Chapter 392: Coming Home

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 392: Coming Home

The chilling sea breeze caressed Charles' face, swiftly extinguishing the restlessness and anxiety in his heart. He really hoped the Pope had been speaking the truth. However, despite the old man's assurances, the seascape had never bestowed him the slightest sliver of hope. Truth be told, he had become paranoid and fearful.

He hated uncertainty and the feeling of powerlessness. He wanted to do something to change his circumstances but found himself utterly unable to do anything. He detested this vulnerability, this inability to steer his own fate.


Clad in his pristine white robes, the Pope flew over to the Narwhale's deck and stood next to Charles. Together, they both stared into the inky dark expanse ahead.

"The expedition to the surface's exit is as significant as a Holy War. Every Divine Light Order disciple will be participating in this cause," the Pope said, breaking the silence.

"Skywater Island has sufficient fuel and fresh water, but we are woefully inadequate when it comes to food supply.

"We'd like to request for Hope Island to supply us with food. Rest assured, our Order is prepared to pay a premium for your assistance."

"Understood," Charles answered, "I'll pass down the instructions for the ministries to work with you."

Charles acknowledged the mutual benefit of this collaboration, so there was no way he would turn down the Pope's request. Moreover, Hope Island's economy relied heavily on agricultural exports. The only difference was just a different business partner.

"Are you truly confident that you can breach that door? I can't help but feel that there's more to this than meets the eye."

An unwavering confidence painted the Pope's countenance as he replied, "Rest assured. There won't be any problems. We have been making our preparations for this moment for centuries."

As they spoke, a dim light slowly broke across the horizon; they were reaching Hope Island.

A sudden thought entered Charles' mind. He excused himself from the Pope's company and made his way to the First Mate's Quarters.

Pushing the door open, Charles entered the room to find Bandages holding a novel in his hands and engrossed in its contents.

"Have you decided? We are reaching soon," Charles asked.

"I'm still undecidedBut I don't want Mother to be heartbroken."

Charles was slightly taken aback by Bandages' term of address, but he soon composed himself and nodded in understanding, "Understood. Leave it to me; I'll handle it."

The docks of Hope Island bustled with activities and were teeming with a huge crowd. The majority of them were disciples of the Divine Light Order. After all, their esteemed and revered leader, the Pope, was part of the expedition team this time.

"Visually, they're almost identical. But, Captain, even though they're the same person, their mannerisms and characters are worlds apart." Linda pointed out.

Charles scratched his head and led the newly minted Bandages out of the shop. "Can't worry much about that now. We'll just say that he's suffering from the aftermath of a head injury."

The car sped along the straight street until it reached its destination: Weister's basement home.

Charles was about to push the car door open when Bandages grabbed his hand. "Wait I seemed to have forgotten something"

Bandages sat frozen in thought within the car for what seemed like an eternity before he opened the door. "I remember now where it's hidden"

Approaching the door of the basement unit, Charles was about to knock when Bandages interrupted him again.

With a swift motion, Bandages brandished a dagger and sliced the skin at the back of his waist. A small, black pouch fell out of the skin. Bandages opened it to find a rusty key.


The rusty key managed to open the door of the basement unit.

Stepping into the room, Charles spotted Elena, Weister's mother, with tears streaming down her face. She was prostrated on the ground as her pleas to a terrifying-looking statue echoed through the dimly lit room.

"Please, I'm begging you. Just bring my son back to me; you can take anything from me. I just want my son back!" she exclaimed while sobbing, and her voice was laced with desperation.

This poignant moment felt all too familiar to Charles, and a pang of emotions washed over him.

"Mother" Bandages' voice broke Elena's sobbing pleas.

A tremble coursed through Elena, and her ears perked up at the familiar voice. Visibly shaken, she slowly turned around and saw "Weister" standing between Linda and Charles.

Afraid that Elena might see through Bandages' disguise, Charles hurriedly stepped forward and explained, "Madam, during the voyage this time, Weister was unfortunately hit in the head by a gigantic tuna fish, and because of that"

Before Charles could spin his tale any further, however, Elena rushed forward and pulled Bandages into a tight embrace. Tears cascaded down her cheeks as she muttered, "As long as you're alive as long as you're back"

With apparent awkwardness, Bandages raised his arms slowly and wrapped them around his mother, taking into account the height difference between them.

"Mother I'm home"