's knowledge, Caroline already freed her hands from the rope and delivered a swift kick to Brenda's stomach the moment the deranged woman lunged at her.

Brenda fall into the floor and Caroline jumped on top of her, she swiftly reached for the knife that landed a few inches from their heads and without hesitation, Caroline stabbed the knife into Brenda's heart.

Brenda's eyes widened in shock while staring at Caroline's eyes in horror, the moment she realized that the knife was already lodged on her heart, she knows that she was a goner. Reality sinks in, she's going to die anytime soon if there's no help in sight.

"Please...don't kill me...I don't want to the ambulance..." Brenda pleaded, then slowly the light was fading away from her eyes, and darkness took over her senses.

Caroline stared at the dying woman in horror!

She has no intention of killing the woman, she was just protecting herself by fighting back through self-defense but she accidentally stabbed the woman in the heart.

Oh my God!

What's she's going to do now?

She just killed a person!

She's a murderer!

Panicking, she crawled towards the woman's cellphone wanting to use it to call the ambulance.


In Allison's mansion.

She was getting out of the bathroom for a quick shower just wearing her bathrobe.

She heard the sound of the car getting out of the gate, she rushed to the window trying to see who is leaving the house in the middle of the night?

She unlocks her phone and saw several messages from Owen.

She was shocked while reading his messages...what the hell!

Brenda kidnapped Caroline planning to pour acid on her face.

She called her minion on the phone. "Owen, ready the car! I will be down in a few seconds, let's follow Veralyn!" she dropped her phone in the bed.

Allison went to the closet and hurriedly donned her underwear, bra, shirt, and pants on her body in just a matter of seconds.

She picked up her shoulder bag, went to the drawer of her cabinet, and picked up her pistol with a built-in silencer, and placed it inside her shoulder bag along with her cellphone and wallet. She put a black baseball cap on her head then snatched her black leather jacket from the cabinet and sauntered towards the door.

She exited the bedroom in a hurry, went downstairs, and entered the waiting car in front of the house.

Owen drives the car towards the open gate and zoomed passed it.

"Owen, do you know where Veralyn is going and where Brenda took Caroline?" asked Allison.

Owen pondered for a moment.

"Veralyn mentioned of a warehouse that was leased under her name outside the city proper," Owen answered. "That, if I'm not mistaken. I just eavesdrop on their conversation," he added. "Do we have to involve the police, Madam?"

Allison shook her head. "No. We should not get the law enforcer involved on this," she said with finality in her voice.

Allison took her phone from her bag and called Veralyn.

Veralyn answered the call.

"Veralyn! Where are you?" Allison asked urgently.

"I'm going to the warehouse, Madam! Brenda is going to kill Caroline and she wasn't listening to me!" Veralyn answered in a hysterical voice.

"Calm down, Veralyn! We're following you. Stop wherever you are right now. You don't have to do this alone. Owen and I will help you convince Brenda to let go of Caroline. Do you understand me?"

"Y-yes Madam! I'm stopping now at the FuelR Gasoline Station to wait for you," Veralyn responded.

"Good girl! Just stay there and wait for us. We'll go to the warehouse together and settle this problem," Allison said softly and ended the call.

She placed a call to Caroline's phone, it's out of a coverage area.

In her mind, Allison already anticipated the worse, she was imagining that by the time they arrive at the warehouse, Caroline's face was already burned by the acid and she was currently crying in agony right now while Brenda was laughing at Caroline's tragic condition.


Back in the warehouse.

Caroline tried to make the phone work but it was already broken and won't open, dammit, she can't make a call on it.

Caroline was crying while rummaging on the bag. She was feeling ecstatic after discovering her phone inside... she immediately wanted to call someone on her phone...but her fingers halted midway because she was confused whom to call first?

Should she call Mike?

Should she call her mother Thelma or call 911?

She calmed herself for a moment.

She looked at Brenda's dead body that she stabbed earlier, the woman was no longer moving, a pool of blood can be seen on the cemented floor beside her.

She's already dead.

Which means she will go to prison for killing the woman.

No, she doesn't want to go to prison and spend her life behind bars, she had a good life! She can't sacrifice all that and live in jail for many years.

It's one dark future that she's going to face, people will look at her differently after knowing that she had killed someone. Her life will never be the same again.

How will Mike think of her after knowing the truth?

But she killed that woman for self-defense!

People will understand!

It doesn't matter anymore.

She was also aware that some innocent people are paying for the crimes that they didn't commit in jail. She was afraid that the law will sentence her behind bars.

She was afraid of living a dull life in prison without freedom.

Right now, she doesn't want to go to the police station and admit the crime she committed today!

She has to think of another plan.

She will flee from this place and go back to her house and continue to live her life normally. Since nobody saw her stabbed the woman, and there's no witness, she is free to go. No matter what happens she won't admit to the crime.

She gathered all her belongings and dumped them in the woman's bag including her phone, car keys, and everything.

She needs to bring the knife with her as well and hides it somewhere because it has her fingerprints.

She sauntered towards the corpse...

Where is that woman who disguised that she was a city health care representative in her house? That woman must be Brenda's accomplice!

Then she remembered that Daniel once told her that he broke up with the woman who poured the wine on her head.

So, Brenda tried to kill her just because Daniel broke up with her?

What a silly immature reason!

She will bring with her everything that has her fingerprints, she was about to take the knife away from Brenda's chest but she heard the sounds of cars approaching the place.

Oh, God!

Who are the newcomers? Are they the police officers who come to arrest her? Then she remembered that Brenda was talking and arguing with someone on the phone before she fatally stabbed her on the chest.

Was that person that Brenda was talking to earlier comes with the police officers to arrest her?

Then she remembered that she still has to flee from the place...dammit!...she's caught!

She froze in panic.

She looked around her and saw her car!

Her car!

She reached for her car keys inside the bag.

Due to shock and confusion, she felt earlier, she only realized now that her car was inside the warehouse! She looked around her, there's no other door to pass through, only the front door!


She was cornered... no way out!

Then the door of the warehouse opened slowly...