Chapter 148 - Initial Plan

There is no reason for Gao Bei Cheng to lie to her though it is still too early to conclude anything on her part, the fact that Gao Bei Cheng said that the two projects were similar is enough for her to be suspicious.

Southville project started way before the announcement of Chengxin Corporation but they still finished theirs way earlier. "What are the reactions of the executives?"

Obviously, the executives know about the project and they've also seen the plan. Aside from them there are only chosen people who knew about the details of the Southville project.

If they are really similar then there is no way these executives would stay quiet.

"They were really alarmed that Ms. Lee had to call for an emergency meeting to calm them. Actually, the meeting is still ongoing."

Naturally, Hannah being her secretary also knows about the crooks and crannies of this project even all the people involved in it.

Getting reactions from that many people only means that this matter is really serious. Xi Ana doesn't want to think about it but there might be a possibility of information leakage.

It is possible that Hannah will give her a call about this after their meeting. Hannah might not know the reason why she went to the America despite the workloads she has in the company Xi Ana knows that she could tell that it is about something important.

"Do you have raw pictures of the place?"

It's better to check the pictures for herself so she could make a sound judgment in this situation.

"I do have them, president. One of my acquaintance was one of the reporters who had covered the event today. I will send it to your company email."


"Do you have further instructions, president?"

"Yes, I do."

"That is?"

"Go to HR and tell them that you don't need your salary for this month and you would love to donate it to the company."

"Huh? President?"

"That's for disregarding protocol."

"Eh? But.."

"I know what you mean but there is a proper way to tell me this don't you think so?"

"Yes president, I ubderstand."

"It's good that you do. That's it for now, I'll decide after seeing the pictures myself."

"Okay, president."

She ended the call and walked towards where her tablet is but before she could reach it, she ear her husband's voice calling out to her.


"Ah, what is it?"

She was immersed in her thought that she didn't notice Lim Yi Sheng is calling her.

"Is everything alright?" because she just got off the phone and she is still thinking about that matter with the Southville project her face must have a very visible frown on it.

"I'm still not sure but there might be a problem with regards the Southville project. Someone will be sending me files so that I could determine for myself."

"I see, then go on and check it. I hope it's not a big problem." Lim Yi Sheng said sincerely.

She also hope that it is not but from her conversation with Gao Bei Cheng it seems like there is really no way it is not.

"I hope so, but if it really is something big I might need to go back earlier a planned, is that alright with you?"

If this matter is what she think it is then it is inevitable for her not to go home.

"Of course it's fine. The mere fact that you came with me is already good enough for me."


"How many times should I tell you that you don't have to thank me, I'm your husband so it is natural for me these kinds of things. Take your time with whatever you need to check, I;m gonna take a shower first then go and check Samantha."


Just as he said he headed to the bathroom. She o the other took out her working tablet and opened the most recent email which it the one from Go Bei Cheng.

As the person in-charge of the Southville she is the person who has the most exposure on each processes of the plan so she basically knew everything about I and seeing this picture reminded her of something.

She can't be wrong because this is exactly the initial plan of Southville project with jist little changes to the overall design but she that this is really it. The plan they are using now might have a lot of differences from this but that is because all the problems with the initial plan has already been fixed in the final plan.

There is no doubt why there are a lot of similarities with these two projects then, because both of them came from the same tree.

They still need to compare it with the plan in their hand to fully confirm but Xi Ana already knows. This realization made Xi Ana even angrier than she already is.

The fact that the initial plan was leaked made her feel that she really didn't do enough to secure the confidentiality of the project which made her failure as a president.

It feels as if everything she had done for Southville project up until now was don for nothing.

The hand she is using to to hold her tablet tightened. Seeing these pictures means that there is yet another person in the is yet another person who does not have his loyalty to her.

Has she been so lenient lately that these people are starting to betray her one by one. This is the last straw for her ad now that this happened she really didn't do something to deal with this people then she better quit being the president of Xi Corporation.


Seeing how focused she is it seems that what happened might be really something serious. He knew how important Southville project is to Xi Ana so he jut let her be and proceeded to change.

He didn't plan to interrupt her but Xi Ana was the one who called him once he was done changing.

"Yi Sheng."


He already has an idea what Xi Ana might say since they already talked a little bit about it before he went to the bathroom.

"I can't tell you exactly the details of the problem right now but it really is something serious."

"I understand. That means you have to go back ti the country right?"

"Yeah, I have to."

"I already told you its fine, you don't have to think so much about it. Have you already booked your flight then?"

"Not yet. I was about to do so once I'm done telling you about it." she really didn't have to do so, it's not like she will get mad if she did but the fact that she waited for him before before booking the flight made him slightly happy.

"Silly wife."

Lim Yi Sheng walked towards Xi Ana, cupped both her cheeks and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"You can take of the matters you need to take care of. You already said so that Samantha will wake up tomorrow so you don't have to worry about anything and focus on your work, okay?"

"Will you really be fine here alone?"

"I'm a man, how can I not be fine?"

He hugged her shoulders and kissed the top of her head once again before letting go. 

"I'll just visit Samantha for a while, just stay here and do what you have to do. You can tell me the time of your flight when I get back."


These past three days he already has Xi Ana all to himself and so even though he would never feel that its enough it is already a lot better than most days. 

After than he went out of the room and headed to where ICU is located. Upon reaching the floor he already saw Lu Nai He who has already changed into a set of casual clothes.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/initial-plan_51279009958380434">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/initial-plan_51279009958380434</a> for visiting.

"Hey." Lu Nai He said casually as if they just met for the first time today.

"You're done changing. Seeing that you're so casual about this made me feel at ease."

Lim Yi Sheng not only trusts Lu Nai He as a friend but also as a doctor that's why seeing him like this after Samantha's operation made feel better because it means that there are no problems.

"I can totay understand why you felt uneasy about everything after all he is your sister but don't worry. There seems to he no negative reaction from Samantha's body if this continues like she will eventually wake up as soon as the anaesthesia wears off."