This blue complexion, blue mouth, haggard eyebrows and eyes is exactly Brian, who taunted the eagle team before departure, and the famous "Red God of war" in the West!

Liao Xiaoduo took out a bottle of pills left before, poured out a pill from the bottle, and helped Brian swallow it.

"Cough -" after a violent cough, Brian's face was obviously ruddy.

He opened his eyes weakly.

"Oriental boy, it's you! Keke -- "

Brian was shocked and ashamed at this time.

Shocked, Liao Xiaoduo can see through the illusion! Being able to come here completely shows that he has broken through the siege of the beast in the starry sky. A humble Oriental boy, he has such a great ability!

Br >

in the front of the battle, the warship stood up with pride.

A huge conflict broke out between Zhang Yang and Feng Shuai.

"Zhang Yang, you ungrateful villain, how can you let the team leader lead the tide of beasts alone?"

Feng Shuai grasped Zhang Yang's collar fiercely, and his eyes were as big as brass bells.

Zhang Yang's neck was jammed with force, and his face soon turned red, and his eyes would be out of breath.

"Feng Shuai, stop it. You don't know how dangerous the situation was at that time."

The fat man rushed up and opened Feng Shuai's arm.

"Hachi Hachi --"

the voice became hoarse because of the rapid lack of oxygen.

"The urgent task now is to find the captain!" Zhang Yang snapped, "if you still delay us for one minute, the captain will be in danger for another minute!"

Zhang Yang's words made Feng Shuai calm down. The climate on Mars was changeable and changeable, and there were countless celestial beasts. What's more, Liao Xiaoduo is not facing a star beast, but an animal tide star beast.

If we linger on like this, I'm afraid that even Liao Xiaoduo's bones will not be found.

"When I parted, I sprinkled tracking powder on the captain!"

Zhang Yang took out a small hamster from his arms: "Xiaomao will lead us to find the captain!"

The publicized hamster is not an ordinary mouse, but a tracking mouse trained by the military. Even if it is tens of kilometers away, it can also find its target by tracking powder.

Such a tracking mouse is very expensive because it is difficult to feed and has high training costs. Moreover, the tracking mouse has a fatal weakness, that is, the more times it tracks, the lower the accuracy and sensitivity.

Therefore, people who have this kind of dirty rat will not take it out until they have to.

Zhang Yang also saved a long time to buy such a small hamster. Since he bought it back to now, he has never used it once.

"Xiaoyangyang, it depends on you next!"

Chubby little hamster with ignorant eyes, seems not to understand the master's words.

All of a sudden, he seemed to ask what the fragrance was and jumped up and down in the cage.

"Yes Zhang Yang keeps a close eye on the hamster.

"Captain, it's in the northwest!"