Lu Da's face turned blue and his eyes blazed with anger!

I don't know what kind of magic Gu Jiu applied. He even fooled Zhou Shi'an into leaving to teach in Shanhe Academy.

It's very annoying!

It's not easy to get a talented person, and he is pried into the corner on the way. It's hard on anyone.

Lord Lu is not easy to get angry with Zhou Shi'an. He can only be sulky and ignore people with a straight face.

Zhou Shi'an knows his faults.

"Thanks to the care of adults these years, I am deeply impressed. No matter when and where the Lord is sent, he will never refuse. "

Lord Lu repressed his anger, "you can't wait. Let's talk about resigning in two years? "

Zhou Shian shook his head. "I have wasted too many years of time and can't continue to waste it."

It's a waste of time to be an official!

Lord Lu wanted to get angry, but he sighed again and again.

"Really not thinking about it?"

"I have failed your cultivation. Please forgive me."

Zhou Shian made up his mind to teach in Shanhe Academy.

Even ten cows can't bring him back.

Lord Lu waved his hand, "it's just, it's not sweet to try to fight. I don't force you, but don't forget to come and have a look. Although you are not in officialdom, you and I are still in love. "

"Thank you very much."

Zhou Shian was relieved.

"When are you going to move to Shanhe academy?"

"Move in tomorrow."

"In such a hurry?"

"I want to settle down earlier and write a book at ease."

"Well! Since procrastination is no longer necessary. I'll ask the housekeeper to move for you tomorrow

"No trouble. The Academy will send someone to help move tomorrow. "

"Academies are academies, and I am the officials. Anyway, it's a deal. Tomorrow I'll arrange someone to help you move. "

"Thank you very much." Zhou Shian had no choice but to respond.

After settling down in the Academy, Zhou Shian closed the door and began to concentrate on writing.

I have lived most of my life and experienced all kinds of ups and downs. I want to say a lot and write a lot.

Looking at his gray beard in the mirror, Zhou Shian felt that there were not many days left, and he did not dare to waste a moment. I want to write everything I want to write.


Lord Lu's anger is hard to dispel.

He gave Gu Jiu a letter of worship and wanted to talk to Gu Jiu.

You can't be a man without quality.

Gu Jiu received the post and threw it aside.

She joked: "Lord Lu intends to set up a teacher and make a crime. Why don't you think he cut Hu from my hand at the beginning?"

At that time, Gu Jiu personally came forward to persuade Zhou Shian to teach in Shanhe Academy.

Zhou Shi'an agreed. Before signing the agreement, Zhou Shian was fooled by Lord Lu, who fooled him to work as an official in the central province.

At that time, Shanhe Academy was thirsty for talents, and it was a bit shabby for Yang Yuanqing, a general of Sanyuan.

At the beginning, Gu Jiu was very angry.

This time, we also let Lord Lu taste the taste of being cut off.

Xu Yousi asked, "does the princess want to see Lord Lu? People from Lu's residence are waiting for news from the gatekeeper. "

Gu Jiu picked up the invitation again and glanced at it. "It's rare that Lord Lu condescends to worship. Of course, if you want to see it, you have to stop by to welcome him. Tell the servants of Lu's mansion that my princess will wait for Lord Lu in Xiaozhu three days later. "


The three-day period came in a twinkling of an eye.

Lord Lu took a carriage to Xiaozhu in the mountains.

It's late autumn, and the leaves are yellow.

The wheels crunched the leaves.

Lord Lu kept his eyes closed.

It was not until the carriage drove into Xiaozhu that he opened his eyes.

"My princess is waiting in the flower hall. Please come here."

Lu Da Ren once came to Xiaozhu, and his curiosity was inevitable.

Pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water reveal exquisite luxury everywhere.

When we arrived at the flower hall, there were three glass windows on the ground, which shocked Lord Lu.

"My Lord, please. My princess is waiting in it."

Lord Lu walked into the flower hall and smelled the fragrance of tea.

"Happy princess!"

"My Lord, when you come to my humble house, you will shine. Sit down, my Lord

Gu Jiu got up to meet him.

The maid cooked tea and the maid played the piano.

The music is melodious and refreshing.

Mr. Lu had a light drink of tea, even a good tea.

"Chuang Tzu in the South has set up two tea mountains. Tea is not the best. It's better to drink new tea all the year round. "

"I've heard that the princess has set up several Chuang Tzu in the south, but I didn't expect to buy tea mountain."

When Gu Jiu mentioned adding water to the teapot, she said without hesitation: "a few years ago, due to the drought in the south, both the quantity and quality of tea decreased, and the price could not be sold. Many tea merchants have to sell their assets to tide over the difficulties. At that time, I had some spare money, so I bought two tea mountains and hired someone to grow tea and pick tea. The business of tea seems to be an amazing profit, but in fact it is a huge investment. The advantage is that it can provide job opportunities for the majority of the local population and let the local people earn a lot of hard money. ""The princess always seems to have considered the issue of employment when she does business."

Gu Jiu chuckled softly: "a market can't be supported by aristocratic families alone. Only when the people have money and are willing to spend money, the market will become bigger and bigger, and the income will be higher and higher. Whether it's tea, meat or vegetables, or cloth, it depends on walking distance. Quantity needs population support. In the same way, if the imperial court wants to collect taxes, it also has to rely on the small people's grain and money. After all, the imperial court has no ability to collect taxes from aristocratic families. "

That's a slap in the face.

"The malpractice of tax collection is a problem accumulated for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and can not be solved overnight."

Gu Jiu smiles, "I understand the truth. The founding of Taizu needed the support of aristocratic families, so they acquiesced that they would not pay taxes according to the old rules, and that they could hoard fields and raise slaves. The advantage is that the great Zhou Dynasty was stable and all the opposition forces disappeared. The disadvantage is that, as time goes on, it will bring down the government's finance. When there was war, famine, the imperial court's maladies, internal and external troubles, the dynasty came to an end. This is also the fundamental reason why no Dynasty can escape the fate of 300 years. "

To sum up, land annexation is serious and the gap between the rich and the poor is huge.

The people who can't survive can only rebel and seek a way out.

Lord Lu looked dignified. "Does the princess have a good plan?"

"Have you not seen it? Since we can't move the interests of aristocratic families and nobles, we should try to give them a way to live and let them have more ways to make money. "

Gu Jiu looks at Lord Lu with a smile.

Lord Lu raised his eyebrows. "I didn't expect that the princess would talk to each other."

Gu Jiu chuckled and said, "although I don't have much contact with adults, I can trust your character. I don't need to worry even if your majesty tells your majesty this. Your majesty always knows what I'm doing. "

"So the Royal concubine's industry has been able to expand rapidly and has never been suppressed by the imperial court."

"My princess is not only doing business, but also solving the difficulties of the common people. What reason does the court have to suppress the property under my name? "

Lu chuckled. "Shanhe academy newspaper, published by Shanhe academy, often contains articles that are taboo, but has never been suppressed by the newspaper department. Obviously, it is also because Shanhe academy adheres to the principle of free school running, which is deeply appreciated by his majesty. As the saying goes, taking it from civilian use to the people not only benefits the majority of students, but also saves the princess from disaster. "

Gu Jiu pursed her lips and laughed, "Lord Lu has seen it far-reaching, and the princess seems unable to refute it."

Lord Lu raised his eyebrows and said, "madam, is it really for the sake of avoiding disaster?"

"To be exact, running academies will bring more benefits. It can not only avoid disasters, but also explore talents and provide an ideal reading place for children. "

"But it costs millions of taels a year."

"Worth it!"

Mr. Lu shook his head repeatedly. "How much return is needed? Is the investment worth one million Liang per year? It is not so much to explore talents as to reserve talents. "

Gu Jiu filled the teacup with water, "is it for the sake of attacking the princess?"

Lord Lu shook his head again. "I am assessing how ambitious the princess is."

"Oh? Do you have the answer, then

"The princess is subverting the dynasty." Lord Lu said with a loud voice, "it's more harmful than the anti thieves who set out to rebel."


Gu Jiu looks calm, and is not frightened by Lord Lu's words.

"The dynasty is continuing the old road of the previous dynasty, and I am trying to find a new one."

"Your new road may bring the dynasty to the brink of doom."

"My princess remembers that your majesty didn't say that in front of her majesty. My Lord has clearly said that we can try a new way. Why are you stubborn and conservative today

Lord Lu laughed, "sure enough, nothing can hide from the princess."

Gu Jiu listens to the following.

"The princess wants to find a new way, which means that you and your royal highness have only one way to go."

Gu Jiu nodded, did not deny, "this road has already seen the dawn."

Lord Lu pondered: "I dare to guess that the reason why your majesty changed his mind is mostly because of the young master."

Gu Jiu is not sure.

Lord Lu shook his head and laughed, "what's your Highness's attitude?"

Gu Jiu didn't answer in a hurry. Instead, he asked, "what position do adults take to ask this question?"

Lord Lu naturally said: "the status of a key official of the court."

Gu Jiu picks eyebrow, "is not your Majesty's confidant?"

"He is not only the confidant of his majesty, but also an important official of the court."

"One day in the future, if there is a change of people in the palace, what will adults do?"

"Of course, it's to do your duty well."

"What is duty?" Gu Jiu kept asking questions.

Lord Lu said solemnly, "it's my duty as a minister to guard the great Zhou River and mountain for your majesty."Gu Jiu laughed. "The attitude of this princess is the attitude of his royal highness."

Lord Lu was obviously surprised.

Gu Jiu said with a smile: "I know what adults are thinking. Liu Zhao was not as conservative as the adults thought. He listened to other people's opinions. "

"That's why I'm worried. I'm worried that if I take too big a step, I'm too eager for success, and I'll burn myself in the end. "

"Thank you for reminding me. I will always reflect on myself and strive for small steps forward. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!