Chapter 202 - Hannah's Decision

Since she doesn't have much to do, Hannah went to the place a little bit too early to talk for her meeting with Shen Feng.

These days, because she got too much time on her hand from this 'indefinite leave' she ended thinking too much at the same which makes her.

From her understanding of Xi Ana , there is only about 1 out of ten percent that she will let her go back to her previous position.

So this time she had already decided, instead of waiting she will officially resign from her position as Xi Ana's ȧssistant to finally end this matter.

She knows that Xi Ana isn't deliberately delaying this matter, it must be because she has too much things to do that her priorities are set and obviously this does not belong to the first ones on the list.

The resignation has already been prepared, all she has to do now is deliver it to the president and once it was accepted, she no longer have a place in Xi Corporation.

Determination might be seen all over her face but deep inside her heart she is somehow wishing that Xi Ana would not accept it and let her go back to her post.

This is the reason why she wanted to talk to Shen Feng because she felt like it is only right for her to tell him about this decision before she so going to Xi Corporation to resign.

About 20 minutes have passed when Shen Feng arrived at their meeting place and when he does Hannah stood to pay respects.

"Sit down, sit down. Did you wait for a long time?" Shen Feng said as he sat down and placed his coat beside him.

Hannah followed in sitting and signaled a waiter to deliver the food she had ordered earlier.

"I just got here and have not waited for long, Uncle doesn't have to worry about it." Hannah said politely.

Shen Feng took a sip of the cup of tea that Hannah poured for him. Base on her expression he can say that what Hannah plans to tell him is something serious.

He almost sighed in his heart, not yet a week has passed and here he is having this kind of conversation again.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah&apos;s-decision_52601080080548612">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/hannah&apos;s-decision_52601080080548612</a> for visiting.

"Hannah, you don't have to restrain yourself and just freely speak what is it that's on your mind." he can't exactly pinpoint what she wanted to say to him but it must have something to do with Xi Ana.

"Uncle Feng, I know that you really care for me and only wants what's best for me but I've already decided."

The expression on her face shows the determination she is trying to showcase for him to see.

"Decided on what?"

"I've decided to officially resign from Xi Corporation. I"ve already written my resignation letter and I'm just waiting for the right time to go and give this to President Xi."

Those words truly shocked him, he did tell her to wait for a while but it seems like she really can't endure this silent torture anymore.

"Why are you doing this, Hannah? Ana has yet to make a decision about this, you don't have to be so rash and decide on this just like that."

Hannah shook hear head before answering and it seem like and she does look calm at the moment.

"It's not like that Uncle Feng, believe me. Before I decided to have this conversation with you I've already thought about this a hundred times."

In Hannah's mind, these words weren't words simply said for the sake of making Shen Feng feel lesser guilt because she really did think this matter through and through before arriving into a conclusion like this.

"But once you sent your resignation letter and Xi Ana acknowledged this, there is nothing else that we can't do."

Shen Feng felt distressed. Both of them have already considered this possibility even before everything started but right now that this kind of result is already in front of them, it's just a little bitter to accept fully.

"I fully understand this Uncle and I already prepared myself for it before I even started to write the resignation letter."

Seeing the resolute look on her face made Shen Feng feel even more helpless at the current situation.

He sighed and said, "Alright, if this is what you want then Uncle will just support you. I know that I can't force you to do something you don't want to do."

"Thank you, Uncle Feng." she is truly thankful.

Even though her Uncle Feng always mention how she helped him so much with her working at Xi Ana's side, in her heart, the hand that he extended that time was enough to save her life.

"Why are you thanking me when it should be me who should be apologizing to you. All of these started with me, if it was not because you wanted to help me you wouldn't be involved in this mess with me."

"Uncle, we've already talked about this before and just like what I said back then, there is no reason for you to apologize because it was me who made this choice." this issue has been going on and on for years and yet whenever they talk it always finds its way on their conversation.

"Fine, fine. I can't win with you anyway. By the way, if by any chance Ana accepted your resignation letter then do you have a plan on what you will do next?"

"I got a lot of time these past few days and made some thinking which allowed me to think of something but I'm still finalizing about it. I was planning to further my studies overseas but I still don't know where."

Studying? That's right, Hannah graduated with a bachelor course in business. If she is planning to further her studies then it must be for masteral course.

"The you spent on studying will never be wasted. If you really plan to pursue further studying then Uncle will support you. I have a good friend who is working at a famous business school in Country R. Admission of new students will end next month since the they start their semester in August. You can check them out, if you're interested just tell me and I'll arrange everything."

Jumping from one country to another allowed him to have a lot of acquaintances and he doesn't know how but there are times he would just end up giving lectures for seminars in different business schools overseas.

"It seems like Uncle really has a lot of friends on different schools, the last time you were friends with the dean of my university." Hannah said jokingly.

"I can't help having friends everywhere since I have been quite a wanderer but anyway, so what do you think about it?"

Personally for him, Country R is a good choice when it comes to business school. Even that lad who is a famous perfumer and also a friend of his daughter have taken units for a business course despite being a chemist and now he is already a successful in the industry he had chosen.

"I'll think about it Uncle Feng, thank you very much for taking care of me like always."

"You don't have to mention this. This is the least thing I can do to help you. Uncle has always been indebted to you so don't refuse this little bit of help from me."

"Then I shall thank you, Uncle."

Perhaps this decision will be beneficial to Hannah after all, he thought.

When she was younger her goal was to support her mother and so she studied and worked at the same time.

The moment this goal crumbled, her new goal was to repay him with everything to the point of even choosing to work for Xi Ana despite the many opportunities that knocked on her door after she graduated.

Xi Ana then became her goal, helping her to the best of her abilities no matter if it's day or night. She had devoted herself to working.

All these things were done for the sake of others but she had never done anything that is solely.

If studying is what she really wanted then this is the first time that she will be doing something big for herself. Naturally, Shen Feng is happy for her.

"You might look really determined with resigning but I know somewhere inside your heart, a part of you is still wavering. Originally, I do want you stay by my daughter's side but I realized that it was indeed too selfish of me. Thinking about it now, this plan of yours might not be a bad thing and maybe it is indeed time for you to do something that you wanted to do. Something that you want to for yourself alone."