Chapter 393: Painting

Name:Shrouded Seascape Author:
Chapter 393: Painting

Witnessing the heartfelt embrace, a subtle twinge of envy flashed across Charles' eyes.

Charles had no idea which timeline Weister had been sent to at the mercy of 010, and neither did he know what the latter had endured. But judging by Bandages' current appearance, he concluded that the man had braved countless hardships across centuries, perhaps even millennia.

Despite the hardship and trials, at least Weister's perseverance bore fruits. He had managed to return home, so all his sacrifices were worthwhile.

Charles walked up to the statue before which Elena had been praying so fervently. His eyes gleamed with disdain as he observed its three malevolent eyes.

"What's the point of praying to an abomination like you?! Vile trash," Charles muttered under his breath. With a swift, decisive movement, his grip tightened, and the sound of stone cracking filled the air as the statue's head crumbled to dust in his hand.

At that moment, the sound of cheerful footsteps echoed from behind him. The footsteps belonged to Weister's younger siblings, who had returned home from school.

"Big brother! You're finally back!"

"Awesome! We've been missing you every single day."

"Mom was so worried about you! And so were we!" the siblings chimed in one after the other, clinging to Bandages like koalas, eagerly seeking a reaction from him.

Caught in this outpouring of familial affection, Bandages, who typically remained stoic through any crisis, was noticeably bewildered. A rare expression of panic and discomfort crossed his face for the first time.

Though these were his kin, he found them unfamiliar over the vast expanse of time. He was unsure how to reciprocate their affection.

Noticing his first mate's discomfort, Charles stepped forward to ease the tension.New novel chapters are published on

"I promised you a family portrait some time ago. Let's do it now," Charles said.

Elena was evidently flustered over the fact that the renowned Governor was going to draw them a family portrait. Despite being hesitant at first, she finally acquiesced after some persuasion from Charles and Linda.

The family of four changed into their best outfits before standing side by side and posing for Charles.

The radiant smiles on their faces radiated their joy. Though they were not the wealthiest, at this moment, their happiness surpassed that of many in this seascape.

Charles took his time for this particular painting, spending almost two hours to perfect his artwork. He was certain that this was his finest creation to date.

"Aaahhhh!" Salin couldn't contain his excitement upon Linda's return. Dropping the pen in his hand, he leaped off his chair and affectionately nestled against her.

The very next moment, Salin was drawn irresistibly by the tantalizing scent of the roasted fish. He excitedly snatched the bag and lost himself in the delight of having his meal.

Meanwhile, Linda proceeded to her study. She picked up a thick notebook that was filled with Laesto's notes and started flipping through the pages.

This notebook was the last gift from her teacher, Laesto, whose depth of knowledge and years of experience far surpassed her own. Linda was acutely aware of the significant gap between their abilities, stemming from years of practice and learning.

With their recent voyage concluded, she anticipated a lengthy period dedicated to her studies before embarking on another expedition. Her goal was ambitious: to be near her teacher's level of expertise by the time of their next voyage. Despite the challenge, she was determined to make strides toward this goal.

Hours slipped by unnoticed, and soon it was close to evening time. The skies outside had also been dimmed out.

Odd gurgling sounds abruptly emerged from the kitchen. However, Linda merely looked up and took a glance at the door before she returned to her notes.

Knock, knock.

A gentle knock sounded at her study door, and a man's voice announced from outside, "Dinner is ready."

Linda closed her notebook, rose from her seat and exited the room.

The dining table was set with a hearty meal: a pot of mushroom chicken soup, several loaves of bread, and a beautifully arranged fruit platter that added a touch of color to the spread.

"You added too much salt to the soup," Linda commented after drinking a spoonful of it.

"I'm blind. Aren't you asking too much of me?" Audric, draped in his black cloak, said as he hung upside down from the ceiling.

Linda ignored his remark. She took a bread knife and cut it into several slices before submerging them into the soup in her bowl. Once the pieces were soaked through, she spooned a generous portion of the enriched broth, along with the bread and chicken, into her mouth.

The spacious living room was filled with only the sounds of her chewing and the steady ticking of the wall clock.

Audric then broke the peaceful silence, "How's the First Mate doing?"

"He's back home," Linda replied with a succinct answer.