In the evening, the temperature of the death cliff went down sharply. The temperature difference between day and night was so great that it suddenly dropped from 38 degrees at noon to minus 8 degrees now. This kind of place is hardly a place where one can live. It seems that the Mars transformation plan still has a long way to go.

Now the sky began to flutter, snowflakes, like magic, layer by layer to the fire red Gobi for new clothes, not for a moment, is already wrapped in white.

Looking around, the world is full of white flowers, but the sky has become gray.

Liao Xiaoduo took out an automatic heating heater and placed it in the center of the cave, continuously releasing comfortable heating. Although the martial arts have greatly improved their physical fitness, even if they stay outdoors in heavy snow for a long time in light combat uniforms, they will not be able to bear the cold because of blood stagnation, which greatly affects the circulation of spiritual power. Fortunately, with this humidifying heater, the basic functions of the body can be maintained.

"Oh, how long will it be snowing?" Brian looked at the heavy snow outside the cave and wandered back and forth in the cave.

Since experiencing the heavy casualties of the first World War, his arrogance has been tempered a lot. After these things, especially after escaping from the dead, the whole person seems to be somewhat mature.

"Don't worry. It's no use worrying over there. Here, take it and fill your stomach first. " Liao Xiaoduo is quite calm and puts his eyes on the present. He first fills his stomach and solves the problem of food and clothing.

Liao Xiaoduo raised a fire in the cave. In this weather, there is no other food. Outside the cave, there happened to be a fallen star beast. He cut down the most tender pieces of meat and took them back to roast and eat.

It is more than 100 meters away from the top of the valley. There is no other creature except the two of them and the corpse of the star sky beast. Liao Xiaoduo doesn't have to worry about the delicious meat smell and the red fire that will attract other star beasts and eat them happily.

"Why don't you look worried at all?" Brian asked curiously and anxiously, "what if they think we're dead? What if we never get out? "

Liao Xiaoduo bit off a piece of meat from the bone, ate it greedily, and belched contentedly.

"You're talking about things in the future, which may not happen yet. If you don't eat now, you'll starve to death before they find me. " "Besides, I believe my teammates will find us."

Looking at Liao Xiaoduo's calm appearance, Brian's heart is also at ease.

Also, why worry about something that hasn't happened yet! When the boat comes to the bridge, it's natural to go straight.

Brian also took the meat from Liao Xiaoduo's hand and ate it in a big way.


"it's strange that Xiao Yangyang has instructed us to tell us that the captain is here!"

In the cage, the small hamster is just like crazy, rolling around in the cage. If it's not for the cage, I'm afraid I don't know where I'm going.

"Zhang Yang, are you crazy? This is a cliff of death. It's a rift valley! Is it difficult for the captain to fall below? "

Feng Shuai sneered.

"Xiao Yangyang's instructions can't be wrong. Let's try from here!"

Zhang Yang insists on his own opinion in any case.

The fat man looked at the two people who were tit for tat and didn't know who to stand there for a time.

"You see, there's something at the bottom of the valley!"

Guo Zi, who had never spoken, pointed to the underground.

"Send out the smart cat detector!"

Zhang Yang pressed a button on the handle, and six civet detectors flew out from around the warship, and flew to the edge of the Rift Valley cliff. He photographed the scene at the bottom of the valley in high definition and sent it back to the warship.

Although the disordered footprints on the edge of the rift valley and the corpses of the celestial beast at the bottom of the valley are almost covered by snow, if you look carefully, you can still see that there are some giant bodies at the bottom of the valley.

"There's still blood there!"

The picture transmitted from No. 1 civet shows that there is a pool of bright red blood in one place, which looks warm.

"The captain must be down there!"

The fat man was very excited and ran to put on a thick coat.

"Zhang Yang, stop the warship above the rift valley, put down the rope, and I will bring the captain back!"

Zhang Yang anchored the warship at a distance of one meter from the top of the valley. A long rope was laid down at the bottom. The fat man in the thickened combat uniform, like a loach, glided down the rope flexibly.

The snow is getting bigger and bigger. With the cold wind, when the fat man reaches the bottom of the valley, he steps in with one foot, and the snow has gone beyond his ankle.

At this time, Mars is too dark, just now there are glare from the snow, now the sun is going to set!

The situation on Mars at night is so changeable that we have to find the captain before it is completely dark."Captain, Captain, are you here?"

The fat man's shouts were shattered by the cold wind, and his mouth was filled with cold wind.

In the cave.

Liao Xiaoduo, who is resting, is sleeping soundly.

"Little many, little many!"

Brian shakes Liao Xiaoduo's shoulder hard. Shengsheng shakes Liao Xiaoduo out of sleep.

"Give me a reason to get up." Interrupted sleep Liao Xiaoduo a black face, "or I will beat you!"

"Don't you hear someone shouting?"

Brian said eagerly.


Liao Xiaoduo quickly stood up, rushed to the cave mouth and listened.

Sure enough, there was a voice in the snow.

It's like a fat man's voice!

Liao Xiaoduo quickly yelled: "fat man, fat man, I'm here!"

Fat people can't believe their ears. Along the way, he saw the bodies of more than a dozen star beasts, and the more he looked, the more frightened he was.

He didn't want to think, he didn't want to see, but there was a voice in his mind that became clearer and clearer.

It's very likely that the team leader has already been the same as the other starbeasts...

the fat man began to blame himself. If only he had been the one who had led the astral beasts away.

Why do you want the captain to take the risk when you know that you will die!

When Liao Tianlai woke up, he was more and more desperate.

"Captain, Captain!"

The fat man ran to the sound.

I saw a cave on the straight cliff!

And Liao Xiaoduo stood at the cave entrance, arms around his chest, showing a confident smile.

"Look, Brian, I'm right!"