"Gastric lavage is painful."

"What a pain!"

"What's more painful is to spit out the delicious food you finally ate, which makes you even more sad."


For food, wasting food should be cut thousands of times. If this person is still himself, he should be cut thousands of times after being punished by heaven. It's really painful to the punishment of the soul.

The food made by Yang Song is so delicious that they can't help eating more.

I ate too much when I wasn't careful. I went to wash my stomach too often. The doctors came to the door to give Yang Song a reaction.

"For the sake of delicious food, hurt your body? How can this work?"

Yang Song originally wanted to limit the weight of each person's meal. For example, each person can't order more than one kilogram of food each time.

This is a very broad option, but the big stomach king family is very sad.

In desperation, Yang song can only revise the rules: if someone is sent to the hospital because he eats too much, he will be blacklisted.

It's a wonderful rule that no restaurant will not let people eat again because there are too many dishes ordered by guests.

Don't eat too much to hurt your intestines and stomach. Yang Song also made a brochure for everyone to sign.

Yang Song dares to set such rules. He even plans to be held accountable by diners.

Rules first appeared in various official groups, and official wechat was specially distributed.

Yang Song suggested that diners with big stomachs come with physical examination certificates. He can pay for the examination.

How many diners are there in Baifeng pavilion? I can't count.

How many diners have a big stomach? It doesn't seem easy to count.

With so many people, Yang Song has to pay for people's physical examination.

That's arrogant!

Sure enough, it's brother song who doesn't need money!

When it was dawn, the diners who came back for dinner actually brought their own pens.

Very actively signed his name.

Yang Song also asked, "don't you find it difficult to accept?"



"What's wrong with this?"

"Brother song, you are thinking about our bodies. Everyone knows!"

"It should have been controlled long ago."

"An ancient truth, waste shameful."

"Some big stomach kings are crazy. It's terrible to induce vomiting after eating."

"I'm most annoyed with that kind of person. After eating, I vomit. After vomit, I plug it. Your parents give you body and the state trains you so that you can spoil yourself and food?"

"There's nothing wrong with brother song's request."

"Fortunately, I didn't ask everyone to eat only one kilogram. I really have a big stomach and don't induce vomiting." The man said and took out the physical examination report: "brother song, I'm very healthy."

Later, when Yang Song examined the booklet, he actually found a lot of physical examination reports.

A lot of health.

"Brother song, I have to thank you for getting up early every day to eat the food you cooked. I won't stay up late or sleep in."

"Taxis are too expensive and buses are too slow. I come here by bike every day. I have muscles in my thighs and arms."

"Three meals on time, running and eating are my daily health methods."

"Last time the company elevator stopped, I went up to the 28th floor in one breath. I found that the door of the company couldn't be opened. I kicked up and opened the door. I was happy to clock in. When others clock in, I had been working for half an hour. My always serious leader praised me and asked me to join the large project team. I was happy to get the bonus. The project was completed and promoted smoothly.

Thanks to brother song. "

There are also many sub-health.

"Brother song, I'm a sub-health man. I can't stay at home for too long. I'm in my twenties and my physical strength is in my fifties. After checking my body, I burst into tears."

"I didn't have a physical examination after graduation. Suddenly, I found that the appendix was inflamed. I had a small operation. Brother song, you saved me!"

"I haven't dared to go for an examination. I always thought I might find out the disease. In order to prove to brother song that I really have a big stomach, I had to go for an examination. As a result, I found that I have moderate fatty liver and lying in a trough. I'm going to start eating grass, otherwise I can't guarantee my life in my old age. No, I may not be in my old age and die young in England."

In short, everyone is very grateful.

Yang Song paid for some people's physical examination, but more people didn't ask for money.

The new rules of Baifeng pavilion have been implemented without danger.

After that, some foreign diners come back to Baifeng Pavilion for dinner. They will see such a sentence in the must read strategy: if you eat goods with a big stomach, you can go to the Baifeng Pavilion for physical examination first, take your health certificate to eat, and brother song will reimburse the inspection expenses.

Which chef in the world has such an atmosphere?

Yang Song did it.

The room in Baifeng Pavilion dedicated to the suggestions and signatures of diners was full, and Yang Song quietly transferred them into the space.

All diners trust him. Yang Song will never lose it.

Those are his badges.

Now in a different world, Yang Song has rich experience.

"Let the chefs and apprentices in the store cook in turn. They must be delicious. I will spot check and let them pay attention not to let everyone eat."

Yang Song doesn't worry. All the 30 people have tasted his craft, and then go to eat other people's cooking. It's inevitable to pick their mouths.

From extravagance to thrift.

Take your time. They must be able to control their appetite.

Then, Yang Song took 30 people and taught them how to cut and cultivate, how to plant, and how to water.

Precautions, Yang Song simply wrote it down and asked them to memorize it.

There are few literate people who want to let them recite rules.

Many people are in trouble.

"Recite well. Who recites well? Add chicken legs to dinner!"

Hungry people, who can resist the charm of chicken legs?

"Chef Yang made chicken legs!"

"Carry it quickly!"

"That little brother, you quickly teach us to recite, sentence by sentence!"

It was ginger who was responsible for teaching them to recite.

"Plant potatoes in high places and pay attention to drainage. Potatoes are afraid of waterlogging..."

Jiang Si taught one sentence, and each of them listened to it, and then hid next to it and recited it again and again.

"I can. If potatoes are planted in high terrain, they have to be planted high. Alas, what else? Teach me again."

"High, can't soak in water, right."

"We have to guard against insects. We have to turn over the land that has been planted for two years, let the land rest and kill insects!"

"I can recite three."

"What's the first one? I forgot again."

"Teach me, I'll recite it again."

With the fierce of chicken legs, they carry them quite fast.

Shi Lei admires: "they endorsement this posture with desperately."

Jiang Tao couldn't believe it: "it's just a chicken leg!"

A chicken leg has so much magic.

Yang Song: "that's because you haven't been hungry."

"I've been hungry. When there are many guests, I always keep an eye on the diners. I haven't eaten according to the order. I'm very hungry every day." Jiang Tao thinks every cook is hungry.

"I'm hungry. It's not the same as what you understand."

Yang Song looked at the villagers and officials stomping their feet and reciting desperately with their eyes closed.

They have changed into uniform clothes, and there is no distinction between officials and villagers.

They are all migrant workers fighting for chicken legs.