Chapter 139 - Going to America

It's already been hours when Xi Ana made Hannah go home for the day but she is still sitting inside yer office working on a lot of things because only this way would it be possible for her to leave the company for atleast a few days.

A lot of people who understand matters like this ȧssume that presidents ot CEO's of companies do not have a lot of things to do and just rely on their subordinates to do the work but they are practically wrong.

Even though they have the most say in their companies, taking a vacation also requires procedures that's why this kind of stereotyping should be corrected.

After a while, Lim Yi Sheng entered her office. She glanced at the clock on the side and her eyebrows raised as she was surprised that it was actually pretty late already. 

"You're quite late today. Did you go somewhere?"

It's almost 11 in the evening when Lim Yi Sheng got back. This is already the third day that they will be staying at Xi Corporation because of her work, she was fine with going home every night since it's not really a problem but her husband insisted that they should just stay here as to save time.

At 9pm there are almost no more people inside the company if there is it would only be the ones who still needs to finish something or the guards who are roaming the floors to make sure that there will be no intruders who will take advantage of the night to take advantage.

"Yeah, I ate dinner with Lu Nai He and he told me about the risks of the operation on Samantha since I am her guardian."

Xi Ana just finished signing the last document for tonight and after doing so she arranged them according to the date and left it at the side before finally sorting out the papers that were scattered on her table as well her pens and stamps.

People who can go inside her office are limited but even so it is still important to keep her signing pen and stamp just in case they would be stolen and her signature will be used outside without her confirmation.

She raised her head and looked at the facial expression on her husband's face and she can see that he is quite bothered with the conversation he had with Lu Nai He.

Lim Yi Sheng had just removed his coat when Xi Ana finished arranging everything on her table and so she walked over to him to help him remove his tie.

"So what did he say? What is the possibility of success for the operation?"

The success rate is something that every doctors give to the family of their patients to give them an overview od the operation itself.

Of course they give these figures as responsible as they can be because they are professionals and that's what professionals like them do.

"Normally the success rate is actually high but taken into consideration Samantha's body he told me that the probability is only at 50/50."

Xi Ana removed the tie without any problem and she took the coat from his hand as they entered their room which is adjacent to the office.

She had already heard about Samantha's condition from Lim Yi Sheng so she could more or less understand the riskiness of this operation.

A while ago, she also called their friend doctor and explained Samantha's condition to him and he told her that base on the facts alone this operation is indeed very risky but at the same time they have to take that risk because Samantha's heart might not last long if they kept on dragging this matter. 

"It will be a success, we just have to believe in that."

She knew that these words really carry a heavy weight that's why doctors refrain themselves from saying such things and promises to the patients' families because taking responsibility for it is something they must do.

On the other hand, sometimes these words were also what they exactly needed for them to stay strong despite the circumstances they are in.

During those times it does not even matter from whom they would hear it from, they just needed at least one person to tell them that everything will be fine despite the situation they were in because these words might kust be the thread they are hoding onto to keep themselves from falling.

"Thank you."

Lim Yi Sheng hugged her tightly and she can feel his warmth spreading all over her body and of course she returned it by wrapping her arms on his waist.

She is not blind not to see that he really cares for Samantha even though they are only half-siblings he never once hesitated to take the responsibility of being her guardian and that in itself is admirable.

Admittedly, not all people will be able to do what he had done.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why she learned to love this person who is embracing her tightly at the moment.

On the outside, he is your typical cold and domineering CEO who's smile worth millions. He is a person that was being feared by other people in the industry because of his tenacity in business dealings but once you get to know him well he is actually a lot different from the image that everyone knows.

He is not cold or domineering but a warm and gentle person.

Although there are times that he can be really childish and shameless it only adds to his charms that she really likes.

She felt that Lim Yi Sheng tightened his embrace a little, just enough not to hurt her.

"Thank you for staying at my side." Lim Yi Sheng murmured.

"If not by your side then whose side will I stay right? So don't say words like this in the future. When I decided to love you, that means I will always be on your side. Do you understand?"

She really isn't the type of person who would say things like this but Lim Yi Sheng is really good at drawing these words out of her. 

"I do, wife. So please, don't ever leave me. I don't know what will I do with my life if you suddenly disappeared."

"If that happens and you don't know what to do then live. That's the best thing you have to do."

Leaving? That is not an option anymore. Her plans have changed but it doesn't mean that she will give up on findind the person who killed her mother, at least for now she is in the middle of changing that plan.


"I'm not saying I will disappear, just in case somethinf really happened to me. I don't want to see you wasting your life juat because of me. Accidents happen, we don't have control over what's gonna happen tomorrow so promise me. You have to live whatever happens."

These weren't empty words. That person has been torturing her in different ways but what if he decided to kill her for good this time? Who knows what's running on his mind, right? That's why she's saying this. 

"Okay, I promise."

Lim Yi Sheng might have said these words but she knew that a part of him does not want to say it at all. 

They stayed hugging for a few minutes before separating.

"Let's shower together?"

Hearing these words almost made Xi Ana chuckle, it's really out of topic that's why.


Xi Ana casually agreed.

This is not the first time they will be showering together especially here that there is only a single bathroom that they can use, taking turns to shower would consume a lot of time.

Just to be clear with the matter, although they are each others' first and they just recently have taken their relationship further they are not like other couples who would do 'it' every chance they get.

For them, the value of others' opinions regarding intimate actions is much more important than just satisfying the dėsɨrės. For whatever decisions they come to, they decided that they would respect it.

It only took a few minutes before the two got out of the shower and readied themselves to sleep after drying their hair.

"Let's sleep?"

Lim Yi Sheng asked and Xi Agree without hesitation. "Right, let's sleep."

And just like that the two of snuggled on the bed and slept, momentarily forgetting all the problems they have in life.


The day of their flight finally arrived and they were about to head to the airport in a while.

"Did you pack everything you needed?" Lim Yi Sheng asked earnestly to his wife.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-to-america_51070398581765371">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-to-america_51070398581765371</a> for visiting.

"Yeah, Hannah brought the documents I needed from the company. How about you? You didn't forget anything right?"

"I already rechecked everything last night."

"Alright then lett's go down, they are already waiting downstairs." with their passports and visas at hand they went down together.

Their ȧssistants will be the ones who will send them to the airport since they are still holding onto some of the documents they took from their respective companies which their bosses will bring with them.