Chapter 147 - Chengxin Corporation

"Lu Nai He just informed me that everything went well, from here on it will depend on how Samantha's body will react to the new heart that was transplanted to her." he just repeated what Lu Nai He said ti him earlier.

"She'll be fine." Xi Ana said with a smile.

Her words always carry a certain amount of confidence that's why they could really make other people believe her.

After a while more, Doctor William also came out and informed them about what happened inside the operating room in a more detailed manner because he is the doctor in charge.

They were also told that the next few hours until Samantha is awake could be considered as the most critical time of the post-operation so they decided to stay the at the hospital for a night so that they are already there in case something happened.

Within the room there is also smaller room where the visitors of the patient can sleep comfortably. The ward where Samantha is staying is actually a VIP ward so everything that they need is already inside, if this Is not a hospital this room would even pass a VIP suite in a luxury hotel.

"Do you want to freshened up a bit?" Xi Ana asked.

"In a while." he doesn't have the energy to do things while knowing that his sister is not yet totally out of danger. He sat on the couch and rested his back.

Of course he also had done his ȧssignment and he knew that heart transplant is not an impossible operation anymore it's just that as a brother he still felt anxious knowing that it was his own sister who had undergone that operation.

Xi Ana sighed as she replied, "Alright, it's up to you."

Lim Yi Sheng looked at the dejected face of his wife and he felt a little guilty, "I'm sorry, I have been neglecting you a lot today."

Since he is sitting he was able to easily grab her hands and pulled her closer to him. He wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her stomach.

He heard Xi Ana sighed once again as she started ċȧrėssing his head like a mother would to his child. If this was another person he would have long patted his hand away but because it was his wife instead of feeling irritated he actually felt warm.

It's like her hand is telling him that he sis tired and he needs rest now. He closed his eyes for a while and enjoyed the sensation of her hand on his head.

"You know it's not like that."

Of course he knew, the reason why Xi Ana has been sighing is because he is neglecting himself too much but even though Xi Ana is unhappy about it she really didn't force him to do anything just like when he refused to eat dinner earlier this evening.

"I know."

He didn't know how long they stayed like that but he was surprised when Xi Ana cupped both of his cheeks and made him look at her and because Xi Ana is standing and he is sitting, he is looking up to her which is a rare occurrence.

"It's not like I expected you to act the other way at all because I know that if I was the one who is in your position I would also act in that manner. But, that doesn't mean that it's okay to skip meals, I will let you off for now but as soon as Samantha wakes up tomorrow you are not allowed to neglect yourself anymore, alright?"

"Yes, ma'am." he smiled and tightened his hug to her.

Although he didn't say anything about it, the fact that Xi Ana is treating it as if Xi Ana is just sleeping naturally made him happy. Those words were more effective than some comforting words that anyone could easily give.

Just when he was immersed with the situation, he was pulled back to the the reality because of a phone ringing. "That's yours, right?"

The phone that was ringing is Xi Ana's. "Yeah, It's mine."

As much as he doesn't wan to be separated from Xi Ana even for a moment, it really can't be helped right. Being too greedy might not certainly be beneficial to him.

Albeit against his will, he let her go and she walked towards where her phone is.

Lim Yi Sheng observed her facial expression and he can see the frown on her forehead when she saw the caller which made him slightly curious.

As soon as Xi Ana saw the string of numbers flashing on the screen of her phone she can't help frown a little. "I'll just answer this call." she said to her husband.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/chengxin-corporation_51255527493128880">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/chengxin-corporation_51255527493128880</a> for visiting.

"Go ahead."

"Gao Bei Cheng, what made you call me?" Xi Ana was actually surprised to receive a call from Gao Bei Cheng.

Xi Ana only used this number to call Gao Bei Cheng once and she never did that again, she didn't think that he would actually save it that time. As much as possible she wanted this number to be as private as possible so maybe she needs to remind Gao Bei Cheng not to carelessly give this number to other people.

She thought for a while and she could only think of Gao Bei Chneg's sister as the reason for his sudden call, perhaps there is a problem with his sister? But if there is really a problem she had already instructed the person who is looking after her to call her first if something happened and since there was no call from that side then that means it's not about his sister right? If not, then what?

"Xi Ana speaking." she said as a reflex as soon as she answered.

"President it really is you!" the moment the call was connected she heard Gao Bei Cheng exclaim rather excitedly which made her a little bit irritated. Of course it's her, who else would it be if not her?

"Did you just call me to confirm if it was really me?" she made her voice sharper than usual because if he really did call for that reason she would really make him regret calling at all.

"No, of course not president! How would I dare call you for that simple reason right? I'm afraid I will be fired if I did that." Gao Bei Cheng said n a slightly higher pitch.

"It's good that you know then hurry up and tell me what you wanted to say before I ran out of patience." she didn't bring a truckload of patience going here so she really don't want dilly-dallying right now.

"President, did you check the news today?" his voice changed from excited to a serious one and because of this change Xi Ana can tell that he really called for something important so she also became attentive to whatever he was about to say.

News? Because today is Samantha's operation both her and Lim Yi Sheng was focused on the operation and nothing else although she had brought her working tablet with her she didn't even open it to check if there is an important email she has to read, so forget about checking the news because she definitely did not.

"I did not. Why?"

"Today is the opening of the biggest project of Chengxin Corporation."

In the industry of hotel and restaurants, Chengxin Corporation is their biggest competitor and the family behind it is also a part of the nine noble families so they are not to be underestimated.

"And? What's the problem with that?"

This project of Chengxin Corporation is similar to their Southville project which was kept secret to the public ever since it started, no one outside knew the motif and theme of each projects creating a mysterious effect that draws in the interest of many people who are particular with both companies.

The fact that they launched earlier than them is not really a problem since she believe in their Southville project so she still did not get why would Gao Bei Cheng specifically call her, who is overseas just for this.

"The problem is that their newly opened resort is very similar with our Southville project."

"What did you say?"

"Although I only saw bits and part of the whole Southville project, as a person who had seen the plan I can say with confidence that they are indeed similar."

Gao Bei Cheng is indeed not part of the Southville project but she had been training him little by little by letting him come with her a few times whenever she is visiting the site so what he's saying is not wrong.

"Up to what percent do you think is their similarity?" thinking about this with a rational mind is the best thing she could do at the moment.

"About 70-80%."

"It's that high?"
