The bottom of the valley is almost dark, only the fire of barbecue brings a little warmth and light here.

Brian looked at Liao Xiaoduo's confident look and couldn't help laughing.

Isn't this the case of comrades in arms on the battlefield?

To be able to deliver one's life safely to another.

Liao Xiaoduo and his team members, that's it.

It's going to be dark.

The three men immediately seized the rope and successfully entered the warship to rest.

The night on Mars is a little long. There are no stars and moon to embellish. It's just as silent as death. It's been a long time. I don't feel at ease, but more and more panic.

"Di Di Di -"

is another emergency call order!

Several people look down, is the recruitment order issued by qinglao.

"Death squads?"

All of us cried out at the same time.

"Squadron No. 1 led by Captain Li Li has no positioning on the screen."

Several people were silent. Each soldier has a chip on his body, which can avoid the interference of Mars magnetic field and make accurate positioning. But the chip can only work when there are vital signs. If the red dots on the display screen have disappeared, it means that 80% of them are in danger.

"Captain Tong Xiaohan is now leading the No. 2 Death Squadron to the star pack area."

The latest combat situation of the Chinese army is constantly transmitted to the soldiers in every corner of Mars through the intelligence brain of warships, so as to play a role in stabilizing the morale of the army.

Liao Xiaoduo stares at Tong Xiaohan's red dot on the screen, and cheers in his heart.

"Tong team, we must hold on, hold on!"

The screen shows that Tong Xiaohan's team has entered the relatively dense area of star beasts.

"Didi Di Di..."

White light flashed across the screen, and the StarCraft display had been wiped out by a fifth.


Everyone cheered.

People in every base, on every warship, whether leaders or ordinary soldiers or scientific researchers, put down what they had to do and looked at the battle situation on the screen with all their hopes on their faces.

Everyone prayed secretly in their hearts, praying that this time Tong team can successfully complete the task and go home safely. The rich resources on Mars will belong to the earth, to every people. The plan of Mars colonization will be put on the agenda one day in the future!

"Tong Xiaohan, it's up to you now!"

Qinglao is leaning on crutches. Although he has not had a rest day and night, he is still struggling to support. A pair of tired but tough eyes are directly staring at the screen, and he is not willing to miss any news.

"Didi Di Di..."

Suddenly, the numbers on the big screen vibrated violently. The shrill alarm rang through the entire military base.

"What's going on?"

"The signal is off again?"

The operator quickly carries out various operations on the precise instrument panel, and almost all the keyboard tapped by fingers will smoke.

The big black screen came back on.

It's just, this time on the screen.

The red dot of Captain Tong Xiaohan has disappeared!

The second group of death squads were completely destroyed, and they didn't even know where their bodies were.

"Qinglao, now we..."

Qinglao waved his hand to stop his subordinates, and resolutely said: "continue to issue summoning orders. Our Chinese soldiers will not retreat when they encounter difficulties."


In the dazzling light, qinglao's eyes were slightly red.

In warship four.

Everyone looked at the red dot that disappeared on the screen and fell into silence.

The first two death squads are led by the most experienced brigade leaders of the Shangling military region, and each member is an elite among the elite.

However, none of these dozens of people came back alive.

It's getting closer and closer to the optimal launch time of the particle emitter.

Two successive failures have hit the self-confidence of many soldiers. Some people even think that this is death. It is more difficult to introduce StarCraft into the enclosure with a small team than to open up residential areas on the sun.

"First level emergency notice: the military is now recruiting soldiers to complete the task of introducing StarCraft into the encirclement circle. I hope you can stand up bravely and the people and the country will remember you forever!"

The highest order of emergency summoning flashed on every warship and every soldier's communicator.

"I joined the expendables!"

A calm voice with a certain firmness sounded.

According to the reputation, it turns out that Liao Xiaoduo is still losing nutrients.

"The bounden duty of a soldier is not to go where I need to be!"

"Death in battle is the most glorious way to die. Why fear?""Even if I am not here, I believe that the country will take good care of my family, and I also believe that they will support my choice!"

Liao Xiaoduo's eyes are shining like stars in the sky.

"I, Liao Xiaoduo, apply to join the death squads!"

Pa -

the fat man hit the table.

"I'm fat, join in! I'll go wherever the captain goes

"Count my publicity!"

"The big deal is death. I'm Feng Shuai."

"Me too!" Guo Zi raised his hand.

"I'll join you!"

"I'll join in!"


All the people on the warship stood up bravely with full of blood.

If we go away, we may never be in this world again. We may never be able to see our elderly parents, young babies, and wives. We can no longer breathe every breath of air on the earth.

Without the full support of ordinary people, the soldiers of the armed forces would not be able to settle down and go all out on the battlefield. It is not so much the soldiers of China who have defended this territory, but rather every ordinary people who, with the support of their own ability, have held this land which they love so much.

A thousand days of training and a short period of time.

Now, it's time to serve our country!

It's late at night on Mars, and the lights are still burning at military base 20.

"Qinglao, someone has joined the death squads!"

"More than one! Ten of them

The third wave of the death squads has gathered!

Qinglao borrowed the list of applicants, "Liao Xiaoduo" ranked first.

"Sure enough, I'm old enough to know people."

Qing Lao sighed.

In his first impression, Liao Xiaoduo is just a sinister, cunning, bold man of the rat generation.

But will the rat people take the initiative to join the death squads?

With this courage and courage to sacrifice, qinglao's last trace of resentment towards Liao Xiaoduo completely dissipated.

"If you go on, Liao Xiaoduo will be the leader of the third Death Squadron!"