Chapter 131 - Lethal Blow

Three hours later.

At 9:00 in the evening.

A car arrives and was parking in front of Caroline's house.

Julie's phone starts vibrating signaling of a call, she answered it. "Brenda, where are you?"

"I'm parking the car in front of the house, hurry, open the gate, and let me in!" Brenda said.

"Okay, I'm gonna open the gate now." Julie put the remote control on the center table and exited the door, she ambled towards the gate and opened it wide.

Brenda exited the car wearing a baseball cap on her head and a black coat, she entered the gate in a hurry.

They went inside the house and closed the door.

Brenda smirked, then laughed, while staring at the sleeping Caroline, both her hands and feet were tied by a rope and her mouth was covered with duct tape preventing her from screaming or shouting for help.

Then she stopped laughing, her face turned serious. "Let's go to work! Where is the body bag?"

Julie took the body bag from her shoulder bag and they began moving Catherine inside...done...they zipped the bag allowing a small opening for the air to pass inside.

It's done!

Time to move out.

Brenda looked at Julie. "Where is the extra syringe? This woman's cellphone and the car keys?"

Julie took the syringe filled with liquid substance and handed it to Brenda along with Caroline's cellphone that was already turned off and the car keys including the key of the gate as well.

Brenda took a brown envelope from her shoulder bag and handed it to Julie. "That's the complete payment and the bonus. Here's the key to the rented car, you know where to return the car. You have to go with me to the place and after that, we will split, like we don't know each other. Okay?"

Julie nodded her head. "Alright!"

"Let's get Caroline inside the car first, so that we can leave this place. We will leave through the second gate, not on the first one," Brenda said.

She grabbed Caroline's car keys and exited the door. She looked around her, the surrounding area was silent due to the time which is already 10:00 in the evening, and the majority of the people around the neighborhood were already resting in their bedrooms. All the door of the house across Caroline's house has been closed. Now is the perfect time to exit the subdivision.

Brenda went to Caroline's car, opened it and slid into the driver's seat, she started the engine, and drives the car towards the door. After making sure the car was already blocking the door, she exited the vehicle and sauntered inside the living room to help Julie put Caroline's body in the passenger's seat.

Julie and Brenda moved immediately, putting Caroline's body successfully in the passenger's seat.


After making sure that they didn't leave any evidence inside the house. Julie turns off the TV as well as the light in the living room and locked the door.

Julie exited the gate, while Brenda drives Caroline's car out of the gate.

Brenda handed the key of the gate to her accomplice.

Julie locked the gate and handed the key back to Brenda. She slid into the driver's seat of the rented car and started the engine.

A few minutes later.

The two cars drive slowly until they reached the second gate and exited successfully.

Fifteen minutes later.

Brenda and Julie were driving the car away from the city...

One hour later.

They arrived at the outskirt of the city and entered a secluded warehouse, located one kilometer away from the highway.

Brenda opened the door of the warehouse...

The women drove the cars inside the warehouse and Julie closed the door.

Once inside...

The two women discarded their wigs and their contact lenses as well as their clothes and changes into new ones.

Julie put all their discarded things inside a burn barrel, then pour gasoline on it, she produces a lighter from her bag, started the fire and burns the evidence.

Brenda and Julie placed Caroline's body in the ground and unzip the body bag.

"Am I done here?" Julie asked.

Brenda smiled broadly at her friend. "You may go now, don't forget to tell the owner of the car to discard the fake plate number right away," she instructed her friend.

"Okay," Julie answered. "By the way what are you going to do to Caroline?"

Brenda shrugged. "Don't worry I won't kill her, I'll just pour acid on her face then leave her alone here," she replied.

"Alright, I'm leaving now. Good luck!" Julie said.

"Happy trip! I hope you will enjoy your trip to Singapore. If I'll feel sad, alone, and depressed, I'll find you in Singapore," Brenda said.

Julie smiled and nods her head, she sauntered towards the door of the warehouse, opened it, and made an exit.

A moment later, Brenda heard the sound of the car and the horn honking while Julie drove the rented car away.

Brenda took the knife from her shoulder bag and placed it on the cemented floor.

Then she grabbed the bottle of acid and stared at it for a long time, she was grinning in glee and excitement while staring at it.

She placed the Acid bottle beside the knife.

She's ready...!

Brenda sat on the corner facing Caroline.

As soon as Caroline regains her consciousness, she would start pouring the acid on her face, wanting to see the woman's face contorted in pain. That would give her immense joy... because the pain she felt when Daniel broke up with her was like a lethal blow of death to her.

She needs to get her revenge.

She rummages through her bag and picked up a 2 hole black face mask and put it on her face. It would be hard for Caroline to know her identity because only her eyes are visible and nothing else.

Brenda took an energy drink from her bag and drink it in one go.

She checked her phone, nothing worth checking, she ignored Veralyn's text messages.

Brenda looked at sign of waking up yet? eh?

Midnight is fast approaching.

She was sure Caroline will be awake by then...

She continuous browsing on her phone.

Thirty minutes later.

Brenda saw Caroline's finger moving and followed by her eyes opening wide...

She smiled evilly.

Brenda watched as Caroline's eyes widened in horror after discovering that both her hands and feet were bound by a rope.

Caroline began struggling, wanting to break free from the rope that was holding her captive. Then her eyes darted at the figure wearing black clothing, sitting on the corner watching her intently. Then her eyes caught something nearby, a knife and a bottle with an Acid label on it! Fear starts to paralyzed her body.

It finally dawned on her that she was facing grave danger from this deranged person who kidnaps her and brought her out of nowhere...but she can't allow this person to have her way with her...she must get away from this place!

Brenda watched in amus.e.m.e.nt as Caroline struggles to free herself from the rope to no avail. It's satisfying to see the raw fear emanating from her victim's eyes.

She initially doesn't want to kill Caroline but every time she remembered why Daniel broke up with her because of this woman...her anger is consuming her again from the inside and she wanted to kill Caroline and bury her somewhere that no one can locate her corpse. She made some research online and discovered that if the body can't be found, a suspect can't be sent to jail without strong or valid evidence. Just in case somebody can point her as the suspect.

All of a sudden Daniel's handsome face appeared in her mind.

A bittersweet smile broke in her face.

Until now, she had a hard time believing and coming to terms with the truth that Daniel dumped her because of this woman. They used to be happy, until one day, Caroline came into the picture and destroyed her happiness. Because of this woman she was dumped like a rag doll by the man she loves with all her heart.

She was furious!

She rose to her feet and punched Caroline in the stomach two times..."S.l.u.t! Bitch!" she screamed into her face.

Tears formed in Caroline's eyes as her face contorted in pain.

Brenda grinned beneath her face mask like a lunatic woman.

Party time!

Brenda's voiced and laughter echoed inside the warehouse. She picked up the bottle of acid and showed it to Caroline. "You see this, Caroline? I will empty the contents of this 500 ml acid into your face! Your face will become ugly! No one will ever like your face again! You deserved this because you took away the man I love so much!"

Caroline's eyes widened...

Who is this deranged woman? Why does this woman was accusing her that she stole her man? Huh?

She racked her brain — thinking who is this woman and who is the guy she was mentioning right now? She wanted to talk but her mouth was covered with duct tape.

She can't remember this woman at all. This must be a mistaken identity! She shook her head vigorously wanting to deny the woman's accusation... "mhhhhh...mmmhhhh..." she groaned trying to bring the lunatic woman's attention to her mouth, she needs to speak and explain herself but she can't do it because her mouth was covered with duct tape.

Brenda looked at the struggling Caroline and sneered at her. "Huh? You want to talk?"

Caroline nodded her head.

"Okay, I will take off the duct tape from your face because I will start pouring the acid on your face! In case you still not remember me, I'm Brenda," she said in a loud voice. She erupted into a fit of laughter delighted by the look of horror in Caroline's eyes.

Brenda opens the lid of the acid bottle and sets it aside, then she grabbed the knife, went to Caroline's side, and began taking the duct tape away so that she can start putting her sinister plan in action...