Chapter 168: A Day in the Floating Fortress

Chapter 168: A Day in the Floating Fortress

Part 1

Two days have passed.

Zanoba woke up and has been cheerfully checking out the art pieces around the castle.

Doesn't look like the electric shock left any complications.

Thank goodness. If he stayed unconscious with his life hanging by a thread like that, I don't know how I would face Ginger.

There have been some changes for Cliff.

After the event, Cliff and Kishirika talked about something.

I don't know what they talked about, but he was rewarded.

Kishirika's reward.

In other word, a Demon Eye.

The Demon Eye Cliff received is the Identification Eye.

Up to the extent of Kishirika's knowledge, he knows everything he sets his eyes on.

From now on, even if a similar situation was to happen, he can handle it on his own.

Cliff is taking it like a man.

That man currently, unable to control his Demon Eye, is struggling along.

Everything in the world with name and explanations attached.

A world covered in words.

Even now he cannot walk about without Elinalise guiding him.

But he'll learn to control it eventually, after all, Cliff is a genius.

Until then, he should wear an eye patch.

Part 2

Also, Nanahoshi's illness.

We brought back the tea.

A little after drinking the brew, Nanahoshi begins to feel the urges.

Then Nanahoshi with Yuruzu's help headed to the infirmary... To protect her honor, I'll omit the rest. In short, relieved.

"How's the body holding up?"

Nanahoshi is still bedridden.

Her complexion has improved but still weary. She looks obviously frail.

She probably still needs at least a month of rest.

"Much better now."

Looks like she's in a good mood.

Not stressing over work like usual, but looking rather drowsy like she just woke up.

Also, bed head.

She may live an unhealthy lifestyle, but she actually combs her hair everyday.

"This time, thanks."

With Sokasu tea warm in her hand, she bows at me.

How rare of her to be polite.

"Going through such danger for my medication. You... saved me."

Hearing her so polite makes me feel rather uncomfortable.

No, she's probably feeling fragile after her body weakened so much.

"Don't worry about it."

"You have always been looking out for me... Even after I said those awful things to you... You helped me without a complaint. I don't know how I can ever repay you."

Nanahoshi looks so apologetic.

Nanahoshi as a goodie two shoes, that's a first. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Did Yuruzu of Atonement's power manage to change her personality as well?

"Now that I think about it. Rudeus-san is my senior, yet I have been so impolite..."

"Over there doesn't matter. Here I'm only 18."

"How old were you originally?"

"Thirty... No, forget it. The age difference isn't important. Please drop the honorifics. Just like before."


Nanahoshi takes a sip of Sokasu tea, drinking slowly.

Looks like drinking works too.

"From what I heard, your sickness..."

"Can't be cured, probably."

Nanahoshi's Drain Syndrome has no cure.

Sokasu tea can temporarily eliminate magic from within, but if she leaves it alone, the magic will re-accumulate.

Because she's not of this world, there's no permanent fix.

But as long as she drinks Sokasu tea regularly, she should be fine, probably.

Even a little magic can create complications.

Who knows how long before she contracts another strange illness.

And next time, if it's a disease from time immemorial, then even Kishirika might not know of it.

To live in this world, you have to contact magic.

In the air, in your food, magic is everywhere.

"Nanahoshi. You must go back. You can't die in this world."

"... Yes."

"I will do everything I can to help, until you find a way."

"But I..."

"Don't worry about the reward. If you ever get in trouble, please come discuss it with me, no matter what."


Hearing that, Nanahoshi sniffs and start crying.

Under her quiet sobs, a [Thank you] can be heard.

Patiently, I wait for Nanahoshi to finish.

After a while, with a stuffy nose and swollen eyes, Nanahoshi said.

"But, if I go back."

"Yes, as soon as possible..."

"No, I won't be able to repay you once I get back..."

Ah, so she wants to repay me before then.

She's surprisingly earnest.

"Don't fuss over the details. Besides, it's not like I never got anything from you."

"What I mean is, a reward for helping my research."

"Then how about this, would you mind if I consult you sometimes with minor issues?"

"Minor issues like?"

"Like what do girls your age want? I live a married life with Sylphy, got married, our child was born, but I don't really know how a girl her age thinks. If it's you, since you're around the same age, maybe you can?"

"... How Sylphy thinks?"

Nanahoshi puts a hand on her chin, concentrating over a spot on her blanket.

Thinking seriously.


"Don't worry about it today. Just that if some day, when we have a fight, please take responsibility."

"... Got it."

Nanahoshi nods earnestly.

Similar in age, but ultimately she's a person from another world, and she probably won't know anything about married life.

Of course, I also don't know what people my age think.

"Well then, that settles it. You're still frail, so take care of yourself."

"Okay. Thanks."

I exit the room.

If we stay too long together, Sylphy will get jealous again.

A jealous Sylphy is cute too.

But I don't want to make a hobby out of keeping her uneasy.

I wish Sylphy can accept my love without worries.

But just thinking isn't good enough.

Part 3

Walking down a hallway, a beautiful sunset can be seen outside the window.

And under the window, an expansive courtyard.

No matter which world, sunset is always dazzling.

I don't like high places.

But looking from this beautiful courtyard, witnessing the sun setting amidst a sea of clouds.

I too want to lose myself in such scenery.

With that in mind, I head out.

Flowers I have never seen before line this manicured garden.

A fantasy landscape lit by the setting sun, shy behind the clouds.

If I whisper sweet nothings to Sylphy in such a scene, how will she react?

Will she lower her reddened cheeks and grip my hands tightly?

She would be too cute to bear.

Okay, I shall collect Sylphy and test this hypothesis.

And with Roxy too...

If it's her, she probably would say nonchalantly [You don't have to say that] or something.

Well, we don't have anything scheduled for tonight. That's the only time when she acts brazenly.

But it's fine. Not just sexy time, I also want to try normal couple stuff once a while.

Watching the setting sun together, [It's beautiful!] [No, you're more beautiful!] and watch Roxy blush.

Sigh, she's not here. She won't see this.


Walking around while thinking about this and that, I spot near the edge of the courtyard.

A white table.

Three seated around it talking about something.

"That was Shisho's magic. Purple magic flies out of Shisho's right hand. Atofe was burned to a crisp, completely paralyzed."

"Oh, Atofe was so weakened because of his magic."

"The depth of Rudeus-sama's magic is truly astounding."

The three chatting around the table.

Zanoba, Ariel.

Also Perugius.

They're happily chatting away in the sunset.

Not participating in the discussion are two more individuals.

Luke behind Ariel, and Sylvaril behind Perugius.

Including the two standing, all five involved in Zanoba's conversation.

"Even Elinalise and I were taken out. Outside of Shisho, I don't think anyone else in the world can handle magic like that."

Perugius looks troubled.

Just a little more, maybe I should help out?

"The Supard Race may be hated, but without Ruijerd's help, I might not be alive right now."

"Perugius-sama. Ruijerd regrets what he has done."


Perugius looks bothered by my words.

What should I say?

"Yes. He was fooled by Laplace."

"Laplace, huh..."

Perugius's face looks distorted.

Is this right?

"It's true. Laplace gave him a malevolent spear and manipulated him. It ruined his race's honor, and even caused him to kill his own family... For that he felt ashamed and hatred for Laplace."


"He has been traveling the world to atone for his race's honor. This plan is also hatched to help him. I owe Ruijerd a great debt... If Perugius-sama also owes Ruijerd, then as repayment, will you permit this?"

After listening to me, Perugius crosses his arms, closes his eyes, and his brows wrinkle.

After some time, he mutters a single sentence.

"Supard Race's honor and such, I'm unsure but... a debt must be repaid..."

"Oh, really?"

"... Do as you like."

Perugius still has his objections, that is obvious.

But with this, Arumanfi won't come trashing the place when we put Ruijerd figures on sale.

Rather, if anyone complains, we can claim Perugius's approval.

Perugius is known in all the lands. His name holds weight.

Really, most impressive, Zanoba.

He knew exactly where to lead the conversation.

Zanoba is really shining recently.

Far more than for me to imitate.

"Thank you for your consideration!"

Zanoba bows his head.

With that, our marketing plan takes a big step forward.

Still, Ruijerd, where are you?

"Say, Shisho. Why not show off a little to Perugius-sama?"

"Of how my figures are made?'

"Yes, Shisho's specialty, the method of creating a figure from nothing."

Perugius looks this way and nods.

"See. He's interested in your magic."

Alright, figure making demonstration.

Just what I do regularly.

Use earth magic to form the general shape, then slowly trim the details.

This time I'll make it about "Roid" size.

This way, I can relax, and it'll turn out well.

The quality won't be great, so just a spare.

On the face, I'll try to make a bird mask.

A Sylvaril figure.

"... Is this Sylvaril? How novel!"

Perugius watches my production process carefully.

Curiously, carefully observes my hand.

Can he see magic?

He can't, but maybe he understands the process.

After all, he's the man of legends.

"Earth Magic can be used in this way too, how unexpected."

"We can make anything by request!"

"Is that so? Alright, when you finished a particularly outstanding piece, I will take it."

We got a customer!

Badigadi has disappeared.

So we should at least secure this pipeline.

"In that case."

Finally Ariel joins in the conversation.

"We also have many fine sculptors in the Asura Kingdom."

She went on to explain how talented and skilled the sculptors in Asura are.

Even going as far as, that if she were to take the throne, what they'll make for Perugius.

Getting annoyed by the conversation, Perugius finally spits out.

"Asura Kingdom's sculptures, are they only made to satisfy the vanity of your nobility? How boring."

"... Eh?"

Ariel, speechless, but Perugius is relentless.

"Once you become Queen, don't you have more important things to do than make sculptures for me?"


Perugius isn't letting off.

"Or rather, you plan on a life of extravagance on your people's back?"

"... No, of course not, and sorry. That suggestion, please forget it."

Ariel looks downcast and readies the retreat.

She stands up and take a bow.

Not the usual charismatic Ariel.

Regardless, Perugius has been too blunt this time.

Does he really hate Ariel that much? Were those cruel words even necessary?

"Wait, Ariel Anemoi Asura."

Perugius stops Ariel before she can leave.

Looking at her with an overbearing glance.

"To you, what does it mean to be king? What does a real king represent?"

"He has... wisdom, but listens to advise of his ministers, and the stature of a king..."


Perugius stops Ariel, shaking his head.

"I know Asura Kingdom's real king, but, he is not that man."

"Perugius-sama knows King Asura?"

"That's right. Crowned king after the Laplace Campaign, my friend, Kaunis Freean Asura ."

I know a little about Kaunis.

After the Laplace Campaign, the sole survivor of the Asura royal house.

A great king. He gave direction to the war-torn kingdom of Asura.

400 years ago, Asura Kingdom became the sole kingdom to rule the west.

He was the reason why Asura was spared of internal turmoil postwar.

"Kaunis-sama was a great king. I can't hope to imitate him."

Ariel's words make Perugius shake his head.

"He is not great. That guy is a coward, hates to fight, and always on the run. He's bad at studying, not an ounce of martial talent, and he would always sneak to the city to get drunk and ogle bar wretches. He's that kind of man. Indeed, he never had any ambition for the throne. Yet, he has the most important factor of a king. Because of that, I respect him as a real king."

"The most important factor...?"

"If you can tell me what that is, I will help you."

Ah. I see.

This is a test.

Ariel is being tested.

If she is worthy of Perugius's backing.

"King, the most important factor..."

Ariel places a hand on her chin, concentrating over a spot on the table.

She remembers what she knows of King Kaunis.

But King Kaunis was a fool.

Like Oda Nobunaga?

"Rudeus. What do you think?"

While I was thinking, Perugius says.

"Eh, I'm not royalty, so I wouldn't know."

"Don't worry, just say whatever."

Even if he says that.

King... What is a king?

In fantasy novels, what are kings like?

A great man, head of a country.

So basically a prime minister.

In my past life, I was never interested in politics.

Just the reactions on the internet of politicians, that's about it.

Basically, not even a clue.

"... Someone who uses his own strengths for the sake of country and people."


Perugius sighs at such a bland answer.

"Ariel. Even he gave a better answer.

... But concern for his people alone is not enough to be king.

Indeed. Kaunis wasn't just concerned with his own people. With some help, he managed to pacify the entire Asura.

Strength? Why would strength matter to a king?

You never thought about it? Why did a country raise a fool to be king? Was it really for the good of the country?"


Ariel looks a mix of sadness and regret.

What does Perugius want Ariel to say? I don't know.

Well, it's fine if I don't know.

I don't plan to be king.

Maybe Perugius just wants to know Ariel's resolution and personality, so he asked a question without answers.

Even so, a king?

What do you want to do, what do you want to be?

"Think it through, Ariel Anemoi Asura... Well, it's late, time to head back in."

With those words from Perugius, the tea party is over.

Seeing a dejected Ariel, with Luke following feebly behind, is particularly pungent.