Chapter 167: Showdown with the Immortal Demon King

Chapter 167: Showdown with the Immortal Demon King

Part 1

Immortal Demon Lord Atoferatofe.

She is a very famous Demon Lord.

Her first appearance in history is the second Human-Demon Great War.

[5 Great Demon Kings] Immortal Nekurosu Rakurosu's daughter, shock troop of the Demon Race.

Low intelligence, but wields tremendous battle prowess and tenacity, a cruel and feared Demon Lord.

But, perhaps because of her low intelligence, her supply route was cut.

Captured by humans, she was sealed.

Her revival happened before the Laplace Campaign.

Demon God Laplace revived her personally, and she became his most feared Demon Lord. After the Laplace Campaign, defeated by North God

Karuman, she surrendered.

It is said, that North God Karuman and Demon Lord Atofe had a child, who became North God Karuman II.

It is also said, that North God Karuman taught Demon Lord Atofe everything he knew of the sword.

And it it is said, that North God Karuman II's sword art was taught by none other than Demon Lord Atofe herself.

In summary, Atofe is a veteran of uncountable battles, a protege of the original North God, and also immortal.

We're screwed.

Part 2

Atofe before us.

Black clad soldiers surround us.

Our retreat blocked, Atofe eagerly brandishing her sword.

"Alright, come at me, all four of you."

Atofe did not attack.

Carefully wielding her sword, she is diligently observing us.

Her eyes are her real weapon.

With her strength, devastating us is not out of the question.

"... I won't be so naive this time. I remember well."

With that said, her glare alternates between Zanoba and me.


Zanoba's special strength, and my lightning strike.

Even a Demon Lord cannot avoid our attacks.

But she now looks completely unscathed.

She completely recovers even after taking a Zanoba punch to the face and having her face smashed.

"Alright, do that again. I will dodge this time."

Plenty of confidence.

It feels like she'll dodge it.

This world's sword art can even reflect magic.

Not sure about North God Style, but since she's a Demon Lord, I think she can avoid magic of my level.

Open my demon eye for now, but would a second of foresight really make a difference?

What now?

... First, find a opening.

But if we do, then what?

Would my magic even do anything?

My strongest Stone Cannon couldn't kill a defenseless Badigadi.

Much less when Atofe is poised.

As long as she guards it, no matter what kind of magic...

"Rudeus. If it's just Cliff, then he can make it to the magic teleportation circle and escape."

I look over to Cliff after Elinalise said that.

Cliff, his eyes focused at Atofe.

But his legs are shaking.

And no battle ability.

"Tea, plant, and notebook. Take all three with him, and Nanahoshi will be saved."



Yeah, this is why we came in the first place.

Save Nanahoshi, that was the goal.

If we have a goal, then accomplishing it is the most important.

If we lose here, we won't die. But we won't see family for 10 years, which sucks.

"And find reinforcements. Perugius and Atofe have a history. He can definitely get help."

Perugius and his 12 Familiars.

True, if it's him, maybe he'll come to our aid.

No matter what, he's the hero that sealed Laplace.

If he can do that, he should be able to take on Atofe.

"Fine. Then, let's do that... Can you convince Cliff?"

"Watch me."

Elinalise retreats next to Cliff.

Zanoba, Elinalise, and I will create an opening.

Cliff will break out, run into the magic teleportation circle.

Cliff convince Perugius. We'll try to hold out.

Will it work?

Can we handle it?

Also, can Cliff convince Pergius?

While Cliff tries to convince Pergius, would we lose and be forced into contract?

No matter what, if Cliff escapes, then Nanahoshi is saved.

Save Nanahoshi.

That was the goal. nove(l)bi(n.)com

But, I want to return too.

Eh, damn, I am going in circles.

Calm down.

First, we need to restrain Atofe.

At that moment, use magic to disperse the black clad soldiers and let Cliff escape.

Then, if the situation allows, we will also take a chance and dive for the magic circle.


Let's do that.

Atofe cannot be defeated, but the surrounding black clad soldiers can.

Take it seriously this time.

Destroy them all.


I can do this.

Do it, do it.


Kill them all, and I get to go home. Okay.

Yes, I can do this.

I'm not just saying it this time.

"Don't worry, Shisho. Demon Lord Atofe, I would stop her even if it cost me my life."

Not an ounce of hesitation from Zanoba.



Why is he so manly in a situation like this?

Like a line out of the movies.

If I'm a girl, it wouldn't be weird if I fall for him.

[But can I really get away? I don't run very fast, and the luggage too...]

[If they give chase, Rudeus and I will stop them. Don't look back, don't think, just keep running. And don't trip.]

[I should fight as well...]

[We won't win even with the four of us. You leaving for reinforcements is also a serious battle.]

[In that case... Oh, I get it...]

Cliff's voice passes by my ears.

From here, to the magic circle entrance, takes about thirty steps or so.

Not close nor far.

But he has to run the whole distance.

"Persuasion successful."

Soon Elinalise returns to the front.

Looking at Cliff.

A serious look on his face.

A man with a purpose.

Not one running from a fight.

Running for help is a battle...

Elinalise sure has a way with words, how envious.

"Zanoba and I will create an opening with Atofe. Rudeus, take care of the black clad soldiers around you."

"Got it."

Strategy session over.

We turn towards Atofe.

Poised with her sword, sneering at us.

"Your goal is to beat me?"

No enemy behind her.

30 paces. Uphill, no good footholds.

Won't Cliff fall on the way?

No, do it anyways.

"Zanoba, Elinalise-san, I'll take the first shot."


Facing Atofe, I raise my magic staff.

Using my usual stone cannon.

By firepower alone, the King Class [Lightning] might be better, but at this distance we'll be hit as well.

Annihilated by my own magic, I'll pass.


Deep breath, focus magic into the staff.

Atofe stands still.

Even if she knew I know voiceless incantation, we will proceed as planned.

Convenient, but...

<Atofe deflects the Stone Cannon with her sword.>

Demon eye clearly sees that Atofe moved to doubt my attack.

Damn. Even though I was told that my stone cannon is very high level, but it seems useless against Atofe.

Then, would lightning work?

Use the magic that she's most vigilant against...?

"Shisho. I'll definitely follow through, count on me."

"... Zanoba."

I can trust his words.

... I also prepare myself.

"Okay, go!"

I fired off the strongest possible Stone Cannon.

With a Kaboom it flies toward Atofe.

"Just give up!"

Atofe moves like a mirage.

Just a tiny bit she moves her wrist, barely shifting the sword.

And in that moment, sword and cannon collide, frightening sparks come flying out.

The stone cannon shifts course and slams into a boulder at some far off distance, kicking off a great cloud of dust.

Still no good.


In the next instance, Zanoba threw something at Atofe.


Screaming as it flew towards Atofe.

Atofe smiling at she prepares to parry the attack.

"Just give... Eh?"

Just when Atofe was about to cut it in two, she stops her motion.

Then, what's tossed hit Atofe on the face.



Like glue it sticks on Atofe's face...

It's Kishirika that was sitting on Zanoba's shoulder.

"Ew! It smells! Go take a shower you idiot!"

"This one wants to too... Eek?"

Atofe grabs hold of Kishirika and tosses her somewhere far away.

Kishirika flew out of the circle surrounding us and lands with a dud.

"Come on, throwing something like that over here... Eh?"

Atofe screams in shock.

Zanoba with his fists clenched rushed up to Atofe.

Elinalise follows behind like a shadow.

Crap, I should stop watching.

"Come to me, fighting spirit!"


Zanoba throws a punch.

With horrifying strength it flies towards Atofe.

With her gauntlet she easily...


She didn't dodge.

A terrifying noise, bam, he steps into Atofe.

The gauntlet smashed into an awful shape.

Zanoba follows through with another step.

A big step forward, another punch at Atofe.


Atofe lifts up her great sword from an awkward position.

Another terrible noise, crunch, Atofe's leg twisted.

But her momentum remains, and her swing towards Zanoba.


Zanoba kneels in pain.

The first time I have ever seen Zanoba like this.

Zanoba doesn't even flinch when I hit him with Stone Cannon.

With a single blow...

Atofe looks over arrogantly, but a little short of breath.

"That body is not bad, but... remember. There's no perfect defense. This is what my husband Karum..."



While she was talking.

Using Zanoba's back as her springboard, Elinalise leaps over.

Using her momentum she aims for Atofe's throat, aiming for the exposed flesh.

But the attack and cut sound are both deflected.

Not the sound of skin.

The defense of touki.

"There's more!"

Elinalise's sword hand holds firm.

With her shield raised, she makes a sidestep and thrusts.

Invisible shock wave flies from the sword and lands on Atofe.

But Atofe looks undisturbed.

She wrinkles her brows unhappily, like sand got into her eyes.

"Your strike is weak! Fine, here, take this!"

Atofe raises up her great sword and slashes.

Elinalise steps back to avoid that swing.


Hurriedly she raises her shield.

GONG. Elinalise spins around.

Elinalise rolls on the rocky ground, then pounced like a cat.

My eye sees, terror.

And hug Lucy.

Not just sword practice with Norn, but magic too.

The rice Aisha has raised, I was looking toward to it.

If Zenith's memory returns, then, let's take everyone to visit dad's grave.

Then, just like before, a happy life.

A fun filled day, everyday in this other world.

Right, just like that.

Just like that.

... Alright, I can do this.

I can get up.

If my hand can move, I can use magic.

Staff, where's my staff.

I can't do without it.

Ah, good.

I was crushing it under me.

I'm sorry, Aqua Heartia, was I heavy?

Okay, I can do this. Hang in there until rescue arrives.

Just until then.

I don't need to win.

Cliff-senpai, get help.

Perugius, he's annoying, but I'm counting on you.

Please convince him.

Even if he refuses right away, at least this year, please!


Elinalise makes a noise, her head raised.

Her eyes point forward.


Right at the prison entrance.

And from there appears a black clad soldier, face to face...

Black clad soldiers, from inside the entrance, came out...


... There's more inside.


Why didn't we realize it.

There's a hole in the ground, even Atofe would want to check it out.

"Damn it..."

A darkness grows in my heart.

Wanting to cry out, feeling powerless, an all too familiar feeling.


Never again will I meet Sylphy; never again will I meet Roxy.

Instead I will train under that idiot Demon Lord for the rest of my life.

My strength left me.

The pain in my heart has robbed me of my strength.

At that moment.

A voice of shock can be heard.


That voice isn't mine.

Isn't Elinalise.

Isn't Zanoba.

And of course isn't Moore.

It's Atofe.

Looking at Cliff, she said.

"Ah! Atofe-sama..."

The black clad soldier pushes Cliff aside, staggering down the slope.

Somehow, he looks off.

"Over there, in front of the magic circle, Pur..."

In the next moment.

The black clad soldier was split in two.

Right down the middle, in exact halves.

Then, behind that cut body.

The outlines of a person.

Glowing white hair.

Golden Sanpaku eyes.

White cloth splattered with blood.

"Immortal Demon Lord Atoferatofe."

Speaking in fluent Demon God language, he walks out.

"You might not think it's important... but Rikarisu might disappear in a magic teleportation circle, that possibility exists, so please think for a moment."

Behind him, one by one others appear.

Arumanfi of the Bright, Sylvaril of the Void.

And others I don't recognize.

Six in total.

"Your soldiers' blood has dirtied my castle."

I see.

Atofe arrived here before us.

She already found the entry way to the magic teleportation circle.

She ordered soldiers to investigate.

When they found the magic teleportation circle, they obviously went in.

Thus, he appears.

The Sky Castle was invaded by the Magic Race.


Atofe shouts.

Perugius Dola.

The Armored Dragon King is here.

Part 3

Her mood changed the moment Atofe saw Perugius.

Up until now, it has been the pleasures of battle.

But now it's unbelievable killing intent.

Like seeing her father's killer, she stares and grimaces at Perugius.

"Perugius, you—!"

Atofe squirms her still numb body to shake Zanoba off.

Zanoba, out of strength, falls to one side.

Atofe rushes at Perugius, her back feathers shaking.

With a heavy push she intended to jump, but instead her knees gave out.


Perugius laughs joyfully at this sight.

"Oh, how entertaining, Atoferatofe. Getting careless again? Does being careless run in the family for the Immortal clan?"

"So you are the one who sent them! You played dirty just to kill me... What happened to your promise with Karuman?"

Perugius sneers at Atofe with a smile.

The only thing Atofe can do in her anger is yell.

Moore tries to stagger near Atofe, but it was impossible.

Right now, only Cliff, Perugius, and his entourage can still move.

Perugius stares at Atofe, like a tiger finding the perfect prey.

"Don't be mistaken. I just came to save a few friends."

"Liar! Ughh!"

"I'll keep my promise with Karuman. He was a dear friend."

"I hate you even if you're Karuman's friend!"

"... I hate unreasonable idiots like you."

As he talks, Perugius raise his hands, holding something in each.

Atofe's face turns pale.

"You, you, no way..."

Ignoring Atofe, Perugius opens his mouth.

"That dragon lives solely while following the path of chivalry. The nails on his hands are long and sharp, for he never raises a fist."

That opener sounds familiar.

"The second dragon clenches his fist in anger. His nails broken, his teeth fell, but the feeling has been conveyed. He held chivalry in his hand, yet did he abandon chivalry?"

One by one the words come out.

And with each word, the surrounding magic gathers around Pergius.

"The third dragon that died. He who possessed the most ephemeral eyes Dragon General of Lustrous Green Scales. By the name of Armored Dragon

King Perugius, I summon –"

Look carefully, two doors appear besides Atofe, sandwiching her.

Beautifully carved dragons mark those doors.

An ornate silver door.

An ornate golden door.

Slowly but surely, as if sprouting from the ground, the doors appear.

"Open [Back Dragon Door]."

"Summon [Front Dragon Door]."

Under Perugius's quiet command, the doors open.

Wind blew.

From the right door to the left.

But, it's not wind.

A flow of something, doing something.

Ah, I know.

This summoning magic is magic absorption.

I can feel magic peeling from my body.

But it's different from with Orsted.

It's even faster than back then, like both my magic and my strength are being sucked dry.

"Ah, Atofe-sama, get away..."

Moore slowly crawls over suddenly.

Atofe, her legs quivering, can only stare at Perugius in anger.


Her body seems to have shrunk slightly.

Maybe the doors have been leeching her touki.

"You know this will break the promise!"

"So what? This is a once in a life time opportunity. I won't miss it."

Perugius holds up his right hand.

His hand covered in white.

Soon his right hand begins to shine, a dazzling light blinds the area.

"Armored Dragon Hand Sword [Break]."

Perugius swings down his hand.

Light leaves his hand, flying straight at Atofe.

"I'll remember this, Perugius–!"

Atofe looks stiff drunk.

Then, a moment later, flew off at a distance.

Her body cut in two, and soon disappears from my sight.

"Pssh, not like she'll die."

Perugius complains quietly, turns back like he lost interest.

"Sylvaril. Take these four, heal them."

"And the others?"

"Leave them."

"Great Demon Empress Kishirika spotted."

Just as Sylvaril said, I spy Kishirika at a distance.

She got hit as well.


"Leave her."


Apparently he's letting Kishirika off too.

Thank goodness.


With Sylvaril approaching, I can finally take a breath.

... We are saved.

Part 4


Perugius's subordinates carried us back.

Outside of Cliff, everyone else needed a shoulder to cling on.

Cliff and Kishirika were discussing something in the meantime.

By the time I checked, Kishirika had already disappeared somewhere after her usual laugh.

Let's meet again at somewhere easier next time... okay?

After moving everyone back, Sylvaril stopped the magic teleportation circle.

The path to the Magic Continent is closed.

Greeting Roxy's parents will have to wait for another time.

Damaged by electric shock, we were sent to the infirmary.

Cliff was on call.

It was he that offered.

While saying [This type of burn, shouldn't be too bad...] he brilliantly cleared our wounds with healing magic.

It won't kill us, but the burns were quite far in and relatively severe.

Leaving it alone might even lead to complications.

But if I didn't go that far, it might not have crippled the Immortal Demon Lord.

Cliff was particularly careful with Elinalise's wounds.

Leaving a scar would be terrible.

Love struck from that kind of Cliff, once done, Elinalise and him disappeared together.

Zanoba is still unconscious.

This time he saved us.

No amount of thanks would do.

Friendship may be priceless, but I can't cheap out with gifts.

I need to properly thank him after he's up.

After the treatments are done and I can start moving, I head over to Sylphy.

Sylphy is reading on her bed. She looks worried when she saw me come in.

"What's wrong?" I didn't answer her question, only quietly climb on the bed and hug her.

Sylphy whines a little.

Like whine in refusal, full of grief. I hug Sylphy tightly.

I thought the only thing that's important is that she is here.

Atofe's laughter still haunts me.

Although the numbness has left me, that despair in my heart still lingers.

If I had died in battle, it would all be for naught.

Atofe showed mercy, and the black guards did not attack.

Moore used magic, but nothing lethal.

But, how terrifying.

If Perugius didn't come.

And Atofe captured and forced me into contract.

Then hugging Sylphy like this might be impossible.

Even after Lucy grows up, I might not see her.

Roxy too, Norn, Aisha, everyone, they would already...

This, only this scares me.

It makes me tremble from fear.

Suddenly, she rubs my head.

Sylphy runs her hand down my hair like a comb.

Her fingers, delicate, warm, and soft.

With a smile, Sylphy returns my hug.

Nothing needs to be said.

She, only her hug.

Only that is enough.

In Sylphy's embrace, I fell asleep at ease.