The officers and men all live in Baishui city. They don't know the situation outside the city. They are also clear-minded.

They are just a group of small yamen servants. They can't worry about the great events that benefit the country and the people.

Dress warmly, eat well, and drink twice a month. Usually, lesbians fight in the street and catch thieves. There is no murder case all year round,

When working in the city, there are women and children on the hot Kang when they go home.

Go outside the city and can't go home in ten days and a half months. What are they trying to do?

Yang Song said, "it's all voluntary and never forced."

No one went and took trouble to find a reason.

"Chef Yang, it's not that I won't go. It's mainly my old cold legs. The wind outside the city is too strong. My legs hurt and hurt my heart." Yamen Yi Road.

"Yes, I understand. Old cold legs have to be well fed." Yang Song understands.

"My mother is going to have a baby. I have to look at her." Yamen service No. 2 also road.

"That's inseparable. Remember to invite me to have happy candy and I'll prepare a red envelope for you." Yang Song is very generous.

"I've caught a cold. The wind is very cold!" Number three also sneezed very cooperatively.

"I haven't planted too much land. I'm afraid I'll make trouble for you."

"I haven't left the city in my life. When I leave the city, I feel dizzy, heart, liver and lung ache."


Everyone has a reason, and it is sufficient.

"The monthly salary is tripled, and there is a bonus for good work. The minimum bonus is your salary for half a month."

Workers from all ages, think about it. They can earn three months' salary a month. If there is a bonus, it is three and a half months' salary.

What does that mean?

"I'll go!"

"I'll go too!"

"And me!"

A few seconds ago, no one went. A few seconds later, no one didn't go.

It's nice to have money!

Yang Song was embarrassed: "we don't need so many people."

"Chef Yang, let me go. I have experience in farming for three generations in my family!"

"I am strong and can fight evil thieves and farm."

"I know little green hill well. I can't go wrong with my eyes closed."


"Fuck off, aren't you an old cold leg?"

"I'm well. Aren't you still unable to get out of town? You get sick as soon as you get out of town?"

"I'm fine!"

"Your mother gave you a baby. You can't keep it?"

"My mother keeps watch. My mother-in-law's family is across the street. Next door is the midwife. I earn fine grain for my son."

Yang Song chose ten people so that they could be divided into two teams to replace each other.

He found twenty more farmers from three villages. When he first arrived in xiaoqingshan, he was a little careful and wanted to secretly drop potatoes and sweet potato seeds.

Yang Song and his officers surrounded the supervisor. They were much more honest.

Both sweet potatoes and potatoes need to be grown by cutting.

It's OK to say that as long as the sweet potato is cut, it smells sweet. Yang Song is worried that these people steal it.

There are so many seeds in total. You must not eat them.

Before construction, Yang Song cooked for 30 migrant workers with Shi Lei, Jiang Tao and others.

"I didn't expect chef yang to cook for us. I really burned Gao Xiang in my last life!"

The officers were very excited, and the other 20 workers didn't understand.

"My Lord, chef Yang is very famous?"

"It's not just famous. Chef Yang is from Baishui city. Later, Lord Liu was promoted. The later magistrate's surname was Tian. Lord Tian is very smart. Before coming to Baishui City, he wrote to Lord Liu and knew Yang Song's skills. Lord Tian visited member Huang and made an appointment to line up for dinner at Tianxiang building.

There is another saying: enjoy with the people.

The whole summer, only here in Yang Song, can we have the face of letting the magistrate and county magistrate line up for dinner.

"Chef Yang cooks in Tianxiang building. The cheapest dish costs ten Liang silver. Do you understand?"

It is estimated that the life savings of rural people are so much.

Yang Song has to cook a dish for ten Liang, which is astronomical for them.

"Ten liang of silver is just a vegetarian dish. Chef Yang wants twenty liang of silver for most dishes. How many people in Baishui city can't stand in line."

Yang Song put aside the city's masters and ran out to cook for them.

"There are two others. Do you know who they are?"

"I don't know." They are honest.

It's hard to enter the gate of Baishui city. You can't get in without enough knocking bricks.

Everything in the city is their dream.

"They are the former chefs of Tianxiang restaurant and Yipin restaurant. They are the two best restaurants in Baishui city. Now they work as second chefs for chef Yang."

Twenty villagers couldn't help smashing their mouths.

"Then the meal must be delicious!"


"Will it be better than the emperor's meal?"

"Fuck off!"

Yang Song made them oil splashed noodles and wide noodles rolled from white noodles. They looked flexible and strong. The side dishes were mung bean sprouts, green vegetables, red pepper and burnt peanuts. Each person was covered with three large pieces of soy sauce marinated meat, which was bigger than his face.

"Enough noodles, eat whatever you like!" Yang Songdao.

"What about the meat?"

"Not meat."

If Yang Song dares to shout "enough meat tube", it is estimated that someone can eat himself to death today.

Yang Song opened another big iron pot: "and egg soup."

Tomato and egg soup, red tomatoes with tender golden egg flowers, dripped with sesame oil and vinegar, less salt or no salt, just suitable for drinking after eating noodles.

Officers and men, on average, eat two bowls of noodles and three bowls of egg soup.

The villagers each had three bowls of noodles and a large bowl of egg soup.

Three large pieces of meat per person.

Everyone can't afford to eat. They can't sit down. They can only walk to eat.

"Chef Yang, do you want us to give less noodles and more vegetables from the second bowl? They eat without restraint." Shi Lei said.

"How do you know they will eat." Jiang Tao doesn't know how many times he feels that Yang song can predict.

"The officers are all on duty in the city. They don't worry about food and drink. Their thirst for food is not as strong as the villagers. They will be a little restrained when eating. But just because they don't worry about food and drink, their stomach is bigger than the villagers' stomach.

Abstinence makes them don't eat so much noodles, and their big stomach makes them keep drinking tomato and egg soup. After all, the soup is made by Yang Song and tastes great. "

Therefore, there is no need to reduce the number of officials.

"The villagers can eat very well. Their hunger for food has been engraved in their bones. They want to break their belly, so give them more digestible vegetables and enough tomato and egg soup.

The feeling of fullness is obvious. They don't fight so much when they eat. "

"So it is." Jiang Tao and Shi Lei are both Deputy learned expressions and admire them very much: "how can chef Yang think of these?"

Really worthy of being an expert in the world!

It's not surprising that Yang song can think of these. As early as Baifeng Pavilion in Los Angeles, diners kept eating and supporting themselves, and some even had to wash their stomachs.