Chapter 145 - Operation

When Lim Yi Sheng finished his conversation with Doctor William and Lu Nai He, only he came back to Samantha's ward.

As soon as e opened the door he could hear Samantha's laugh and he can say that it was a genuine laugh. The two were so immersed with their conversation that they didn't even notice him entering the room.

Lim Yi Sheng cleared his throat to catch their attention, "Ahem.. It seems like you two have gotten closer with only the few minutes that I'm not around."

"Brother, brother. Come here I have a question for you!" he was a bit startled seeing his younger sister called him excitedly.

"Hey, what's this about?" Samantha is only smiling brightly and so he turned to look at his wife but the latter only smiled as she shrugged.

He looked at the two women suspiciously but he really can't figure them out and so he just obediently followed and just sat the stool next to Xi Ana.

"Brother is it true that whenever Ana Jie teases you, your would go red like a tomato." hearing this from Samantha, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry at it.

As if automatically, Lim Yi Sheng remembered the times when Xi Ana would tease her to no ends which made him take countless of cold showers. If you were being teased like that of course it is only natural that he would turn red.

When he didn't answer Samantha pressed on. "How was she teasing you that made you have that kind of reaction?"

"I'm not telling you."

"What if I already know?" Samantha grinned. Did Xi Ana really tell her? Won't that ruin his image of a cool and dependable older brother?

Remembering the way Xi Ana teases her made his face feel hot. "Dear!"

Just that one word and the two women suddenly laughed and he didn't know the reason why.

"I told you, didn't I?"

"You're right, Ana Jie. Seeing brother like this is definitely amusing."

Lim Yi Sheng surely can't follow with their conversation. "One of you explain to me what just happened."

"Oh, that?Ana Jie told me that she would show me something amusing."

"And what is that?"

"Seeing your ears and face turn red." this means that she was really played by these two women.

One is the wife he loves the most and the other is his sweet younger sister. Women could really be scary in a different leagueif they are together huh. 

But then again, seeing as how they were able to get close to each other at a short period of time he would very much accept being the center of fun betweem the two of them.

"And what did she say on how to do that?"

"She said that I should pretend to know how you were teased by her and you would naturally turn red and she's right you really did." knowing that his sister would know those embarrassing moments would make him naturally remember it.

"Of course I would, right wife?" he looked at his wife who is smiling brightly at his side. 

Xi Ana chuckled before answering, "Right."

"Now, I'm totally curious about what this teasing is all about." it's clear from the look on her face that she really is curious about it

"You don't need to know, it's not suitable for kids like you." Lim Yi Sheng said playfully.

The two of them stayed until the afternoon before they decided to go back to their hotel.

It's been a while since they got back from the hospital and Xi Ana just finished talking a bath.

When Xi Ana came out of the bathroom her hari is still dripping wet and because her hair is a lot longer now even though she had already rubbed a towel on  it, there is only little effect that was done.

"Let me help you."

Lim Yi Sheng motioned for Xi Ana to come closer to him which the latter followed without any second thoughts. He took the towel from her hand and took over the drying.

His movements were gentle as if he was ċȧrėssing a porcelain doll to avoid hurting Xi Ana's scalp by accident but still there is enough force that makes the process surprisingly soothing.

"Your hair longer than usual." the last time he did this for her it wasn't this long yet. 

"Hmm.. I didn't have time to go and have it cut. I was too busy." he said this because Xi Ana has the habit of  maintaining a certain length of her hair that once it grew two inches longer she would already go to the place where she would always have her hair done.

Once her hair is already towel-dried well, Lim Yi Sheng walked over the vanity table and took the hair dryer.

He then walked back to her and plugged the cord of it near their bed and started using to fully dry Xi Ana's hair. Although he had never seem her caught a cold it is still better to prevent it.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/operation_51209324382449667">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/operation_51209324382449667</a> for visiting.

"Having someone else dry your hair for you really feels relaxing." Xi Ana said with hereyes closed and her lips curved upwards. 

Lim Yi Sheng smiled seeing that his wife really felt relaxed. Since they were both busy lately they really do not have much time for each other than sleeping.

"Dear, what do you think about Sam? You two seemed to have gotten a lot closer in just a short period of time." it's obvious that earlier today they were quite close with each other and seeing this made him really happy. 

"I think she's really craving for a mother's attention and my presence seems to have triggered that. From the moment that you took her in, you have become her closest person but it is still a lot different from a mother's care.

"You're right." Xi Ana also lost her mother at a young age, although in different circumstances they are still pretty much similar in this area. 

"You know what, Samantha is actually quite fragile, literally and figuratively."


Xi Ana is already lying on the bed and he joined her. 

"She may act strong as if she can take on everything that life throws her but she also feels tired though she never shows it. Her world is small and she felt that as the center of that world she has to always keep herself collected."

Lim Yi Sheng thought for a minute and he realized that Samantha really didn't break down so much as far as he can remember. There are only few times that she had cried. 

"Was I too dense not to realize that my sister is actually hurting."

"Its not like you're dense or anything, sometimes the nature of a man being straightforward just naturally comes out you know that's why it is easy for you to overlook these small details. Furthermore, it was actually by accident that I learned about it."

"What do you mean?"

This is what's scary about women, they notice things that other people usually do not.

"Are you familiar with the meanings of flowers?" is this about the flowers that she bought this morning?

"I know some but not to the extend that I could enter a quiz about it." he answered.

"Then how about yellow tulips, do you know what it means?" it really is the flower she bought. 


"In the modern context it means 'hope' and when I gave it to her and you guys left the room, her tears started flowing. She was not sobbing, she just quietly cried." Lim Yi Sheng knew what she's trying to say. The flower's meaning, Samantha knows about it that's why she reacted like that.

"You know it, the human heart, just a fist-sized organ, is the most complicated thing in this world."

Indeed he knows, and everyone in this world probably knows and no on would argue with it.


It's already evening but the they are still in the hospital because today is Samantha's operation and it's been five hours since it started.

They were already told that because Samantha already had a prior heart surgery the operation might last a little longer so they are still calm at the moment.

Xi Ana and Lim Yi Sheng were quietly waiting outside the operating room.

The usual confidence of Lim Yi Sheng can't be seen from him right now with his shoulders down and face written with anxiousness but then again, the calmness and quietness of the whole situation makes them feel that there is nothing wrong going on inside.

Xi Ana held his hand and gave it a little squeeze. Lim Yi Sheng's hand was cold but then the warmth of her hand transferring to his made the temperatures of their hands the same after a while.

Once again, Xi Ana squeezed his hand to get his attention which made him turn his head towards her. "I'll just get two cups of coffee from the lobby."
