61 Confession and Reaction 1

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
"I am sorry too," Sakiko apologized.

"No, you shouldn't be. I know me yelling at you was uncalled for and I really don't want that coming in the way of our friendship or relationship. No matter what happens, I don't want to ever get mad at you."

"It's all okay. I should have understood you better. You have your reasons and I should also respect your decision as such. Will you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? What for? You did no wrong, Sakiko."

She pulled away from his embraced and looked him in the eye.

"Well you see, I lied to you. I didn't call the driver yesterday. I intended for us to go get a snack or go home together."

After confessing, she buried her head in his chest again, she couldn't bare to look at him this moment.

He couldn't say he was not shocked, but he knew she was hiding something from him that day.

He could not pin point it and just felt she was still mad at him. Who would have thought he ruined his chance of going out with her because of his anger.

He sighed, not really sure of what to feel at this moment.

Slowly he pulled her head from his chest and used his right hand to lift her chin up.

Now she was staring into his eyes. He could see the tears on the brink of spilling off her eyes.

He felt a sharp pain in his chest, the pain sheathing deep into him.

She blamed herself because of him and he didn't like that. He hated to see her cry or this way.

She was his joy, his pain, and his better half. She made him whole and complete. Her hurt was his hurt, her happiness was his happiness and all he wanted was to see her happy, always.

"I am not angry at you. Although I knew you were behaving out of the ordinary that day, but I was at fault... Wait I am a bit angry."

His expression suddenly changed as he looked at her with eyes half filled with mischief and anger.

"Why? I thought you said you weren't angry at me anymore?"

"I wasn't, but when I recalled you saying you went out with someone else, how can I not be angry? I mean I was lonely and sick but my sister was busy having fun."

"Hey are you jealous right now? It's not like I did something wrong, I just went out for a cup of coffee with a friend."

Sasuke's face darkened. He was jealous at the thought someone went out with her and not him.

'I can't believe someone stole my first coffee date with her.'

"Hey, hey. Don't be jealous. It wasn't so important."

'Not important huh! How can she call her first time not important?'

"Sasuke, don't be like that," she said, trying her best to coarse him but it didn't seem to be working.

"Okay, if its a girl, then I wouldn't be angry. Whi did you go out with, Sakiko?"

"Well, I guess I am lucky it was a girl. After you left, Akamine Yuki invited me for coffee."


Sakiko was shocked at his changebin reaction. What did she say wrong? Just now, the anger seemed to slowly fade away, but now...

As quickly as his anger came, he masked it, but she saw it all.

"Hey, I'm sorry for overreacting. Did I scare you?"

Sakiko didn't say anything, she just stared at him. It was as though her mind and soul had left her.

This was a side she hadn't seen before, why was he suddenly acting this way?

"Sakiko, please, talk to me." He begged.

He held her shoulder and lightly shook her, bringing her back from her thoughts.


"I–I... I'm sorry, I didnt mean to make you jealous or hurt. She invited me and I was not feeling like heading home at the moment.

"It is okay. I am not angry, but you just met her. Why would you accept an offer like that?"

"I–I, well I didn't want it to be that I ignored her or was giving her a cold shoulder because she just transferred here."

"I understand. Just be more careful okay. Don't be trusting so easily. If you want, I would take you out."

"Is that your appeasement for being jealous?"

"Hey, I'm not jealous. What would I be jealous of?"

"Admit it, Sasuke, you were jealous just now. Jealous I picked her over you ey?"

"I... " he was about denying it again, but the look she gave him made him change his mind. "Well a little bit."

"How does it feel to admit the truth?" Sakiko asked with a smile.

Boy was she charming when she smiled that way.