59 I'll Be There Soon

Name:Twins Bond Author:BaeVida
"What?!" Sakiko managed to blurt out.

"You couldn't wait, time was not your friend today," Akamine Yuki added.

"Why are you... "

She was interrupted a sudden call of her name.

"Sakiko!" Another voice called out.

Standing some distance away, Ayumi. "There you are, I was wondering where you ran off to," she said between pants.


"What's the matter Sakiko? You look out of breath and exhausted." She questioned her.

Well she herself wasn't doing so good, but she still thought about her friend.

It wasn't normal to see the reserved jovial and kind Sakiko in a bit of a... Scattered mess.

"Well, it's nothing. Now tell me, why are you... " She gasped and sighed as she spoke, "why were you searching me out?" She asked in short rasp voice.

"Well, Mrs Hasegawa asked me to send for you. You should hurry and go to her office. It's important."

Surprisingly, Sakiko stood up straight, her weak l, frustrated and tired expression suddenly changed into a complacent one.

One would never had thought she was the person in front of them a minute ago.

'Leave it to Sakiko to mask her feelings. Truly a facade queen, Ayumi up your game okay?'

"Alright, thanks. I would go to her immediately. Try and catch your breath first before moving again!" She advised Ayumi and walked away.

Ayumi turned her head to the side and her gaze met with Yuki Akamine's.

The said girl flashed her a smile, Ayumi returned it weakly.

For starters she was about asking her how she got there so fast, but decided not to.

'How did she manage such a fit? I saw her in class when Sakiko left. And it hasn't been long, since she got here too but she was still in shape. Who is this girl really?' Ayumi couldn't help the questions running through her mind.

"Are you alright? Do you need a hand?"

Her soft melodious voice came out rather too fast.

Ayumi shook her head, denying her offer. "No, I don't. I've got to go."

With that she stood up straight and walked away.


~Mrs Hasegawa's Corner~

"Mrs Hasegawa Sensei, you called."

Sakiko stood before the mature female teacher as she went through the student's assignment for her course.

Her head was hurried deep in the pile of work on her desk that she failed to notice Sakiko.

After some minutes she finally lifted her head and acknowledged her presence.

"Oh! Sakiko, how long have you been standing there?" She asked surprised.

"A couple of minutes ma'am. You called for me?" She repeated her earlier statement, this time as a question.

"Why, yes I did. Sasuke called in sick today and as his close friend, I wanted to let you know. You can possibly... "

'Sasuke, he called in sick. He called! Wait he called?'

She chanted ceaselessly in her mind.

"Sakiko! Sakiko!"

She blinked twice, coming back from her thoughts.

"Sakiko, are you okay?"


"I asked if you are alright? You zone out just now. Are you alright? Do you need me to bring you to the school nurse?"

She shook her head and flashed a small smile at the teacher. "It's nothing, no need to worry or fret over anything ma. Anyways, did you just say that Sasuke called in sick?"


"But his phone has been switched off ever since yesterday."

"Oh that! Father Tanaka came in and left a while ago. He informed me of the situation."

"Ohh, thanks for the information."

"I was hoping, you would take some notes to him after school and revise with him, if its not too much trouble?"

"Not at all ma'am. I would do so. Thank you."

"Welcome. Very well then, that would be all."

"Alright ma'am."

With that she took her leave and walked out of the staff office.

By the hall way, she picked her phone and failed his number one more time.

This time around, his phone rang but no one answered. She tried two more times and the result was the same.

She was beginning to get more worried. The next moment, it entered a voicemail.

"Hey Sasuke, it's I, Sakiko."

She paused for some seconds before continuing. "I'm sorry. I heard you were not fine. I would come over. Please be safe brother."

She sent the voicemail and ended the call. Knowing what was wrong, she felt a little bit relieved and troubled at the same time.

Sluggishly she walked back to class and counted the time till the close of school.

All through the day, she was absent minded and could barely concentrate. Luckily, she managed to get her notes updated and hurriedly left class when the closing bell rang.

She was done with classes and her boredom today.

"Sasuke, wait for me. I'll be there soon."