Emperor Wende denied Zhou Shian's views, but also admitted that Zhou had great talents.

Emperor Wende encouraged Zhou Shian to finish the book.

But I don't intend to promote Zhou Shian.


Such a person is not suitable for a high position.

Mr. Lu is very sorry.

Zhou Shian failed to grasp such a good opportunity.

Zhou Shi'an was hit by this, and his spirit was inevitably decadent.

Took two days off to reflect in the room.

When Zhou Miao learned about this, he couldn't help but secretly came to care about it. He didn't dare to let Zhou Shian find out.

Lord Lu advised him, "I'll give you a few more days off. Brother Zhou might as well go out and have a rest."

Zhou Shi'an also felt it necessary to go out for a walk.

I hired a rickshaw and didn't say the destination.

The coachman simply took him to Xinmin county.

Xinmin county is busy, and there are so many books that no matter how much trouble you get here.

"My Lord, Wenqing bookstore is here. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Zhou Shian came to his senses and gave the rickshaw driver two Wen, "buy me a big week life show."


The coachman readily agreed.

After buying the newspaper, the coachman continued to pull Zhou Shian all the way.

Finally, I went up the mountain to Shanhe Academy.

Zhou Shian froze, "how did you get here?"

"Adults are scholars. I think that Shanhe academy can make adults happy."

"You have a mind."

Zhou Shian got out of the car and rewarded the driver.

The coachman said to him, "the little one is waiting for the adults at the door, and the small one is responsible for sending the adults back."

Zhou Shian nodded and walked into the gate of Shanhe Academy.

Shanhe academy covers a large area and has a quiet environment.

College students are free and unrestrained.

Running naked in two or three days, can you not be unrestrained?

At the beginning of each month, the entrance examination day has become a regular program in Xinmin county.

On that day, people from all walks of life would rush into Xinmin County just to see the students running naked.

Some people even traveled thousands of miles to see the streaking, especially from the remote Lingnan to the capital.

Xinmin County streaking, obviously has played a famous, played the style, played the characteristic.

Zhou Shi'an walks in the campus, occasionally a student passes by, nods and smiles at him.

The students thought he was a teacher of the Academy, and they would say, "Hello, sir."

Zhou Shian is a little uneasy.

It's not because he is not qualified to be a teacher, but because he is worried that he will be exposed and said to pretend to be a college teacher, which will be embarrassing at that time.

However, no one in the Academy questioned his identity.

He was free to wander about the Academy without restraint or interruption.

On the side of the school, students are playing Cuju, shouting all day long.

Next to the school field, someone is playing polo.

The riding skill is exquisite, everyone can play all kinds of tricks on the horse's back.

In the distance, there was a bang.

Something seems to have exploded, giving off smoke.

Zhou Shian was startled.

However, students are not surprised.

"It must be those guys who claim to be descendants of the Mohist school who are doing experiments."

"Don't worry about them."

I'm used to frying every day.

Just as there are people running naked every day in the Academy, they are used to running.

When it comes to streaking, Zhou Shi'an sees several students who walk by with their chest and body exposed.

"Those Taoist people came out to dissipate heat."

"Heat dissipation?"

"Wu Shi San, you know. Eat five stone powder, body heat, need to heat. "

"How can the Academy allow students to eat wushisan?"

"Of course, the Academy did not allow them to take Wushi powder. But we can't stand a group of people who are not afraid of death, so they call it doing experiments to verify the effect of wushisan. "

"It's ridiculous!"

"It's not ridiculous. First, try wushisan on poultry. It has been confirmed that wushisan will cause poultry death. Now they're experimenting on people, and if they overdose, there's bound to be problems. With a solid argument, we can persuade others, and at the same time improve the formula to make wushisan harmless. "

"Are you not afraid of death?"

"They've been controlling the dose for years, and they haven't heard of human life."

Zhou Shian opened his eyes.

Shanhe academy is very special.

"I see, everyone seems not worried about the imperial examination?"

"Ha ha ha strike a proper balance between work and rest. What's more, not everyone can test all the candidates

"Why do you study if you can't test all the people and the Jinshi?"

"Who said that we must take the examination of all the candidates to study? Old man, your idea is too old-fashioned. Like me, a scholar's fame is hopeless. I know how much I have. I don't waste my time taking exams. I choose a subject I'm interested in. I learn skills. I can do whatever I want to do in the future. ""What subjects did you study?"

"What I learned is Shu Shu. I can go to the Ministry of Hubu as an official without taking the imperial examination."

"If you have no reputation, you can only be a petty official."

"A petty official is a petty official. There is nothing wrong with it. Old man, what do you think I come from? To tell you the truth, I am a poor farmer's son. In order to provide me with books, my family has already emptied my family. If I stay in my hometown, do you think I have a chance to work as a petty official in Hubu? I'm afraid I can't even reach the door of the Ministry of housing. If you go to Shanhe academy, you don't have to spend a cent. On the contrary, you can still save money. After graduation, you can go to the Hubu as an errand. What's the matter with that? "

Rough words are not rough.

Zhou Shian thought about half of his books.


The most important thing is always opportunity.

Shanhe academy attracts students because it provides students with various opportunities.

If you want to take the imperial examination, try your best.

I don't want to take the imperial examination. There are other subjects for the academy to choose from.

All subjects read out, can earn a job, a share of money.

No wonder the students of Shanhe academy are more confident, more magnanimous, more unrestrained, and more wild and bold than those of the Imperial College.

Zhou Shian holds the latest issue of Shanhe academy newspaper in his hand. The words used in the articles are so sharp and bold that even Zhou Shian is even tongue tied.

Fortunately, Shanhe academy newspaper was not published, otherwise it would have been sealed by the newspaper industry department.

After a tour of the Academy, Zhou Shi'an is ready to go back.

"Excuse me, is that Mr. Zhou?"

Someone blocked his way.

Zhou Shian looked at the visitor and said quietly, "I am Zhou Shian."

"My wife wants to have a cup of tea for my husband," he said with a smile

"Who is your wife? Do you know me? "

"Mr. and my wife once met."

Zhou Shian suddenly returned to his mind, "is your wife the princess of Qin?"

People laugh but don't speak.

Zhou Shi'an thought ahead and said, "please lead the way."

"This way, Mr. Zhou."

The servant invited Zhou Shian to the other courtyard in the back mountain.

The big dog watching the door was the same one, especially patiently playing with Niu Niu.

Gu Jiu waited in the tea room for a long time and cooked the tea himself.

"The presence of a distinguished guest will bring forth splendor."

Gu Jiu asks Zhou Shian to sit down for tea with a smile.

Sitting on the ground, holding tea, such a leisurely afternoon, it is very comfortable.

"Madame knows where I am?"

Zhou Shian was outspoken and asked directly whether he had been followed.

Gu Jiu said with a smile, "I heard that there was an old man wandering around in the Academy. He looked like Mr. Zhou. I ordered someone to go to the college for confirmation. If it is Mr. Zhou, please come and have a cup of tea. If not, there is no need to disturb the other party. I didn't expect to have tea this week, sir

"It's up to me. I'm lucky to be able to drink the tea cooked by the princess herself. "

"If you like, sir, you may as well sit a little longer."

"Obedience is better than respect."

"What do you think of Shanhe academy?"

Zhou Shian asked bluntly, "does the princess want to recruit me?"

Gu Jiu pursed his lips with a smile, "I heard that Mr. Zhang was writing a book, but I don't know what it is about? Do you want to consider publishing for Mr. Wenqing? "

Zhou Shian laughed, "is the princess really interested in my book?"

Gu nine nods, "willing to hear its detailed."

Zhou Shian said frankly: "I am writing about the four seas and the whole world."

"Oh? In what way? "

"The secret of success of the four seas and the whole world."

Gu Jiu laughed out loud, "I don't know when I can read Mr. Zhang's masterpiece?"

"The princess is not afraid that after the publication of books, the world will see through the essence of the world and the world?"

Gu Jiu laughed and said, "Sihai and Huanyu have been there all the time. Those who can see through it can see through without Mr. Zhang's masterpiece. People who can't see through, even after reading Mr. Zhang's book, still have nothing to change. I'm very happy to publish this book for you. I'm also famous for the world. "

"The princess did not stick to the form."

Gu Jiu asked with a smile, "Sir, do you want to teach in the academy? The door of the academy is always open to you. "

Zhou Shian laughed, "the princess still didn't give up."

Gu Jiu said: "because I know that officialdom is not suitable for you. Mr. A is an idealist, not a speculator. The longer you stay in the officialdom, the more depressed you will be. Only Shanhe academy is the end result of Mr. Here, you can teach freely and write books freely. This is your ideal kingdom. Don't you want to write a book about the secrets of all living beings in officialdom? "

Zhou Shian narrowed his eyes.

"The princess is also a vested interest. Why encourage me to disclose all the people in the officialdom? What's good for the princess? "Gu Jiu tapped on the table, "because our time, the world and the whole world need different voices, not just one."

Zhou Shian frowned.

Gu Jiu continued to bewitch, "I am looking forward to one day, my husband can make his own voice, and make an ear shaking sound. Even if we can't wake up the world, we can at least let future generations know that there are different voices in this era. This is an open and inclusive era. The people are rich and the country is strong. All countries are coming to Korea. This is the Heavenly Kingdom. "

Rich people and strong country?

The coming of all nations?

The Chinese Empire?

It was like a heavy hammer, pounding Zhou Shian's heart heavily.

His face flushed, and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

Gu Jiu also said: "to change an era, there is not only one way to be an official. To write books, to spread knowledge and wisdom, can also change an era. Being an official can benefit the people. Writing books can influence generations of people. Thousands of years later, future generations will not remember Zhou Shian, an official, but will certainly remember Zhou Shian, a thinker. "


"Yes! Thinker Zhou Shian! "

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