62 Confession and Reaction 2

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
"If it's you then, nice. I would say the truth."

"Are you trying to be cheesy?" Sakiko asked and hit him playfully on the arm.

"Ouch! How can you bully a sick person?"

"Huh! Sick ey. You don't look sick. You look perfectly fine to me."

"That's because my other half is here with me and not angry at me anymore."

"That's cause you yelled and you got jealous. Which sick person has enough adrenaline to get jealous?"

"Enh! That's just baseless. Who got jealous?"


"You must have been seeing things."

"Ohhh, now you are denying it. What happened to your earlier statement of 'if it's you then, I would say the truth' huh?" She questioned him.

She placed both hands on her slim waist in a motherly fashion.

"What! You must have heard wrong. I didn't say... "

Before he finished, she raised her hand to hit him. She was getting angry at his teasing and felt frustrated.

He quickly caught her hand mid-air and grinned at her.

"Hehhee, it's always good to play with you. You look so cute when you are angry."

"Let go. No outing, playing, chatting, texting or talking to you for one week."

"What? You can't do that to me."

"Well I can and I just did."

"Sakiko, please. How do you expect me to not go out, play, chat, text or talk with you for one week? You are being unfair."

"Unfair! Okay, two weeks then."

"Women, their mood is really as capricious as the weather," he lamented.

"You said?"

"Nothing, but really... "

She raised her palm in front of his face to stop him for speaking.

"Not another word. I won't go back on my word. After all you stayed sixteen years without me. "

"Alright, if you say so. I guess I would just stay here at home alone, till one week is over. Or rather I would switch seats and perhaps talk with Mari or any other girl in class till then."

He seemed to have hit at her soft spot, because the next moment her eyes opened wide and her lips curved into a smile.

"No, how would you enjoy your time with another girl? Staying home, I can condlsider that, but another girl... Try it and I would chop off your hair and make you go bald. Let's see if they like you anymore," she threatened.

He shuddered at the thought of what she was going to do to him.

"Hehhe, who said anything about another girl, when I have my twin with me."

"Good. Now we are on the same page."

"So does that mean you have forgiven me?"

"Well, it depends."


"Ummm... Okay. So where do you want to go to?" She suddenly threw the question at him.

"Umm anywhere, perhaps we should go see a movie on weekend," he suggested.

"Okay, a movie then."


"Hmmm, till after the movie."

"Sakiko! Pretty please, sweet sister."

"Well, you know you couldn't say without talking to me either. You'd cry a river if that ever happened," he teased.

"And that applies to you as well."

She smiled sweetly at him and he returned her smile with one of his.

After some time, her smile dropped and she looked away, lost in the distance as she stared at nothing.

"Hey Sakiko, what is wrong?"

"It's nothing," she replied turning her head back to face him. "I was just thinking how good it would be to always stay together. Not having to be apart."

"Sakiko... "

"Hear me out first. I got so scared and worried when I didn't hear from you. I don't want that to happen Sasuke. I can't bear with it having my heart pained at the thought of something happening to you when I am not around."

"Nothing bad would happen Sakiko."

"You are not well, Sasuke. How do you expect me to be alright. I cannot bear to lose my brother again. You weren't here all these years, you don't know the void and emptiness I always felt. Now you've come and I feel whole, I don't want to trade that for anything."

"Sakiko," he cupped her face in his hands and made sure she looked at him. "I would not leave you again. I feel same. I felt so lost and alone without you for so long. I wouldn't let us part anymore. Nothing bad would happen, trust me."

"I think it is about time we told everyone the truth about your identity."

"Sakiko, I would want that above everything else, but... "

She shook her head and stood up abruptly, then looked at him with so much intensity and firmness.

"Sasuke, come back home. It is either we tell them together or I would let everyone know today."

"Hey... " he pulled her left hand and brought her to sit down on the bed. "Calm down."

"Why, why are you opposing this? I thought you wanted it as well?"

"I do," he said after a long sigh.

"Then what?"