Chapter 133 - Moment Of Truth

Caroline saw two women and a guy entered the warehouse and the guy shut the door again.

The newcomers looked at Brenda's dead body in shock.

Caroline was rooted on the spot staring at the strangers...

'W-who are they?'

Veralyn looked at Brenda's dead body with the knife still lodged on her chest. She screamed running towards her dead lover's body. "Brendaaaaaa!"

Caroline looked at the woman crying hysterically on Brenda's side.

Then all of a sudden...Veralyn grabbed the knife and looked at Caroline with hatred flashing in her eyes. "I will kill youuuuuu!" she comes running towards Caroline to stab her.

But before Veralyn can come closer to Caroline, Allison already pointed her gun at Veralyn!

"Veralyn! Stop or I'll shoot!" Allison's voice rang in the air.

But Veralyn didn't stop and Allison pulls the trigger, the bullet travel with the speed of light hitting Veralyn on the head.

Time frozen still...

Veralyn slowly crumbled on the ground...eyes wide in shock looking at her Madam.

Veralyn died a terrible death... on the spot.

Caroline stared at the woman in confusion as the blood came oozing out on her head.

Then the voice...the voice of the woman who pulled the trigger was familiar to her!

Allison put her gun back in her shoulder bag. She took off her hat and looked at the stunned woman. "Are you okay, Caroline?"

Caroline stared at Allison, too stunned to speak, there are too many questions swirling in her mind.

Allison moved to her side. "Are you okay, Caroline?"

Caroline can't say yes...because after witnessing two people got killed today she isn't okay, it's all too much for her poor mind to process. This is the worst nightmare, her life will never be the same again after this. "I...I'm not okay..."

"I know, don't worry. It's my two times killing a person and I'm still alive and free," Allison smiled as if killing one of her minions was just like an ordinary thing. "Is it your first time killing a person? How was it?" she added grinning.

Caroline's eyes widened. "Huh? You already killed two people?"

Allison nodded her head. "You want to know how I killed my first victim?"

Caroline nods her head.

"Come with me, I will tell you everything about me," Allison said.

"B-but what about the dead bodies?" Caroline asked.

"Leave them to my minion, he knows what to do with them," Allison said in a calm voice. "Don't worry I will take care of you as long you will listen to me," she murmured and patted Caroline's head.

Allison glanced at the still shocked Owen with his phone camera doc.u.menting the whole killing rampage. "Stay here, I'll have someone come to help you take care of the bodies," she said casually.

"Yes, Madam!" Owen nodded his head and handed the phone to

his Madam.

Allison placed a call on someone with the Undertaker name on her phone.

"Undertaker... wazz up?" Allison said.

"Madam, long time no hear. What I can do for you this time?" a male voice answered.

"Come to this place...It's a warehouse outside the city. I have two dead bodies here that needed your services, I want you to come and assist my guy. I want total secrecy on this matter. I will transfer my payment to your account... as soon everything is well taken care of. I will send you the phone number of my guy so that you can contact each other, okay?"

"Yes, Madam! I got your instruction loud and clear!" the undertaker said.

Allison ended the call and typed Owen's phone number in the message and sent it to the Undertaker.

She looked at the visibly shaken Caroline. "We're done here. Let's go!"

They walked to Caroline's car.

"I'll drive your car because you're not in a condition to drive a car," Allison said.

Caroline handed the key to Allison. She will go with her because she has nowhere to go.

The two women entered the car while Owen opened the warehouse door.

Allison drove the car out of the warehouse and proceed to the highway going back to the city.

While the car was moving smoothly in the deserted highway the two women were silent.

Allison grinned at her companion. "You know what—?"

"W-what?" Caroline asked.

"You and I are both killers, murderers. That is one thing we have in common. We're a kindred spirit." Allison continues grinning.

A chill rundown on Caroline's spine. She was gone from being an innocent woman to being a murderer overnight. And here she is listening to a woman who is also a confessed murderer.

"I killed that woman to save your life, Caroline. You have to remember that, you owe me one." Allison looked at her briefly.

"H-how can I repay you? And what is your relationship to that woman you shoot with your gun?" Caroline asked curiously.

"I will answer all your questions later after we arrived at my house. Don't worry we have all the time in the world to discuss our little adventure tonight." Allison smiled and winked conspiratorially at her companion.

Caroline kept to herself during the entire duration of their journey. She still has no solid plans right now. She was confused about what to do...would she stay clean and pretend that tonight's tragedy didn't happen? Or she will do the right thing and surrender herself to the police? If she surrendered herself tonight — would she be spared from jail?

That is one dollar question that doesn't have an answer yet.

All she knows is that after what happened tonight, her life will never be the same again.

How is she gonna face her future while carrying the heavy guilt on her shoulder?

Caroline fished out her phone from Brenda's bag. She unlocks her phone and began reading the messages from Thelma, Mike, and Catherine. She no longer bothers replying to them because they were in a deep asleep as of this moment 'coz the time was still at 3:00 AM. Tomorrow morning she will reply to them.

Tonight she must decide on what her life is going to be like in the coming days...

For now, since Allison and her minion knew of her crime she will just have to go with the flow since they all have the upper hand. Besides, she owed Allison a huge debt for saving her life when that woman was about to stab her with the knife, the same knife that she used to kill Brenda.

One hour and thirty minutes later.

They finally arrived in Allison's mansion.

Caroline was speechless to see a big house and with a wide well-manicured lawn. It looks like Allison is beyond wealthy.

Allison parked the car in front of the house. They exited the vehicle.

"Follow me upstairs," Allison ordered Caroline.

"Okay, lead the way," Caroline said.

They entered the living room and climbs the stairs.

Allison brought Caroline in one of the guest rooms upstairs. "You can stay here with me for as long as you want. I will shield you from harm." She pointed to the bathroom. "Go on, take a shower, and get rid of those bloody clothes that you are wearing. Make yourself fresh, and we will talk later. I'm also going to take a shower in my bathroom. I will bring some clothes for you to change into. Just feel at home, okay? Do not be afraid of me, we are both murderers — so birds of the same feather flocks together," she said in amus.e.m.e.nt, her face broke into a diabolic smile.

Caroline stared at her benefactor feeling uneasy all of a sudden. There's something weird with the way Allison talks...yet...she can't describe what is it?

It's like seeing a new person. Or maybe she was about to know who is the real Allison behind the facade.

Then she remembered that Allison told her that it's already the second time she killed someone. That scared her a bit!

Was Allison a serial killer?

"I'm going to my bedroom, you may go inside the bathroom now!" Allison told her and left the room.

Caroline entered the bathroom and run the water on her body, she was about to dump the bloody clothes on the trash bin but changed her mind. She began rubbing the soap vigorously on the clothes to wash away the stain of blood, she wild find a way to discard these garments one of these days.

After washing the garments several times, she can no longer smell the scent of blood on the clothes.

Satisfied, she hung the clothes on the shower curtain track to dry.

She donned the bathrobe on her n.a.k.e.d body and exited the bathroom. She saw a white t-shirt, cotton shorts, and undies in the bed, she donned the garments on her body and exited the room.

Allison exited one of the rooms. She mouthed for the younger woman to follow her.

Caroline obeyed and followed inside the room which is Allison's minibar room.

"Have a seat, Caroline," said Allison.

Caroline lowered herself into the comfy sofa.

Allison took two wine glasses and poured wine on them. She gave the glass to Caroline and put the wine bottle in the center table.

"I want to make a toast with you, dear. For tonight, we become blood sisters. It's nice to meet another woman killer and she is also my friend! Cheers to us!" Allison said.

Caroline was hesitating to have a toast with Allison but she raised her glass just the same to humor her. "Cheers!" she said. "But I want to be clear...I'm not a killer...I'm not a murderer. I just stab that woman because of self-defense, she was about to pour acid on my face and was planning to kill me, so, I have no choice but to fight her and defend my self from her attacks," she clarified.

"Blah...blah...blah..." Allison laughed loudly. "But you still murdered someone and that ugly truth will forever hunt your life. Do you know that not all self-defense victim who managed to kill their attacker or abductor was spared from the law? Some of them rot in jail and served their long sentences. So...yeah...I just want to inform you that," she told her.

Caroline's eyes filled with fright.


So, there's still a big chance she will end up serving jail time if she surrendered to the police?

No this can't be! She can't accept it!

The color drained out of Caroline's face.

Allison stared hard at the frightened face of the woman sitting in front of her. It's now the perfect time to reveal the truth to her. She smiled. "So—do you want to know—who I killed first?"

Caroline nodded her head. "Yes please," she said in a low voice.

"My first victim is my adopted father, but I never serve jail time," Allison said to the tune of bragging without batting an eyelash. Her animated face displays no remorse and guilt.

Caroline's jaw's dropped...

Allison's brave confession left her speechless.