Chapter 203 - Implications

Early the next morning, Xi Ana went to Ling Hospital to check on Aaron's condition so the first place she visited was the ICU ward where Aaron is.

Seeing her friend through the window lying still on the bed with machines attached to his body, Xi Ana's nose turned sour as though she might cry at any moment. Her strong facade could easily crumble facing this.

When she felt like she can't handle it anymore, she turned and decided to leave but then she saw a doctor coming out of the ICU ward. Realizing that the doctor is not familiar with her, she turned her heels and was about to walk.

Unexpectedly, the doctor suddenly called out to her. "President Xi." with a frown she turned o look at the doctor. She eyed him for a while before asking.

"Are you perhaps Doctor Ling?" she asked.

The handsome young doctor in front of her does exude an air of confidence and there is a high chance that this is the Ling Huo that Li Jingli mentioned last night. The real owner of this hospital.

"President Xi is quite perceptive, Indeed I am. I was supposed to meet with Young Master Li in a while but I was suddenly called for an emergency operation in 30 minutes and I needed to prepare now. I might not have time to meet Young Master Li this morning, good thing that I was able to meet you here now."

He needed to alk to Li Jingli within this morning? What could be reason? Is it about Aaron's condition? "What is it Doctor Ling? Is there an important matter you have to tell us?" she asked worriedly.

"Although I was not the one who operated on the patient, I've already taken over this case as President Xi probably knows the reason why. At around 1pm later, we will be moving the patient to the newly set up ICU room for him as Young Master Li instructed.

As expected, Li Jingli managed to arrange everything the entire night and there is nothing much left to do for her now.

Honestly, Ling Huo was quite surprised at the efficiency of Li Jingli's work. While everyone is sleeping, the things that they needed just suddenly came in as though they were just simple purchases from an online shop

"I understand, thank you for informing us. By the way Doctor Ling, I just wanna ask what is current condition of Aaron? I can only see him lying on the bed just like yesterday but as for the specifics, I don't know nor do I understand."

Ling Huo's expression turned more serious that it already was, "I'll be honest President Xi, I can't guarantee that he will eventually wake up because saying so would be so irresponsible of me. But then, the good thing is that there is a response on his fingers since this morning. Comatose patients may look like they are only sleeping all the time but there are instances when the are aware of their surroundings."

"Does having a response increases the possibility of him waking up?"

"You can say that but still, it will not increase it by a lot because there are also those patients who has these kind of responses but they still do not make it. I said what I said not to give you a false hope but a clear understanding of what is his condition, I hope President Xi does not mind."

"Don't worry, I ma not be medically inclined but I can still understand the words you've spoken. Thank you for being honest with me, Doctor Ling."

"It is my duty."

Xi Ana let out a small smile, "Doctor Ling should not delay any further." she reminded politely.

"Right. I'll be on my way, President Xi."


Ling Huo then left.

Xi Ana glanced at Aaron once more and the guilt once again crept up inside her. She doesn't believe in fate or destiny but why is it that everything she does, she always get other people implicated.

With a self-blaming smile, she walked toward where Li Jingli is

Right now they are inside a VIP room of Ling Hospital, though Aaron is not here as he is in the ICU ward. It is far more convenient for them to have a place to stay whenever they are here visiting."

Seeing the room which is smaller compared to VIP rooms of big hospitals like Regal. Though small, it has everything and Xi Ana knew that this Ling Huo did his best to offer them more than satisfactory which made her praise this young man in her heart.

As she entered the room she saw Li Jingli sitting with a cup of coffee in front of him while staring at some documents with a serious face.

Once he noticed Xi Ana's presence, he looked up without changing the expression on his face and handed to Xi Ana the documents he is looking at. "Look at this."

A line formed on her forehead, what kind of information is this that it would make Li Jingli have this kind of expression.

The moment her eyes laid on the information on the paper, her hands trembled in anger. While containing her emotions, she flipped through the pages one by one until she reached the last one.

The burning rage inside her has reached a new level at this moment and if her gaze could burn, the papers in her hands would have long been burned and turned into ashes.

"This is only my ȧssumption but I think Aaron may have offended someone he cannot afford to offend."

Other people might think that there were no connections between these crimes but they knew because there is a common denominator between these people and that is they are all working for Aaron in gathering intel.

"This person is not simple, the fact that he manged to single out Aaron's people just like that says it all. Yesterday, we were supposed to meet in the evening but he suddenly called me and said that we should meet in the morning because something happened to his people and I didn't think it was like this."

Xi Ana tightened the grip on the papers that she is still gripping unconsciously.

"According to what I have gathered the last thing that he was working on personally was something you asked. Ana, I didn't ask this yesterday because the accident just happened but can you tell me honestly what do you think about this?"

Yesterday Li Jingli didn't want to ask Xi Ana anything seeing how she is in a state of disarray but now that she finally calmed down and can make sound decisions, he bravely asked the thing he wanted to ask.

"That's right, the ȧssignment he's working on this time was something that I asked him to investigate. That was also one of the reasons why he is in the country, because he wanted to personally hand the result of the investigation. I don't want to admit it to myself but I think everything that happened has something to do with that result."

Aaron may have been working with a lot of influential people and not only them so the amount of information he knows is definitely not little but right now Xi Ana could only think of her matter as the reason of this because all the points seems to be connected.

"What is it, the thing you had him investigate?" Li Jingli was somehow nervous to ask this, they sill haven't resolved that person who's been torturing Ana all this time and now did they just offend other big shot of the Core this time again?

Xi Ana was reluctant to tell them this but it seems she really need to do this now, "There are two things I've asked him to do, the first one was to identify Wang Xinyi's identity and the other was the things that happened to my grandfather and brother during the days when I ran away."

They never really talked about Wang Xinyi's identity as they don't really think that it is very important. "Then?"

"This is not an appropriate place to talk about it. I think it is better if all of us could gather together so we could discuss this further."

It seems like this is really not simple matter. To say that it is even more complicated than what he initially thought might just be right.

"If this really that complicated then this is indeed not a good place to talk." Li Jingli might have done necessary arrangements for their privacy but who knows if something beyond their control happened.