Chapter 130 - Hurry Up!

Caroline woke up at 7:00 in the morning the next day.

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining brightly outside the house.

She rose from the bed and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, she emerges from the bathroom.

She went back to the bed and checked her phone for messages. She got loads of messages coming from her mother Thelma and there are also photos of her siblings messing around the hacienda, and Merle holding her laughing baby daughter.

The next photo was of Catherine holding baby Cathy in her lap while sitting on the sofa eating watermelon.

There were photos of Thelma holding baby Angel and James in her arms, as well as her sister Catherine making goofy faces facing the camera. The photos were filled with happy moments. There was also a photo of John and the toddler James playing hide and seek around the tree.


They're having fun!

She quickly typed a message...'Congratulation on the successful opening of Hacienda Catherine'

She sent the message to her twin and put her phone in the pocket of her shorts, then she left the bedroom to make a coffee downstairs and at the same time prepare her breakfast.

In the kitchen.

She put her phone on the table.

Then she put hot water on the mug and pour her favorite 3 in 1 coffee mix into the mug and stirred it vigorously.

She picked up her phone and replied to a morning message coming from Mike.

While sipping her coffee, she was pondering on what to do next?

Ah, after breakfast she will start doing bank transfer again to complete the money transfer on Mr. Fernandez's account and finished the transaction today.

She powers on her tablet and log in to her online bank account and transfer three sets of money transfer with an interval of thirty minutes each.

Done, she logged out successfully from her bank account and placed the tablet on the table.

She went to the fridge and check the contents...hmm... what to cook for breakfast?

She finally decided to cook a scrambled egg with lots of tomatoes, garlic as well as scallions.

She began preparing the ingredients.

Finally, she's done with the preparation of the ingredients.

She power on the electric burner, put the frying pan and add some oil, then fry the garlic and onions and tomatoes...then adds the egg and sprinkled the scallions over the egg.

Wow! It smells so delicious!

Done cooking, Caroline turn off the electric burner and put the scrambled egg into the serving plate. She took two slices of bread and put a good amount of egg in the bread and began eating her meal to complete her breakfast.

Her phone received new messages, she unlocks her phone and saw a reply from her twin sister, oh, she quickly reads it....'Thanks for the greeting. Why you didn't come? Are you still angry at me?'

Caroline smiled and typed a reply...' I'm afraid you will throw me outside the shuttle bus that's why I didn't come'... she added three laughing emoji and sent it.

A minute later her twin replied to her message....'How did you know that I will throw you out of the bus?'

Caroline made a face ... she quickly types...' I know it! You are, evil sister!' and sent it with angry emoji.

She received another reply from her sister...' We're the same! Bwahahahahaha...come here...we're having fun here!'

Caroline typed...' I will think about it'....and sends it.

'Okay, take care of yourself'...that was Catherine's last reply to her.

Caroline smiled and put the phone back in the table and resumed eating her breakfast.

Wow! What did just happen? Are they on good speaking terms again? least they were conversing now like normal's a good start already.

Caroline finished eating her meal and gathered all the dirty utensils and washed them on the kitchen sink.

Done in the kitchen, she went back upstairs to her bedroom and enjoy a luxurious shower in the bathroom.

She stayed inside the bathroom for thirty minutes and enjoyed her uninterrupted bath.

After getting out of the bathroom...

She went to her bed wanting to complete the bank transfer once and for all. She only paused doing the online transaction when she took her lunch. Then resumed again.

By 3:00 in the afternoon, she finished transferring all the agreed amount.

She called Mike on her phone. "Hello..." she said.

"Hello sweetie...the transaction has finally completed! Wait... let's video chat so that you can see the signature of Mr. Fernandez," Mike said.

A minute later...Caroline was now viewing the Purchase Agreement and it was completely signed by Mr. Fernandez.

"Did you see it, sweetie? Congratulations, you are now a proud owner of a magnificent ten-hectare land!" Mike declared proudly.

Caroline smiled broadly. "Thank you, my love," she responded in elation.

"I will stay here until tomorrow. Mr. Fernandez also surrendered to me the original Land Title," he said.

"That's wonderful! Come back home soon so that we can celebrate," Caroline smiled sweetly into the camera.

"Of course! See you tomorrow...sweetie. I miss you so much!" Mike said.

"I miss you too!" she replied.

"Bye for now. I'll call you later...sweetie," Mike said. "I love you!" he added.

"I love you too, bye!" Caroline responded and ended the call.

She went back upstairs and took an afternoon nap in her bedroom.

One hour later.

Caroline woke up and it's already 4:00 in the afternoon.

She went downstairs, opened the main door of the house, and began watering the plants in the veranda.

A woman who was holding an umbrella called out to her from the outside of the fence.

"Hello, Miss... do you have babies and children here? I'm from the City Health Department..." the woman showed Catherine her ID. "We are conducting house to house check up on babies and children because of the recent measles outbreak, have you known about the recent news?" the woman asked.

"Ah, I see. I have seen the news on TV. But my baby is not here right now...she's with my mother in the province. I'm the only person here," Caroline answered.

"How old is the baby?" the woman asked.

"She's more than a year old. She will turn two years old five months from now."

"I see. Did your baby completed her vaccination?"

"Yes," Caroline answered.

The woman wrote something in the datasheet that she was holding on left her hand.

"Thank you, Miss. Ah, can I have some water, please? I'm feeling so thirsty..." the woman asked and handed her the empty bottle through the iron fence.

"Sure!" Caroline went inside the house and put drinking water in the bottle and returned outside. She handed the bottle to the woman.

"Thank you so much, Miss," the woman said.

Caroline picked up the water hose and was about to resume watering the plant but the woman speaks again.

"Miss, can I sit down in the chair for a few minutes? Please...I just need to rest for a few seconds. I'm suffering from my arthritis walking from house to house. May I...please?" the woman begged.

Caroline smiled. "Okay, no problem, come in," she replied and opened the gate. "You can sit there in the chair on the veranda." She pointed to the chairs.

"Thank you so much, Miss! You're so kind," the woman smiled brightly.

The woman walked towards the chairs, put her bag and datasheet in the table, and starts drinking water from the bottle.

Caroline resumed watering the plants.

The woman finished all the water and stood up. "I'm leaving now, Miss. Thank you for allowing me in, I appreciated it very much. Can I have more water please, if you don't mind?"

"Sure!" Caroline turns off the water hose and the woman handed the empty bottle to her.

She went back to the kitchen, open the fridge, took the plastic water jug, and filled the bottle with water.

She left the kitchen and was surprised to see the woman already sitting on the sofa in the living room and the door was already closed, and the curtains were down on the windows.

"Huh? 'Why did you closed the door?" Caroline asked and handed the bottle to the woman.

"I'm sorry, it closed on its own," the woman said apologetically. "Thank you for the water, I'm living now..."

Caroline walked towards the door and was about to open it...

Without Caroline's knowledge, the woman was already behind her back...

Caroline was stunned and horrified to see a handkerchief pressed tightly on her nose, she tried to break away from the woman's vase-like grip on her waist and head. The smell coming from the handkerchief was awful, it started to weaken her. She continues struggling, finally, she was able to break free from the woman but unfortunately, the woman injected something on her left arm using a syringe.

Caroline was about to shout for help but no more words come out from her mouth as her consciousness was slowly fading away rendering her body immobile as the woman continue to press the awful smelling handkerchief on her mouth and nose.

Caroline's body crumpled on the sofa like a lifeless rug.

The woman moved quickly and placed Caroline's unconscious body on the sofa. She took her phone from her bag and called a number.

"It's done. I'm inside her house and she was unconscious. The medicine will expire in 6 hours, after that she will be conscious again. Come over here, hurry up! Don't forget the other half of my payment and my bonus after the completion of my mission."

"Good job, Julie! Don't worry I will give you your remaining payment and your bonus as well. Remember, do not touch anything inside the house. Leave no evidence, okay?" the voice instructs at the other end.

"Copy, just hurry up so that I can leave now!" Julie said.

"Does the house has a CCTV camera?" the voiced asked.

"No. There's no camera around her," Julie answered.

"Good. I'm coming now..."

"Okay, hurry up!" Julie said and ended the call.

She sat on the sofa and turn on the remote of the TV. She raised the volume higher and watched a random show on the television while Caroline was lying unconscious on the sofa.