Chapter 201 - Little Monster

Lim Yi Sheng waited until Li Jingli's car can't be seen from where he was standing anymore before closing the door behind him and followed Xi Ana to their room.

The whole room was eerily silent when he entered the room, did Xi Ana stay in the guest room to wash? he thought with a frown.

He entered nevertheless and what surprised him was that the reason why the room was quiet is because his wife had already fallen asleep on the couch.

Seeing his wife like this made his heart ache for her, she is truly exhausted these past few days both physically and emotionally. If only he could take her place and be the one to feel tired like this, he would willingly do so.

Xi Ana is still wearing her clothes from this morning and even the Li Jingli's coat is still on her. He sighed and walked towards her.

Lim Yi Sheng could hear her even breathing as he sat next to her and ċȧrėssed her face. He conveniently moved the strands of hair that's in front of her.

"You're really being too hard on yourself. How I wish you would rely on me a little bit more." he said with a sigh.

Although she had already opened up to her, he knows that there are still many things that she is not yet ready to tell him. Just how hard and bitter was her life was?

To avoid waking her up, he gently lifted her and rested her head on his ċhėst. When he reached the front of their bed, he carefully placed her on it.

Though asleep, Xi Ana felt that her body was lifted but when the familiar scent of her husband engulfed her nostrils she automatically calmed and let herself be carried.

Lim Yi Sheng helped her remove her shoes and the coat on her shoulders. He wanted to change her clothes into a more comfortable one but he was afraid that doing so would wake her up so he just let it be.

He went to his side of the bed and lay down beside Xi Ana not forgetting to be extra careful as he hugged her. If he could cuddle his wife like this everyday of his life, he would definitely be contented.

With his hand gently ċȧrėssing her flawless cheeks, Xi Ana suddenly opened her eyes slightly. "I haven't washed yet."she said in a husky voice which sounded so sėxy and tempting at the same time.

His lips formed a smile at her words as he lowered his head and kissed her forehead. "No one minds."

"I feel dirty, though." Lim Yi Sheng can't help but chuckle at this little wife of his. Well it is no wonder because Xi Ana tends to be a neat freak that she won't sleep unless she had already showered.

Meanwhile, Xi Ana's eyes were already closed when she said those words which made her look so adorable in his eyes.

"Even if you're sweaty and smelly I would still hug you like this so just bear with this for now and sleep, okay?"

"Hmm.." she hummed as a response and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Coaxing this little wife of his into not getting a shower on normal days would almost be impossible, it seems that she really is a lot more tired right now.

After a while, Xi Ana's breathing stabilized again and it seems like she is asleep again. He smiled and gave the crown of her head a kiss before hugging her tightly and went to sleep.

In the morning, Xi Ana was the first one to wake up and found herself in her husband's embrace.

She can't believe that she really slept without washing nor at least changing into a set of clean clothes.

Looking at the arm that was resting on her stomach. She smiled and was about to remove it so she could take a bath but Lim Yi Sheng's eyes opened.

"You're awake?" her husband's bedroom voice is really sėxy.

Everyday she would hear this husky voice of Lim Yi Sheng added to fact that he is also physically fit and sėxy, anyone who would see him in this state would definitely know that this is the sėxiest version of Lim Yi Sheng there is.

If it's not because she was already immune to this charm of him, even she who is not normally interested about things like this would definitely be swayed.

"Yeah, you can sleep for a while more since it is still rather early. I will just take a bath as I have been feeling sticky already."

Lim Yi Sheng chuckled and she understands the reason for it, "How was it, cuddling with your wife who didn't even change her clothes?"

"It's a new experience indeed."

That smirk on his face made her smack his hand lightly. "What new experience are you saying? Hmp. Remove your hand, I will take a bath. I still need to go to the hospital ." her cheeks were puffed looking like a hamster which is very childish.

The Xi Ana at the moment which is such a rare sight that he even wanted to keep her on his pocket and bring her anywhere he wants to go.

Lim Yi Sheng chuckled once more before removing his hand. "Alright, alright. My dearest wife can go and take a bath lest she would suddenly transform into a little monster who would bit me at the smallest grievances."

This comparison was so hilarious that Xi ana couldn't help but laugh. "You're really getting better and better at teasing me. Enough of this, I will take a bath already."

Xi Ana stood and walked towards the bathroom.

On the other hand, when his wife is already inside the bathroom he also stood and walked out ot the room and went towards the guest room so he could also take a bath as well.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/little-monster_52577904722246228">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/little-monster_52577904722246228</a> for visiting.


Meanwhile in Xi Corporation, a lot of people were still thinking the reason behind their boss suddenly cancelling two days worth of her schedule.

Shen Feng who still doesn't have any idea that Xi Ana's friend was in the hospital was feeling rather anxious the night before yesterday they just talked.

Did their conversation made her remember terrible things which made her unable to go to work?

This thought was also immediately dismissed by him since he knew that his daughter isn't the type of person who would do something like that.

"Father, you are thinking too much. I heard that my sister's friend was in a comatose due to am accident but Ana Jie's and Brother Jingli's people were suppressing this news to avoid getting attention." Xi Chen said while reviewing a project material on his hand.

That's right, Shen Feng is currently inside his son's office because he can't focus on his work, "Son, when it comes to news about your sister you really is a good source."

"If Father has so much time, you should get up and work instead of lazing around here."

Acting like this once in a while might not be too bad if it means that he can see his son looking serious like this."Alright, alright. Father would leave already."

Just when he was a about to go out his phone suddenly rang which made his eyebrows frown a little.

When he checked who the caller is he saw Hannah's name flashing on his screen.

What could have been the matter that she would suddenly call at this time, he thought.

Before answering the call he made a gesture to Xi Chen that he would leave already and his son just nodded as a response.

Once out of Xi Chen's office, Shen Feng answered the call.

"What's the matter, Hannah?" he asked worriedly.

"I was just wondering if Uncle Feng has time today? I want to meet if possible."

Thinking about his own schedule, he does have a free time this afternoon. "Uncle has a free time ag around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, is that fine with you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Then lets just meet at the coffee shop near the company." Hannah suggested.

Since Xi Ana already knew everything about their connection it doesn't make sense anymore to choose a remote or far place to meet.

"Alright then I'll just see you in a while?"

"Yes uncle, thank you very much."

"Silly child, what is there to thank for? Isn't just simply meeting."

Hannah chuckled, "Uncle is right, it's my bad. I shall not bother uncle a anymore. I'll see you in the afternoon."


The call ended which was rather short but he kept feeling that there is something that Hannah deliberately concealed from him.

He did try to talk to his daughter about reinstating Hannah back tl her position but it seems like Xi Ana still doesn't have a plan to do so and he felt guilty that Hannah would experience something like this for wanting to help him get closer to his daughter.