Chapter 137 - Familiar (2)

Xi Ana didn't pay attention on the stage anymore and just continued talking with Li Jingli, she had already done her part of the work so she thought she could just stay at the side and do nothing now.

"This event might not have been possible in just a short time if it wasn't for my beautiful grand daughter who handled all the preparations for tonight."

The spotlight suddenly turned towards her that she felt like she was blinded by the sudden light, it really startled her. As soon as she adjusted her eyes she realized that almost all people who attended this banquet is currently watching her.

She smiled and raised her glass for acknowledge what her grandfather said. Although this is better than coming up on the stage to say something she would at least prefer to be notified if there are things like this on the program as to void getting flustered in front of a lot of people.

It was only a few second before it was back on the stage again. "Once again, thank you my dear grand daughter."

He said as he continued his remarks.

"That was truly dramatic." Li Jingli teased before sipping wine from his glass.

"I know right." she played with the half-full glass of wine with her hand.

Looking at her like this from a far it looked like she came straight from a painting, it sound cliche but that is what other guests thought so.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/familiar-(2)_51023681668834703">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/familiar-(2)_51023681668834703</a> for visiting.

The way Xi Ana is playing with her glass actually more attractive because the redness of the wine is being emphasized by the color of her dress.

Xi Ana is wearing a white knee-length quipao with feather shaped patterns embroidered with gold threads and as the glass of re wine she's currently holding looks

"You must have been starving after that sentimental talk. Since this banquet was organized to welcome you, Shen Feng please join father on the stage and say a few word to our friends whom you have not seen for a long time."

"Your grandfather is much more of an opportunist than you, Ana. Now I know where did you get that trait. This is the same way you're using to pave way for Xi Chen."

If her grandfather is paving a way for a more stable position for her father, she is doing it for Xi Chen so that he could have a better foundation in the future. Xi Ana knew what Li Jingli means, because from the start her grandfather didn't even thought of being discreet with his purpose.

"It can't be helped, it runs in the blood after all. One more thing, don't you think the word 'opportunist' has been coming up a lot tonight? Don't refer it to me alone because everyone who attended this banquet tonight are all looking for an opportunity one way or another."

"You've got a point, it's just that you're the biggest among them."

Li Jingli nudged Xi Ana with his elbow a little, "I heard that your father's personality is quite the same as you, If that is the case, then if it's you was in his position right now what would you tell the crowd?"

She looked at the man beside her who just casually shrugged. "You're making me feel as if this is a beauty contest that I am pressured to answer."

"Well you could think so but I just really want to test whether the two of you are really alike. Isn't it at times like this when we can somehow see whether that possibility could be true?"

There is no really harm and so she just went with Li Jingli's flow and answered, "I would casually thank everyone as if I didn't get the meaning behind grandfather's words and then subtle hint for hoping for collaboration?"

When Li Jingli heard this he nodded a little, "Oh, that is indeed very typical of you."

Few seconds passed and Shen Feng is already on the stage, "Good evening everyone. Once again I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight. I told father that this is nit necessary but he insisted so please forgive us for our childishness."

He paused and smiled to everyone before continuing. "I've been outstation for a really long time and now that I'm back I hope I will always be welcomed this warmly in the future."

Xi Ana stared at her father for a while and even she can notice that they re indeed the same. Surprisingly, Li Jingli did not react and was only staring at the stage where her father and grandfather are standing.

"What's the matter?"

This is the first time that Li Jingli saw her father in person so Xi Ana didn't think too much of it.

"It felt like I've already seen your father somewhere before." his face looked so serious with a frown on his forehead.

"Maybe it was on magazines or news? If I'm not mistaken he was usually featured on magazines like that in America."

"That's a possibility but I think I've really seen him before but not in this kind of setting."

"Isn't that just your imagination?"

If he had really seen her father then where?

"Never mind."

She observed her reaction for a little bit more and when it looks he's not dwelling on the idea that much anymore she decided to ask him to their seat.

"Don't over think and let's just sit. They are already wrapping up on the stage so it will be completely fine to go to our table already."

"Did you already prepare a seat for me?" he asked innocently.

It's natural for him to ask because in this kind of setting it would be normal for seats to have a name on it because only those who have confirmed will be given the seat prior to this day will given seats.

This event may be accessible to a lot of people but once you do not give response before the day of the event it means that you're not allowed to enter anymore.

"I'm the host, I have a say in everything. I could eve n get you your own table if you want." Xi Ana said with a smug.

Li Jingli chuckled at the unnecessary confidence that's Xi Ana is currently showing as she followed her at their designated table.


Li Jingli followed Xi Ana and when they reached the table everyone is already there, even Xi Shendong and Shen Feng who just came down from the stage are already firmly seated on their designated seats.

The moment they are at the table Li Jingli the gifts he had prepared for Xi Shendong and Shen Feng.

"You shouldn't have bothered so much lad, the mere fact that Xi Ana invited a friend is more than enough."

"How could that be, Chairman Xi. This is my token of respect to you while the one for Mr. Shen Feng is my welcome goft for him."

"You've got a sweet mouth there, I hope Ana could have picked some from you."

Li Jingli chuckled but perhaps they have something different in mind because in his mind Xi Ana really do have a sweet mouth, it's just that most of the time it's so poisonous that it could kill without blood.

"I am, Chairman Xi."

"Don't be so stiff. You can call me grandfather if you want to, I've heard a lot of things about yiufrom Xi Chen before."

Xi Ana would often bring Xi Chen before when they were out playing, it's just that he was mostly with Qi Lu but nevertheless, they've seen him grew up somehow.

"You've grown into a fine young man. It's been a while since I last saw you."

"Brother Jingli, I didn't know that you were here." he smiled brightly. Li Jongli could say that Xi Chen is really the most innocent person in this family, he's so protected that he can't tell exactly whether it's good or not.

"I also didn't tell your sister thatI'll come."

"Jingli, let's sit first."

"Let's eat." Xi Shendong announced.

Only when the chairman himself started eating did everyone followed suit. This is a custom that everyone follows.

Meanwhile, Li Jingli kept staring at Shen Feng whenever there's a chance to. It is possible that Xi Ana is right that it must be merely his imagination but his gut feeling is stongly telling him that he had seen him somewhere already as for where, that's the question he can't seem to answer.

"Uncle Feng, have we seen each other before?" it's fine if he asks right?

Shen Feng raised his head and looked at him,  "I don't think so. Why, do you think we've seen each other already prior to this?"

"Well, I'm not really sure myself but I just felt like we did. Oh, it's not important anyway. I might just be overthinking things."

Although he waved it off like this a part of him is still thinking. It's like there is something very important behind this. 

Just why would he look so familiar to him if he really just met him now?