Chapter 391: Governor of Elizarles Shores

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 391: Governor of Elizarles Shores

Elizabeth lay in the bathtub, her eyes closed as she relished in the caress of the warm water. It was a rare moment of tranquility away from her busy work.

"Governor, Mr. Gunther has been waiting for quite a while," her secretary peered in and reported. The chic red glasses on her face contrasted with her form-fitting, formal attire and the stack of documents in her hands.

"Martha, did Finn mention his reason for visiting?" Elizabeth asked as she exited the bathroom as water dripped off her towering form.

A pink hue instantly stained Martha's cheeks, and she hurriedly averted her eyes to look toward the floor. "N-no. He didn't specify, Governor."

"Strange. Hasn't everything been running smoothly on the island recently? What other matters could there be?" Elizabeth mused aloud.

With a graceful motion, Elizabeth opened up her palms and summoned a gentle breeze that rapidly circulated around her. The water droplets clinging to her porcelain skin swiftly diminished and vanished into the air.

"Finn always comments on my lack of finesse in magic mastery," Elizabeth quipped with a light chuckle. "But who said magic should only be used for combat? It's a marvelous convenience in daily life to be able to dry instantly after a bath."

"Governor, Mr. Finn emphasized that it was an urgent matter and he had to see you as soon as possible."

"I get it, I get it. How annoying. And here I was, looking forward to spending some time with my little ones first," Elizabeth sighed, resigned to the fact that she had to deal with Finn Gunther before anything else.

Settling into the plush comfort of her sofa, clad in nothing but a loosely draped robe, Elizabeth asked, "What's the matter?"

Her expression was the picture of nonchalance as her attendant, clad in a short skirt, attended to her hair and nails. Finn's dissatisfied gaze seemed not to perturb her in the slightest.

"I understand that you've taken in a few more wives recently?"

"It wasn't a deliberate choice. But my heart aches when I see them and their families barely scraping by, not being able to afford even black rye bread to fill their stomachs."

"That brings the count to thirteen. Please exercise some restraint," Finn suggested with a hint of displeasure in his voice.

A trace of annoyance surfaced on Elizabeth's visage. "They are staying on their own free will. I'm not going to stop them if they want to leave. Is this all that you came for today?"

Finn merely sighed before he gestured a dismissive wave.

The maid attendant next to Elizabeth and the guards at the door swiftly withdrew, leaving only Finn and Elizabeth in the room. However, Finn seemed unassured. With a mere flick of his staff, he conjured a protective, violet barrier around them.

"I've received news that the Governor of Hope Island has completed his expedition and will be returning soon," Finn began.

Two days ago, we finally arrived in safe waters with navigational markers. We also encountered an exploration vessel by chance. We are getting closer to Hope Island now.

I thought I would be more thrilled about finding the exit to the surface. However, I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I would be.

Without realizing it, my goals have shifted. This seascape has taken away too many things from me.

But yet, at the same time, it has given me so much, too. The memories of the surface and my longings in this seascape have reached an equilibrium. It has been twelve years

Twelve years Surely it's enough time to mend my family's heartache about my absence? They must have found their peace by now, haven't they?

No matter what, now that it has come to this, I can only continue forward.

"Mr. Charles!" A sudden, familiar call jolted Charles from his writing. He looked up to see Lily dressed in a beige dress. Her hands were clasped behind her as she flashed a radiant smile at him.

"Mr. Charles, did you miss me? I miss you so much!"

"Lily!" Charles called out as he lunged forward, his arms extended wide in an attempt to pull Lily into an embrace.


Charles' eyes shot open as he stared into the dark solitude of his room. It took him some time to compose himself.

Lifting off the covers, he rose up and seized his sketchbook and pen. The image of Lily from his dream rapidly took from under his hurried strokes.

However, he intentionally left out the details of her eyes. He wasn't ready to see Lily's glimmering eyes once again.


The pen in his hand broke under the pressure of his inner turmoil.

Frustrated, Charles threw the broken parts on the floor and reached for the lowest drawer. However, it was empty; he had long finished the last of his alcohol.

Charles slammed the drawer shut and flung the cabin door open, stepping out of the quarters.

Meanwhile, squeaks suddenly filled the room behind Charles as brown mice scurried and gathered around the painting, their tiny eyes fixated on the young girl in the sketchbook.