Chapter 273 - § TRUST ME §


"I've been doing bad things to you, to Tiana. I've been insensitive and erratic. I was a nuisance, a crazy bitch." Kraig glanced at Yanarym's pouting lips that were too inviting. He did not hear the word she was saying. He brushed his thumb to her lower lip, and could not forget how it tasted. Just when he was about to lose his composure and succumbed to his desire, he took a step back. Let's calm down, he thought. He wished he didn't have any self-control so that he could kiss her with no restraint. 

"Let's have a drink first," Kraig clasped her hand and led the way to the nearest coffee shop. "You need to calm down. Stop thinking awful things," Kraig whispered to Yanarym and sweetly smiled at her, "So, let's have something to calm you down, Rym." She peered at him and Kraig carefully swept her hair to her ear. "Shall we?" She slowly nodded her head, meekly following him. Kraig's smile widened as he firmly intertwined her fingers with his.

This event was witnessed by some of the students of their class. They immediately gossiped about what they saw, not knowing that Tiana was with them. When they saw her glaring in Yanarym's direction they shut up and walked away. 

Tiana could not handle the humiliation and bitterness within her. She thought that Kraig would run after her; instead, he darted to Yanarym's whereabouts. Yanarym, Yanarym! Tiana's eyes flared in outrage, why are you having everything good and nice in this world?! Her hands were itching to slap Yanarym's face and strangle her neck but she had no right towards Kraig, they were not official. Although both of them were hanging out and they were mutual about their feelings, with no words of commitment or simply confession. They were nothing, they just flirted but that was it. 

She clenched her fist hard and ran away. She couldn't bear to see Kraig's gleeful smiles displaying because he was with Yanarym. While earlier he was discontented with her presence. What happened? No man could change overnight. He was still protecting her yesterday! How could Yanarym steal Kraig from her in just a snap? 

Lyndon from a distance saw the entire occurrence; from when Yanarym was with some stranger, to when Kraig was sprinting frantically towards her. Up to Tiana turning away from the scene where Kraig was acting he was Yanarym's possessive lover. This was strange, not only yesterday but today was different as well. 

Usually, Kraig would be hanging around Tiana like a parasite. If he knew that she was Azkin's reincarnation that would benefit him much more than when she was an azkin. However, the whole morning and afternoon, he noticed how little attention Kraig paid to Tiana. As if he wanted to shove Tiana away from him just to get close to Yanarym. Which was the total opposite of what today was supposed to occur. 

Yanarym did this, didn't she? There was no other explanation for this mystery. Yanarym was causing all these abnormal tides. He had to know what was going on. He had to ask her. For a second, Lyndon was perplexed whether he would follow Tiana or Yanarym. Did… I just…?

"Oh." He was amazed by that unexpected thought, when did he start to exert effort on his pawn? And when did he begin to overthrow Tiana in his priority? 

...maybe he was just too fascinated by Yanarym. Observing her the entire day, she wasn't displaying viable changes. In fact, out of the four of them, she was the only one who behaved casually. Did she perhaps use a love potion to Kraig? He was not sure, however, it was certain that she was being useful in stirring Kraig's emotion. 

Eventually, he followed Tiana's footsteps. He wanted to offer his presence to be her comfort. She had no one—Tiana was alone now that Yanarym took Kraig away—she would be miserably lonely. She needed someone, and he was here for her. 

He may have decided to forget about her, but no man could move on from one night. He was not an exception, he still cared for Tiana. He surmised that she was heartbroken, witnessing what transpired with her very eyes. He could sympathize with her feelings, after all, that was the kind of scene he would always witness when she was with Kraig. Also, it may not be that exact a similar case but Tiana did to him what Kraig was doing to her. She left him with a blink of an eye, no explanation, no goodbye. Just thinking about it, he could recall how wretched and angry he was. 

Anyhow, Lyndon was curious, Kraig was adoring Yanarym so much that he almost kissed her. How could he adore that loser? What did Yanarym do to Kraig? 

Yanarym heard Guide-sama's voice rang to her head and almost crushed the mug that she was holding. "He called me a loser? That fucking bastard!" 

Guide-sama: "Be careful, you're with Kraig." 

"This is just another bastard!" 

Guide-sama: "Be calm, you're holding hot choco-fudge." 

Kraig sat down across from her and put down the two pieces of cake he bought because she asked for them. Yanarym took her fork and didn't care about his presence and began munching her sweets. 

She needed sugar because she was running low just thinking how irritating these men could be. They keep doing things as if they own the alley, this world was 'theirs' because they were the male leads—however, not anymore! She vowed under her name that they would regret being born! Male lead halo won't save them from the suffering that she would inflict. 

She gobbled and drank her free snack to subdue her negative emotion and wasn't interested in what this jerk would say to her. She had a premonition, she bet her next world would be another magical world with no scumbags on it if he would talk about the sex and forget everything that happened between them. If not—

"Let's be together, Rym, be my girlfriend. I don't want you to move on and get over me." She coughed out of surprise and looked at Kraig who immediately assisted and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Are you alright? Did I startle you?" 

Guide-sama: "–If not, what? It would be up to me where you should go and you can't complain?" 

"What-what did you just say?" Yanarym redirected her attention to Kraig. "Girlfriend? All of the sudden? What? Why?!" 

He wasn't talking about what happened last night. And even not mentioning pushing her away from his life. Instead, he wanted her? What?! What was happening? This was not what she had imagined how this would progress. Though, she intended to have a leash on his neck. She was not expecting Kraig would propose to her this fast. She had a lot of strategies on her sleeves to tame him, yet, she only used one trick and he was already this compliant?

Maybe he really liked the original more than what Yanarym had presumed. How did this event improve so drastically in her favor? This world was a lot easier than she thought it would be. 

"All of a sudden?" Kraig uttered and shook his head disapprovingly. "No. This is not all of a sudden, Rym. I liked you even before and I only realized that now. Be my girlfriend, I don't want to lose you." He said with a sincere countenance. "I'll treat you better." Yanarym was amazed by his amiable face, he looked so pitiful and genuine, he had that face of an angel.

"I-is it because of last night? K-kraig, you don't have to feel responsible for that. I–"

"It's not. I don't feel responsible. Maybe it contributed to my thoughts, but it is not about last night… when I saw you with another man. I– I got so jealous. Rym, I want you, only for myself."

"This is going so fast and confusing for me." She uttered with anxiousness. "Yesterday, just yesterday you were so mad at me for trying to hurt Tiana. Why are you being jealous out of nowhere? Asking me to be your girlfriend… I don't want your charity, Kraig." 

"Rym, I told you, it is not really about last night. What I am feeling for you is neither pity nor responsibility. You know me, I am not the good person anyone thinks me to be. I am a selfish man. A very greedy and possessive person. So, forget the promises you said last night, forget about forgetting me too. Be mine, no—you are mine—" 

Guide-sama: "Then, it is decided, he did not mention sex or forgetting about you. You'll have a random world next up." 

'Guide-sama, you freaking cheater,' she squinted her eyes but could not retaliate any further. That means she had to go on to the next world Guide-sama chose for her. 'Make sure it was nothing horrible.' 

Guide-sama: "Why don't you trust me? Trust me."