Chapter 138 - Heart Transplant

Lim Yi Sheng checked his time and it's almost 8:30 in the evening. Through the intercom he told Feng Jinnian to go in.

It didn't even take half a minute and Feng Jinnian is already inside the office. "Do you need me to do anything, young master?"

"I called in you in to tell you that you can go home for today."

"You don't need me to drop you off at Xi Corporation, young master?"

"It's fine. I can go there myself. Also I still have something to talk with Lu Nai He so I might probably eat dinner with him near their hospital."

The day after tomorrow will be the day of their flight to America but Lu Nai He will be leaving early tomorrow because he will be the ȧssisting doctor for the operation.

"If that is so then I shall not disturb further."

"Hmm.. you may go."

Feng Jinnian bowed slightly to show respect before going out of the office and closing the door behind him.

Sometimes he feels that he is really not a good boss because even though in the contract it was stated that the ȧssistant would only work from 9am-9pm, most of the time he needed to stay even later or start earlier that's why as much as possible he would let him go home even if it is only a few minutes earlier.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/heart-transplant_51046963898013497">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/heart-transplant_51046963898013497</a> for visiting.

After Feng Jinnian went out he also started gathering his things which includes some documents he would need to review further, his cellphone, and his keys. He went out carrying his things and went directly to the parking lot.

He wasted no time that he started driving as soon as he had settled himself inside the car. The place where he would have dinner with Lu Nai He is along the way to Xi Corporation so it is a lot convenient for him.

This is already the third night that he will be sleeping at Xi Corporation although he has an option not to but that would become really tiring for Xi Ana because she still has to drive back home despite being busy the whole day.

Xi Ana said that she will go with him to the America for Samantha's operation but of course it also means that for the period she will be gone, she needed to work on the things that she cannot bring with her.

Due to the advance technology of today it is possible for anyone to bring the soft copies of the documents they would need to review but there are still documents that needs physical signature as well s the files that you can only access in the computers of the company.

Basically, this is the reason why Xi Corporation became his 'home' for three days straight now. It has become an unspoken rule between them that when the two of them are in the same city they would at least sleep together but because Xi Ana has a lot of things to finish, he felt that there won't be time for her to rest anymore so he decided to stay here together with her at least then she won't need to travel anymore.

This kind of efficiency is what they need right now. As for him, since he's already been aware of the date of the operation for months he has long been prepared for it.

"Good evening, Young Master Lim."

"Good evening." he replied naturally.

Lim Yi Sheng gave the keys to the person who greeted him and made his way towards the private room that Lu Nai He told him earlier.

As he entered the room he saw that the staffs have already started serving the dishes.

"Are you planning to eat ahead of me?" He asked in a serious manner.

"No, for what reason would I need to eat ahead of you when I still have to wait for you because of what we will talk about? I calculated the time you will arrive and it was spot on." Lu Nia He said confidently and Lim Yi Sheng knew that he really means what he said.

The fact that he really asked the staffs that to prepare the dishes means that he has confidence that he calculated right. He may be playful and acts childishly at times but he is actually the top student in the whole science department of S University where he studied college.

Even without mentioning that the mere fact that he is a renown heart surgeon in the country his reputation alone is a enough reason for many people to respect him.

When the staffs finished preparing and they are already alone only then did they talk of the important matters.

"Since you are the immediate family of Samantha though you might have heard this a few times already from Doctor William, as your friend I feel obligated to reiterate it again to you."

From that intro, Lim Yi Sheng knew that he will explain the flow of Samantha's operation to him. Indeed, he was already informed of these things before but that doesn't mean that he will not listen to Lu Nai He anymore.

Doctor William and the rest of the staffs only knew that Samantha is someone he's helping but they did not know that she is actually his younger sister and because Lu Nai He knew about this, the approach would really be different.


"Usually VSD cases are not rare and they can be fixed with VSD surgery to correct or repair the hole. In Samantha's case the hole was unrepaired for a long time which caused the heart to weaken. The surgery was done when she 12 years old right?"


Samantha had indeed undergo a surgery to correct the hole when she was 12 years which helped ease the symptoms of VSD for a period of time but more than a year ago, her heart suddenly weakened so much that medications won't help improve her condition anymore which made her practically live in the hospital.

"I have to be completely honest with you, Lim Yi Sheng."

Lu Nai He looks as serious as he is when he is explaining matters about the operation to the families of his patients. This time, he is the family of that patients and not anyone else.

"Go ahead."

"A heart transplant is not an everyday occurrence even in big hospitals. There are numerous open heart surgeries that were being performed but a transplant is different. It is not as simple as what dramas make it to be. Although I've done this before countless of times and Doctor William is also the same we can't control what's gonna happen inside the operating room. Anything could happen."

Of course he understands this as well that doctors are not gods and they cannot make the impossible possible.

"I understand that as well."

"This operation is 50/50. You also know that Samantha's body constitution is special even her blood type is AB- which could be considered as one of the rare blood types in the world. There is also a possibility that her body might reject the organ."

For this reason they have accumulated a lot of AB negative blood bags just in case something happened inside the operating room that they may need a lot of blood and also checked thoroughly the donor if there is a possibility of rejection to the receiver.

Even though he already heard these words before it still made him feel scared and nervous at the same time.

"On top of all those things, Samantha's body immune system is also not that good which we already know that's why we've been improving her health all this time to prepare for this operation. If you want to ask if it's possible not to continue with this operation, as a doctor I would not recommend it as this might be her last chance at this.

Her heart's not getting any better and it would only take how many months before it collapses, her immune system might also fail anytime. If we keep delaying this matter, I'm afraid there will be nothing more that we can do."

"I know."

"This operation is risky that she might die but she needs this more than anything else. We've already prepared everything to the best of our abilities to reduce the risks of the operation so everything will depend on what happens inside the operating room that time."

It took a few minutes before Lim Yi Sheng responded as he tried to internalize everything that Lu Nai He said and when he's done he looked at his friend straightly.

"Is this how doctors usually talk to the guardians of their patients?"

"No, we're a little bit more gentle."

"I though so because of the person you are talking to has a very weak heart he might have a heart attack right here and now."

"That' why I talked to you like that because I know you're not that weak."