Chapter 191 - Conversation (3)

Watching his daughter cry with her shoulders trembling, Shen Feng felt like his heart was being stabbed with countless times but despite that, it still keeps on beating nonstop.

This is the first time he'd seen his daughter cry like this and he never thought that watching her pain could be this painful. It is definitely different from the way she cried as a child.

Each sob carries so much emotion that whoever hears her would feel that she is indeed carrying such a heavy weight which made her cry like this.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/conversation-(3)_52345576787862513">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/conversation-(3)_52345576787862513</a> for visiting.

He wanted to reach out, hug her, pat her back, and tell her that everything's gonna be alright but is that really what she needed right now? Telling her that everything will be alright is tantamount to lying they both it's not as easy as that. Those empty words will only torment her further more.

These tears were suppressed for so long, more than being consoled what she needed most right now is to let all these bottled feelings out so she can breathe.

His tears are also at the verge of falling and he is trying so hard to hold them back. He can't cry at least not in front of his daughter who's so vulnerable at the moment. What sin did he commit in his past life that they are suffering like this in this life.

He felt a hot liquid roll down from his eyes and so he looked up, stared at the ceiling for a few seconds as if it will help to stop the tears from falling.

Shen Feng didn't say any words of comfort nor did Xi Ana say something in response to his last sentence. They just stayed like that for quite some time, one pouring her heart while the other is holding back from doing so.

Endure. That is the one thing he had been doing all these years, what's the difference from doing that for a few hours longer? He may be weak but at least in front of his children, he wanted to be strong.

Who knows how long they stayed like that where the only thing that could be heard inside aside from their breathing is Xi Ana's soft but painful cries.

After some more time, Xi Ana eventually stopped crying and when she finally calmed down she realized that she had really cried for quite a while that her face must have looked horrible by now. "Excuse me for a while father, I just need to go to the restroom."

Shen Feng's office has its own restroom so Xi Ana didn't really need to go out. "Alright."

Xi Ana gathered herself and walked towards the restroom.

As soon as she saw herself in the mirror and she realized that she really is a mess. Her cheeks were teaar-stained, her eyes were red and swollen, and even her nose is red as tomato.

Remembering that she had cried like that in front of her father whom she had been estranged from for a long time, she felt rather awkward. She is already a grown up woman, and even married at that yet she cried like a pitiful child in front of her father! If that's not embarrassing she doesn't what anymore.

Thankfully though that she isn't used o wearing make up because if she is she must have looked worst than this.

Actually, she also didn't know what has gotten into her that she suddenly burst out like that which is very unusual of her. She had always been good at enduring but when she heard about that accident, mixed emotions overwhelmed her which led to this.

At first she thought she could endure this conversation without letting a single tear fall but she was wrong, totally wrong not only did she let a tear fall but she even cried hard.

After washing her tear-stained face, Xi Ana really felt refreshed that she isn't sure wether it was because of the coldness of the water or because she of she had cried a year's worth of tears. Either way, she knew that what happened made her loosen up a lot and that is more than enough.

She immediately searched for an unused towel in the bathroom drawer to wipe her face and she also fixed herself to not embarrass herself further but obviously, this is not enough to hide the fact that she had cried but at least she looks more presentable now than she was a while ago.

A minute or two had passed before she finally went back to the inside of the study room and sat where she was sitting earlier.

Seeing her composed father, she felt rather embarrassed again but of course she didn't make this fact obvious as she stayed as natural as she can be.

She was indeed thankful that their personalities are alike that her father realized that she did not want to be consoled at that moment because what she needed that time was to release those pent up emotions, not to suppress them.

Xi Ana cleared her throat before speaking, "Thank you for saving them, father." these words were no some perfunctory words because she is truly sincere in thanking him

Before she started to cry a while ago, this was the last thing that he said and clearly this is also what triggered her emotions earlier.

"This is not something you need to thank me for, I only did what anyone would do in that situation." there is no need to tell her how desperate he was that time, right?

They are safe, Xi Ana is alright, what else could he hope for regarding that matter? These two things are enough for him. It's not like he did that for merits.

"Still, thank you father." Shen Feng responded with a smile to indicate that he is already accepting her thank yoy.

There was silence for about a minute before Shen Feng finally said something to interrupt the atmosphere. "Ana, can father ask you something?"

"What is it?" Xi Ana knew that this might not end with hr being the only person who listens, eventually she also needed to talk and this question is the start of it.

Shen Feng looked straight into his daughter's eyes to avoid missing subtle change in her emotions. "You can remember everything, right? You can remember what happened that night." more than questioning, this iss more like Shen Feng is seeking for a confirmation.

Actually, it's been long since Shen Feng suspected this but because they really do not have many opportunities to talk with each other no one else could really confirm this matter for him.

These words didn't really surprise Xi Ana anymore. The fact that her father had observed her for a long time, it is impossible if he hadn't thought nor suspected about this.

There is really no need to keep this matter a secret from her father anymore and so she decided that she will let him know about it now.

Wit a deep breath, she started reciting her words. "That's right, I have never forgotten what happened that night. Not then, not now. Perhaps, it is a memory that I would even be able to remember in my next life." this is what she had said but who knows what might happen n the future so these words may not necessarily be true.

On the other hand, when Shen Feng heard her answer he was still shocked even though he had already expected this answer. To hear it directly from her mouth is really different and you can hear from her voice that she is not lying.


Lim Yi Sheng has long been back to Xi Ana's room after his game with Grandfather Xi and now as usual his hands were occupied with work.. He checked the time and it is already 12 midnight and Xi Ana is not ye back.

The two of them must have a lot to talk about, he thought. Soon it will be his turn to have a conversation like this with someone important to him as well.

Since he is not yet sleepy, he decided to continue what he was doing for a while longer. He is currently siting on the bed with his back resting on the headboard and his hand were occupied with something.

The moment he heard the door to their room opened, he knew that it is already Xi Ana so he already placed the document and his pen on top of the table beside him and waited for hiis wife.

Xi Ana didn't say any word and when she reached the side of the bed she just stood there quietly and stared at her husband. "Come here." he said with his arms wide open.

Hearing his voice made her smile and with no hesitation, she climbed on the bed and buried herself in his arms.