Chapter 169: Turning Point 4

Chapter 169: Turning Point 4

Part 1

After a few days, my strength recovers and I return to the Magic City Sharia with Sylphy.

By the time I reached home, the sun had already set.

Although it's only been a couple days, upon seeing my house, I was hit with a sense of nostalgia.

"I'm back"

"Coming, welcome back... eh? Onii-chan?"

Upon opening the door, I see Aisha coming from the living room.

Perhaps not expecting me to be back so soon, Aisha greeted me with a perplexed expression.

"Back already? Did you find a way to save Nanahoshi-san? Or ..."

I pat Aisha's head in reassurance.

A [Wah] slips from her mouth, but she doesn't seem annoyed.

"Onii-chan, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, Nanahoshi will be fine. I'll explain the details. Are Roxy and Norn home?"

"Norn-ane is still at school. Roxy is in her room. Mom...Lilia-kaasan is doing laundry. Zenith-kaasan is sleeping."

"I see, Norn is still at school... Sorry to bother you, but can you get Roxy for me?"


After a bit, Roxy came downstairs.

Was she sleeping? Her hair is a little messy and her face is red.

"Welcome back, Rudi. How did it go?"

"I'll explain now, but before that."


I pull Roxy into a tight embrace.

I had promised to return safely.

Though she was a little surprised, Roxy circled her arms around and hugged me back.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back."

I'm finally home.

Part 2

I told everyone the events of the past few days.

There was a lot to cover, so I just explained the important parts, focusing especially on the details of Zenith's curse.

Particularly signs to watch out for in the future.

"For the time being, I'll stay in the sky fortress, but I'll come home at least once every ten days."

Let's do this for now.

While Ariel is continuing her plans, Sylphy is also staying in the sky fortress.

She is also planning on doing the same (returning at least once every 10 days).

Not going to class, huh... I suppose it's fine if I just show up for the extracurricular studies.

That should count as class participation.

"I understand, Rudeus-sama. You can leave the housework and Zenith's care to me."

Lilia declared that she would take care of the extra work. Anyway, my report is over and the family meeting has finished.

"Phew, I feel tired. I'm going to go rest. What about you, Rudi?"

"I think I'll take a bath and go to sleep."

"Oh? Should I wait up for you?"

"No, not today."


I walk towards the bath.

Thinking about it, I haven't had a bath for a few days.

As I enter the room, I heat up the water in the bathtub.

I should clean my body first... forget it.

Taking off my clothes, I enter the bathtub with a small splash.


As I soak in the tub, I can feel my fatigue melt away.

I suddenly realize how tiring these last few days have been.

But, ten days, huh?

My audience with Perugius was only ten days ago.

So much has happened in such a short time.

Nanahoshi collapsing, journeying to the magic continent, seeing Kishirika, aggroing Atofe.

Atofe was so strong.

I don't feel like I can beat her.

It is impossible for me to beat an opponent on such a level.

But lightning magic worked.

If I use it to catch her off-guard, I might have a chance.

I need to research and practice it some more.

At least to the point where I can use it while wet.

What should I do? I don't know.

Should I cover myself with rubber like Stretchman?

Atofe's servant, Moore was strong too.

It feels like he can counter anything I try to do. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Up until now, with the exception of Roxy, I've never seen such a powerful magician.

Thanks to [Magic Disturb] and the prosthetic hand I had managed somehow, but how am I supposed to deal with this type of opponent?

A general strategy for fighting powerful opponents... doesn't exist, does it?...

Regardless, I'm out of ideas. If only I could become a little stronger.

After all, this is the first time something like this has happened in the past few years.

Reaching Perugius's level is probably impossible, but somewhere around Sylvaril's might be.

But, Perugius's summoning magic, if I can learn to draw teleportation magic circles, no matter what happens, I'll be able to react quickly.

The fact that it is forbidden magic is scary, but that's all the more reason to learn it.

Knowledge is power.

And, communication too.

Ariel's ring.

If it is improved a bit then it can be used to send messages.

Maybe it is impossible to use it everywhere, but it might function as a pager.

What else?

It feels like I'm forgetting something...

"Ugh, this always happens."

Now I think about it, I'm always so forgetful.

I would have bouts of inspiration, and then promptly forget about them.

One good idea after another too.

I thought I had a good memory, but I really have too many weaknesses.

Not good.

I'm repeating my mistakes.

I was lucky this time, but what if I forget next time?

If I forget my mistakes, I won't improve.

But, what do I do?

I remember hearing that keeping a journal helps with memory.

"...alright, maybe I should start a diary?"

Not a bad idea.

Experiences, failures, weaknesses, important things.

After writing those down, I can reflect on them.

Determining priorities, stating objectives, deciding my next move.

Feels like this will be a good idea.

I should start writing now.

Thinking this, I dash out of the bathtub.

"But... where are diaries sold?"

After getting out of the bath, I go to my research room.

I reach for the stack of papers on the lowest part of the bookshelf.

If there are no diaries, I can just write on regular paper.

The most important thing is to write things down.

But, just writing is so lonely, I think I'll add something to it.

Though its appearance is not important, it doesn't hurt for it to look a bit better.

I place the stack of papers neatly on my desk.

First, I use magic to make small holes in the paper.

I loop the papers through some rings that I make with earth magic.

Next I prepare three boards and hinges.

I place them in a "コ" shape.

I place the ring in it.

My binder type diary is complete.

The boards and hinges were free. The only expense was from the paper.

What about a hole puncher? I wonder if I can sell this?

I'll write this down, too.

Ideas that aren't written down will probably get forgotten.

Hole puncher... no, I should write about the diary first.

"What should I write?"

Speaking of diaries, when I was a NEET, I used to have a blog. But, I quickly gave up on it.

If I can turn this into a habit, it'll work, right?

No, I shouldn't think of this as someone else's problem.

As long as I make this into a habit, it'll work.


I'll write about the events of the last 10 days.


I was asleep before I knew it.

Part 3

I'm in an empty, white room.

"It's nothing serious. I want you to go to the basement and make sure there's nothing abnormal. If you don't find anything, then that's fine. That's all I want."

Make sure there's nothing abnormal?


No, I understand.

This time, I'll trust you. I'll just do as you asked and see how it goes.

"Is that so... Thank you."

As my consciousness faded, I thought I saw the faint trace of a smile form at the corner of Hitogami's mouth.

Part 4

I open my eyes.

In front of me, I can see the flickering light of the candle flame.

I can see the moonlight shining through the window.

I don't hear anything.

It's quiet.

Perhaps I fell asleep while writing in my diary.

There was a drool stain on the page of my half completed diary entry.

I'll rewrite it.

I rip out the page and put it at the corner of the table.

Afterwards, I copy it onto a clean page and continue from where I stopped.

When did I fall asleep?

It feels like I've been asleep for days.

As I stand up, something slid off my shoulder.

It was a blanket.

Was it Sylphy or Roxy who brought a blanket for me?

Well, whoever it was, I'm grateful.


I remember the contents of my dream.

I'm to go and check the basement.

I don't understand the reason, but there's nothing wrong with listening to him just this once.

Up until now, that guy has never told me to do something that would put me in a bad situation.

Occasionally, it has been mutually beneficial, too.

Even if he is the Hitogami, he probably felt annoyed by the antagonism I showed whenever he gave me advice.

We might have a give and take relationship, but I should try to get along when he gets in touch with me.

"Achoo... it's so cold..."

As I walk towards the basement, I put on the robe that I had hung on the wall.

Though it is already spring, not all of the snow has melted yet. The chill of early spring is in the air.

It's not good to sleep here.

I should get back to my room as soon as possible and sleep on the warm bed.

But, in this cold, the bed would be cold too.

Around what time is it right now?

Judging by how quiet it is, it must be late into the night.

If I go to Sylphy's or Roxy's room right now, I'll probably wake one of them up...

I just want to be warm, not erotic things.

I miss them.

This is Hitogami's fault.

If only I didn't hear about what might have been.

No, I was the one who wanted to know. Was it my fault?

My fault, I guess I'll sleep alone.

As I was thinking this, I open the door.


Suddenly, feeling a presence behind me, I turn around.

The only thing in front of me is the chair I was previously sitting on.

Of course there's no one there.

"Probably just my imagination."

Besides the table and bookshelf, there's nothing in this room.

There's nowhere to hide.

The window is too small for a person to go though.

There's only one entrance: this door.

This room is small, just one candle is enough to show that there's no one there.

The only one in this room is me.

Why did I feel a presence?

There is clearly no one here.

I don't know why, but I still feel a presence.


Maybe there's a bug under the table.

"Forget it, I still need to check the basement."

I open the door. As I am about to leave the room...


I turn around, again.

No reason.

Just felt like doing it.

Just confirming that there's no one there.



A person...


A man wearing a tattered robe is sitting on the chair.

An old man.

Deep wrinkles mark his face. His hair is completely white.

His unshaven face gave him a slovenly look.

This impression quickly disappeared.

He had the pressure of a man who has weathered countless battles.

Sharp, slightly mismatched eyes.

His mouth trembled in surprise.


The old man fondly surveyed his surrounding with squinting eyes, deep in emotion and thought.

But, as he looked at his hands, touched the area around his abdomen, his expression changed to a self-mocking smile.

"No... I failed. There was no way I could succeed..."

He looks familiar somehow.

But, I can't remember.


Who is he?

Paul? No, he's not.

Sauros? But he doesn't have the same presence as Sauros.

This old man is much more cowardly.

"Who...who are you? Unless... Hitogami?"

Upon hearing that name, the man stared daggers at me.

I remember this reaction.


Orsted reacted in the same way.

This part is the same.

But, this man doesn't look anything like Orsted.


The man shook his head and met my gaze.

A powerful gaze.

I can't turn away.

It's like I'm being pulled in.

Like looking into a mirror, but searching...

Staring at the door behind me, he made an expression as if he wanted to ask something.

He pointed his bony finger behind me.

In the short time it took to move his finger, the door behind me moved.


Suddenly, I heard a "bam".

What did this guy just do?

As his blinding gaze returned to the still confused me, he said.

"Don't go to the basement. You've been deceived by Hitogami."



What's going on?

"Wait, before that, who are you? Where did you come from?"

"I am..."

The old man opens his mouth to reply, but quickly shuts his mouth.

He ponders for a moment and then begins to speak again.

"My name is '────'"

Hearing this name, I receive the biggest shock I've ever felt.

The name the man used.

In this world, the only one who knows that name is me.

The name that I will one day take with me to the grave.

A name that I don't want to remember.

A name that doesn't exist in this world.

My name from my previous life.

"I come from the future."