Chapter 146 - Operation (2)

Just like she said, Xi Ana went down to the lobby to buy coffee. This is the difference of not having their ȧssistants with them because if they were here, you don't even have to say that you wanted coffee you will just be surprised when they handed it to you before you even got the chance to ask.

Upon reaching the lobby she searched with her eyes where the coffee shop is located exactly which she saw immediately. Just when she was about to walked towards it, she suddenly heard someone call her name.

"Ana?" as a reflex, upon hearing her name she turned towards where the voice came from.

Surprisingly, the person who called her name is someone familiar to her.

"It really is you! I didn't expect to see you here." the person said clearly surprised upon seeing Xi Ana.

The person walked towards her and kissed her cheeks as a form of greeting.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/operation-(2)_51232369297907593">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/operation-(2)_51232369297907593</a> for visiting.

"Rayden." Xi Ana smiled warmly as a response.

Rayden is their friend as well as the psychiatrist she once mentioned. He was the one who was prescribing the sleeping pills she is taking as well as the person who's been treating her anxiety attacks.

"What were you doing here? Are you accompanying someone?"

"I actually came with my husband because someone close to him is having a heart transplant operation right now.

She purposely said something ambiguous about it because even though Rayden is her friend it is still not upon her to disclose the real relationship of Lim Yi Sheng and Samantha.

About this, Lim Yi Sheng didn't exactly say that she can;t tell other people about it but of course she can understand that there are things she can't say to other people and this matter is exactly one of them.

"Was that the patient of Doctor William?" Rayden asked.

Xi Ana already knew about Doctor William because he is the lead surgeon for Samantha's operation as well as her personal doctor but she does not anything more than that.

"Yeah." she answered casually.

"I didn't know your husband is also someone powerful."

"That just shows that you don't really care about me, your patient right?"

"An Qi Lu didn't say that your husband could pose a threat to your trauma so I didn't particularly looked up about him. Anyway, you don't know who Doctor William is, right"

"If you're asking more than him being the lead surgeon of the operation then no, I don't."

"I bet you don't. Doctor William is actually one of the leading cardiologist in the world and the success rate of his every operation is very high and he does not take just take every patient there is, he will only take over if the patient's condition is beyond the capabilities of his juniors. He is also one of the youngest professor in CS."

Xi Ana thought of Doctor William and he can say that he is quite amiable. For someone who has such a good reputation, the fact that he is not being boastful or haughty makes him look more reliable than he already is.

"Then that means the operation's success rate is high."

"Of course it is but it will still depend upon the patient's body if she could handle it and if her body will not reject the organ transplanted to her."

"I see."

"The fact that your husband could hire him as the personal doctor of that patient speaks for his capabilities. To put it more simply, if you know a cardiologist named Lu Nai He, Doctor William is the same as him."

Xi Ana was surprised to hear Lu Nai He's name in their conversation, "Lu Nai He?"

"Yeah, he's well-known in Asia." indeed, Lu Nai He is well-known in Asia that much he knows but she didn't expect that even her doctor here in America would know him as well.

"Lu Nai He is my husband's best friend who also became mt friend. Actually, he is also one of the doctors inside the operating room right now." she stated as a matter of fact.

"Really, then that means he will be ȧssisting Doctor William?" he looked like a kid who's eyes brightened at the sight of his favorite candy.

"Well, that's what I heard. You seem so interested in cardiology to be able to know these much."

"I'm taking a double board soon that's why I stumble upon these names from time to time. Anyway, those matters aside. I still have to talk you about your medicine but right now I still have a meeting with some of the professors working here. Do you have some time tomorrow?"

"I think I have. I'll just call you."

"Great. I'm also glad I was able to see you. Well then, I gotta go." he gave her one last hug before striding away.

She just smiled and made her way towards the coffee shop. In the first place this is what she came down for.

On the other hand, the person who walked away is indeed glad. It's been a few months since he last saw Xi Ana and now that he saw her, he can somehow put some of his worries for her away because she really looked a lot better now compared to when she first started seeing him as her doctor.

He would compare the Xi Ana today and the person way back their university days, her eyes looked a lot softer now than before and that fact alone mean a lot already.


Lim Yi Sheng was sitting alone outside the operating room and his focus is solely on the operation ongoing on the other side of this door that he didn't even notice that Xi Ana has been away longer than she was supposed to be.

After a few more minutes of sitting there without speaking the door of the operating room suddenly opened and as a reflex, he stood and walked towards there as soon as a person in green scrubs went out.

The moment the person took off his mask he immediately realized that it was none other than his friend, Lu Nai He. "You're alone."

"Xi An went down to get some coffee, how is Samantha? Is everything alright?"

"You really looked like a father right now, Yi Sheng. Don't worry, everything went well and the transplant is successful. They are already finishing up so Doctor William will soon be out as well. Let's hope that there won't be any problem during the post-operation."

Hearing these words from Lu Nai He made him feel relived that even let out a long sigh. It feels as if he was finally able to take out the thing that's been hindering his breathing for a while now.

"That's good to hear."

"Usually with heart transplants with patients who has a prior ċhėst surgery it will at east take 6-8 hours but Doctor William is really good with his hand and I can vouch on that. Thankfully we ere able to have him as Samantha's doctor."

Indeed, it actually took great before back then to get Doctor William but they still tried hard because if he will be the one who will be doing the operation the success rate is definitely higher than most of the doctors out there.

Since they needed someone who could look after Samantha's condition in a closer proximity, Lu Nai He cannot do so considering her identity that's why they need a other doctor and of course they will not settle for less.

"You're right."

"After they finish closing her up, they will still have to move her to the ICU until she wakes up although she is merely asleep because of the anesthesia so we'll see. We just have to wait how Samantha's body will react on the new heart inside her. I'll leave you for now since I still need to get inside, I'll see you later."

"Yeah, thanks for informing me."

He has already been told that the riskiest part of this operation is not the process itself but Samantha herself.

Due to her weak constitution and her rare blood type there might be unforeseen circumstances inside the operating room that may affect the operation. Furthermore, the possibility of her body rejecting the organ is also not excluded from these risks.

Lu Nai He just got back inside the operating room when Xi Ana came back with two cups of coffee in her hands.

"Sorry I took a while, I met an acquaintance and we had a short conversation. Is everything okay?"