Chapter 190 - Conversation (2)

Xi Ana tried to recall that place where they usually stay at before and there is indeed a building in front of that place, so that was actually her father?

Suddenly, Xi Ana remembered that Li Jingli once said that her father looks familiar. Did they meet before and Li Jingli wanted to confirm this with he father?

It's understandable that when a person is not around there is only little dėsɨrė to see what he really looks like perhaps her father used different identity to get close to he friends but if so, fo what reason? It doesn't really make sense.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/conversation-(2)_52321981294501774">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/conversation-(2)_52321981294501774</a> for visiting.

"Father, is it possible that you've already met Li Jingli during those years?" given the fact that he has been watching her, this much is possible.

"Back I tired my hardest try to avoid anyone of you as I don't want to endanger you or them since that person is unpredictable. The reason why you might not have noticed be is because I don't harbor ill-intentions that I was not noticeable."

Though his actions were not totally discreet, he can't say that he was very careful. That time they really didn't notice him except for that lad, An Qi Lu but he might have found out his relationship with Ana that is why he didn't pursue the matter with him despite knowing about it.

This matter is not something he could casually speak of, it is up to that lad whether he wants to tell Xi Ana about the things he had done for her in secret.

"If what father is trying to say is that your first time meeting Jingli was during the welcome banquet then that's hard to believe. Why would he say the that you were familiar to him and why did you talk with each other the other day? He didn't say anything in respect to you but believe me if I say tha I have mean to let him tell about what both of you were hiding."

Shen Feng already expected this since it was pretty obvious that Li Jingli was indirectly telling Xi Ana something from the choice of the place itself but he obviously consented by not going against it.

"If I hav a choice, I really don't want to tell you about this anymore since it might trigger even more painful memories for you but I guess I really have to."

He was indeed reluctant to tell this story because she might blame herself once again about the things that transpired that day.

"Li Jingli and I talked because he wanted to confirm whether it was me who helped them that time when they were caught in that accident." he just recounted this story to Li Jingli the other day and here he comes doing it again in front of her daughter a few days after.

If it is about accident which involves Li Jingli which has a direct connection with her the Xi Ana could only think of one and that was when Fang Wenna and Li Jingli mistakenly used her car which caused the accident that almost killed the two of them.

"Don't tell me it was that one?" she said as her voice trembled involuntarily.

Shen Feng was nervous as he saw the face of his daughter becomes ashen, "Yes, it was exactly that accident."

Although Xi Ana tried to compose herself, her pale lips and her slightly quivering voice betrayed her, "Helped? How exactly?"

Whenever she remembers the faces of Fang Wenna and Li Jingli which were as pale as dead when they got to the hospital's emergency room the horror of possibly losing them because of her is something that will be forever etched in the deepest part of her heart.

Seeing his daughter looking like this, his heart felt as though it was being squeezed until no blood can be drawn from it and it is obvious that even though Xi Ana is having a hard time remembering this, she is still determined to know what happened.

Shen Feng has no choice but to continue, "That time when they got into an accident using your car I was there. At first I only saw some suspicious people lurking around the area so I went out to take a closer look but I didn't see them then suddenly your car went out of your building. I had a bad feeling about it so I followed."

"I don't know why but I really can't feel at ease that moment so I followed for a while more until I realized that something was amiss and just when I realized they had already fallen into the river. It was me who rescued them out of the water and called for the ambulance."

It's as if Xi Ana was enlightened by what she heard. When the two were finally out of danger, their focus was entirely focused on the person who tampered with her car that they eventually forgot to inquire why the ambulance managed to get to are of he accident first before the rescue team o that was actually because of her father?

Inside her heart, there were conflicting emotions. Indeed, she didn't want the idea that her father monitored her as if she is someone who would do something malicious when someone isn't looking but admittedly, if it wasn't for the fact that her father was secretly watching her then she might have totally lost two of the most important people in her life.

If that really happened, who knows if she would have been able to recover from the grief of losing them. Probably not.

That was one of the most painful thing that person have ever done to her. If it was merely her who was hurt, it would have been fine but that person clearly knows that urting her tthis way will be more paniful.

She wanted to speak a few words to thank her father but no voice came out of her throat. It's as if there is a lump on her throat that won't go away.

At this moment, she had already let go of her pride and ego as she is really thankful to her father for saving them because even if she doesn't speak of it, he also saved her by saving them.

The tears she has been trying to hold back from the start has finally begun to fall. Those droplets of tears fall one by one wetting her rosy cheeks as they fall faster and faster. No matter how hard she wipes the tears off her face, her eyes were tirelessly producing more and more.

It feels like her heart was being torn to pieces, the pain she's feeling right is now is not something she can describe in words. It's too painful to put in words.

Everything she had been keeping inside, all the pain she'd been through everything materialized into these tears. The last time she cried was during her birthday last year to the point that her anxiety attack was even triggered.

Tonight, talking to her father made her realize that even though there are a few times that she had cried her heart out, she have not yet cried enough and this is actually the most painful cry she had ever done in this life.

All the memories from when she was still a child living happily with her family, to the moment her mother was killed in front of her. The pain of remembering all of these but no one else knows other than her, to being constantly tortured by a person whose face she doesn't even know for so long.

Even implicating the people she cares about because of these messy entanglements was more than enough to hurt her. The things she learned tonight is a proof that it wasn't only her who is suffering.

Just why? Among the billions of people in this planet, why does that person has to be obsessed with her mother? Why does she need to suffer like this? Why does the people around her needs to be hurt?

As these words keeps on repeating inside her head, the tears from her eyes never ceased from falling. They just keep on falling as if it has no plans to stop any moment now

If only it was her who was given the chance to choose rather than her father, she would have agreed to go to him if that means all the people she cared about will be spared from harm.

Growing up, of course she wasn't all that strong and steady. She also got to the point when she felt like dying was a lot easier than living. If dying would have solved everything, she would have killed herself without hesitation a long time ago.