Chapter 129 - Discussion

Allison arrived at her mansion. She was greeted with a smiling Owen in the garage area.

"So... Is Veralyn already here?" she inquired.

"Not yet Madam, but she texted me that she's on her way and she will arrive a few minutes from now," Owen explained.

"Follow me in the minibar room, we have something important to discuss today," Allison said and climb the stairs going to her room.

Fifteen minutes later.

Veralyn finally arrived and comes running inside the living room. "Is Madam, already here?" she asked breathlessly and plopped down on the sofa trying to catch her breath.

"Yes, she's already here and was asking about your whereabouts," Owen answered.

"Does she appear furious?" Veralyn asked worriedly.

"Not really, hurry up. She wants us in the minibar room to discuss something important. By the way, where have you been?" asked Owen.

Veralyn whispered something in Owen's ear.

Owen stared at her with disbelief in his eyes. "Huh? You and Brenda are an item now? As in... you are exclusively dating?" he asked, surprised. He can't believe Brenda settled with a lesbian like Veralyn, how desperate that girl was. With Brenda's beauty, she can hook up with a rich old businessman and live a nice life being a mistress.

"Yes, we're officially a couple now," Veralyn grinned triumphantly.

Owen rubbed his chin. "Honestly, you're a poor choice, dear! Brenda will become a beggar in the street because you have no money to sustain her rich lifestyle," Owen voiced out his opinion, not impressed with the new pairing.

He smirked in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Veralyn glared at Owen. "You're just jealous! I got her... before you," she gave him the finger.

"Whatever! Let's go upstairs now." He turned around and climbs the stairs.

Veralyn followed Owen into the stairs wanting to throttle him for belittling her capabilities of making Brenda happy.

They reached the second floor and entered the minibar room. They found the high and mighty Madam holding a glass, sipping her favorite wine, tapping her well-manicured fingers on the glass's surface.

They lowered themselves into the sofa facing Allison.

"You're late, Veralyn! Where have you been?" Allison glared at her minion.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, Madam. I just went to visit a friend," Veralyn apologized.

"Next time, do it during your day off!" Allison snapped at her.

"Sorry again, Madam. I will never do it again," Veralyn promised.

Allison stared at her minions already lost in her thoughts. She can no longer use the old people who kidnap Catherine, she dismissed their services a long time ago. She needs new people to hire.

"Caroline and I will be seeing each other within this week. I'm planning to kidnap her for my brother Lucas, to grant his dying request," she started.

Owen and Veralyn glanced at each other, they looked startled by their Madam's revelation. But their debt to her was great, that's why they will obey everything that Madam requested from them.

"Just tell us what we can do to help you, Madam, we're at your disposal," Owen said.

"That is true, Madam. Just say it and we will do everything for you," Veralyn chimed in.

"Great. I'm glad that you are all loyal to me. However, I won't let you do the dirty work, because I have other well-qualified people to do that for me. I just need your assistance if everything will go wrong..." Allison explained.

The minions were feeling relieved for a moment after hearing that they won't have to do the dirty work after all.

Allison resumed talking...

"Caroline and I will travel together to Tagaytay City but on a different vehicle. I will be driving my car and she will do the same. I just want the two of you to follow us from behind. I will make an arrangement for the two of you in the hotel and your room will be next to mine. You two will pretend that you are couples and on honeymoon. You will be following us around...but make sure Caroline doesn't get suspicious of you guys. Just act naturally."

Allison looked at Owen. "I want you to take care of Caroline's car after my men successfully kidnap her. Hide the car in one of my warehouse located outside the city. Discard the plate number and changed the color of the body of Caroline's car into a different color and locked the car inside."

Allison looked at Veralyn. "And you... will be in charge of taking good care of Caroline's belongings such as shoulder bag, cellphone, wallet, and everything. I don't want her stuff taken by others. I want to execute a flawless plan. We can't afford a tiny mistake or else it will all boomerang on us. Did you get my drift, guys?" she asked them.

The minions nodded their heads.

"I understand, Madam," Owen said.

"Good! How about you Veralyn?" asked Allison.

Veralyn smiled. "I know my role, Madam. I promise you, I will take care of Caroline's belonging like it's my own life," she promised.

"Excellent, I hope you guys won't disappoint me on that day. It's extremely important to focus on the task I assigned you with so that I can have peace of mind executing my plan as well. Now that we already discussed parts of the plan, we will continue discussing more details tomorrow. Guys, you are dismissed," Allison said. "You may go now..."

Owen and Veralyn exited the room quietly and went to their room.

Veralyn entered Owen's room and shut the door behind her.

Owen stared at Veralyn. "Oh, why you're here inside my room?" he raised his brow in confusion.

"I just want to warn you not to tell Madam that Brenda and I were already a couple. Let's keep it a secret between us, okay?" Veralyn asked him.

Owen grinned evilly. "Fine, as you wish. I won't tell anyone about your secret affair with Brenda. Remember, you owe me one," he said.

Veralyn smiled. "Thanks, buddy! I know I can always count on you," she said feeling grateful.

Owen shooed her away. "Go now! I can still smell Brenda's perfume on your body!" His nose crinkled.

Veralyn smiled like a Cheshire cat. "Brenda is very good in bed, she's the best!"

"Shoo...get out of my room now!" Owen pushed her towards the door and out of his room.

Veralyn smiled broadly while exiting Owen's room.


Eastwood Subdivision.

The next day at 9:00 in the morning.

Caroline kissed baby Cathy's cheek. " good there, okay? Don't give your grandmother a headache," she said.

"Mama...Mama...." baby Cathy replied trying to hold on to her mother's face.

Thelma already received a message from Catherine fifteen minutes ago, that a car is coming to fetch them and bring them to the Infinity Jade Tower because Catherine was waiting there for them.

Their traveling bags were already arranged in the veranda for pick up.

Everybody is now excited and ready to go except for Caroline.

Thelma looked at her daughter. "You still have a few minutes can still change your mind," she urged her.

Caroline shrugged. "I won't change my mind, Mother."

Thelma shrugged. "Okay, fine!"

A few minutes later.

A white van arrived and parked in front of the house.

Caroline went out of the door and saw, Ramon, John's driver exiting the vehicle.

Ramon smiled at Caroline and Thelma, he addressed them. "Everyone, please settle inside the van. I will bring all the bags inside the vehicle," he announced.

Thelma and the kids get in the van and settled comfortably inside.

Ramon finished putting the bags in the van's trunk. "And you Miss Caroline, aren't you going to come with us?" he asked.

Caroline shook her head. "Nah. Some other time," she responded.

"Okay, we're leaving now." Ramon entered the driver's seat and nods at Caroline. He started the engine and drives away.

"Bye guys! Enjoy!" Caroline waved happily at her family inside the van, and they were waving back at her until she can no longer see the rear of the vehicle.

Caroline went inside the gate and locked it, then she entered the house.

Whoaa...she looked around her, the house looks empty and so quiet.

Caroline lowered herself into the sofa.

Her phone rang, it was Mike calling her.

"Hello Sweetie, I'm at Mr. Fernandez's house. You can wire the payment starting this morning and then the rest will be tomorrow, same time," he said. "You wanna see Mr. Fernandez? Say hello and hi..."

Mike turn on the camera and Mr. Fernandez can be seen waving at Caroline.

Caroline waved back at Mr. Fernandez.

"Sweetie...listen...just inform me if you already transferred the money into Mr. Fernandez's account, okay?"

Caroline nodded her head. "Yeah, I will get my tablet upstairs first. It's the one I'm using to access my bank account online."

"Okay, go ahead. I will wait for your call," Mike said.

Caroline climbs the stairs and went to her bedroom to get her tablet.

Once she's already inside the bedroom.

She powers on her tablet and logs in to her online bank portal.

After logging in, she starts making bank-to-bank transfer to Mr. Fernandez's account several times because there is a limit of the amount per transfer.

A few hours later, she was done transferring the money to Mr. Fernandez's account.

The last batch of the bank to bank transfer would be tomorrow or the next day.

She called Mike on her phone.

"I have done the first batch of payments," she told him.

"Yes, I know. Mr. Fernandez checks his bank account and your payment was already recorded in his bank account. We will finish the transaction tomorrow or on the third day, okay?" Mike said.

"Alright," Caroline replied.

"I will call you later, sweetie...bye," Mike said.

"Bye..." Caroline ended the call.

Caroline put the phone in the pocket of her shorts, picked up her tablet, and went downstairs. She will be watching recipe videos in the living room. She's been wanting to try making a new dish, it will be handy for her since she will be cooking for lunch, later.