Chapter 128 - Shen Feng's Past

Shen Feng has no recollection of last night maybe it was because he was too tired due to the long flight that he was drank that easily.

He can't even remember how he was able to get back to his room from the balcony last night

Although he can't excatly recall what happened after he had a conversation with his son-in-law while drinking, he could still remember things that happened before getting drank and he was sure how the notebook was placed on the table.

He walked towards the table and picked up the notebook, he ċȧrėssed the cover as if he was trying to embed the feeling of touching the notebook into his hand.

For years he had been carrying this notebook with him that even if he had his eyes covered he would still recognize the notebook with just merely touching it.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/shen-feng&apos;s-past_50861811079112012">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/shen-feng&apos;s-past_50861811079112012</a> for visiting.

Actually, this notebook contains his notes about the person who killed his wife, basically anything that could relate to him or has the possibility of it being related to him was all written in this notebook.

He could say that this is something he had been holding on to for a long time and he would not want for Xi Ana nor Xi Chen to know of this, they are already leading a good life and if they learned about this there will be no doubt that it will ruin the life they have established for a long time now and he doesn't want that to happen.

As a parent, all he ever wanted was for his children to live happily and if taking this upon himself means they could live as normal as they could possibly be and he does not dėsɨrė anything any more than that

As Shen Feng flipped the old pages of his notebook he unconsciously reminisced the life he had during the past years when he had no other choice but to look at the photographs sent by other people whenever he missed his children.

During those times, he would be contended with just seeing them from a far. Many times he had wanted to walk up to them and carry them on his arms but his situation forbids him to. 

If it was him he would never want to leave his children who were still so young back then nor would he be satisfied by pictures of them taken by other people.

Only if he could, he would have been the one to take those pictures. It was him who would have organized their birthday parties but unfortunately he was not. It was him who would have been when they needed a father to rely on. 

But, all these things would just stay as part of the regrets he would carry in this lifetime forever because that person exists, because that person did not give him other choice but to leave.

To protect his children he had to leave, that is what that person decided.

They were already home for a while now since there was no heavy traffic on the way back it didn't take them long before getting back.

When Lim Yi Sheng finished showering Xi Ana was still in a deep thought while her back was resting on the headboard waiting for her husband, "Are you okay?"

Xi Ana on the other hand was surprised when she suddenly saw her husband in front of her. She didn't even notice the bathroom door opening, "Hmm?"

"I was asking if you're okay? You seem like you were bothered by something ever since we left Xi Mansion." he said those words while saying his hair with a towel. Sh grabbed the towel from him and helped him with the drying.

Being perceptive anout the things on his surroundings is one of the strong points of her husbanda and she knows that.

"There was just something that father said that left me thinking."

There is no other way to put it because what he said really made her think and conclude about a lot of things.

"And that is?"

She stopped her hands for a while before continuing what she's doing. His hair is short so after a couple of minutes she finally finished drying his hair. 

"It's a little bit complicated to explain right now but to put it simply I kind of got curious about what happened during the time he was away."

What kind of life he actually had when he was away is somrthing she was curious before but after what he said a while ago realized that she should have thought about it before.

This event also made her even realize that there are so many things she had overlooked because she was so fixated at chasing after that person on her own.

The next morning she had receieved a message from Fang Wenna that she and Li Jingli would be going to City A in the afternoon and since An Qi Lu is also in the city they decided they could meet with each other.

Today is Wednesday and usuay Xi Ana  has a lot of things she is working on but she still took an afternoon off because her friends suddenly came over and it's very rare for the four of them to be present at the same time.

Good thing is that she does not have any important matters that cannot be postponed for this afternoon that's why she was able to make some time in the midst of her mountain of works.

The last time they were together was when she was kidnapped by Fang Jianghu during her stay in City M. After that they did not even have the time to talk to one another.

At the moment, they are currently having their conversation the private room of a famous restaurant in the city which is personally owned by An Qi Lu.

Like always, their talk was done within their property to avoid leakages of information since the four of them has their own sets of enemies they need to be wary of.

Li Jingli and An Qi Lu even tightened the security around Xi Ana and Fang Wenna in fewr of the same thing happening again. Moreover, Fang Jianghu is still on the run so they can't be lax like they were before. 

This is the downside of having friends who has a lot of enemies, they could be used to harm one another.

Meal time has long been over and right now they were just casually having tea while having their conversation.

The first part of their conversation was purely about business and after that comes the personal matters they need to talk about. 

"Ana I heard that your father is already back in the country." Li Jingli asked while sipping his tea.

It is not a surprise that they already know about it even though he just came back yesterday since her father is actually one of the well-known names in the business world due to his good reputation as a marketing analyst not only for Xi Empire but as well as some of the big companies overseas.

"Yeah, and it seems like we have to re-investigate his reasons for leaving. I felt that the reason before ws not only cliche but somehow also unrealistic." beating arkund the bush is not something they are fond of.

Time is a luxurious thing and they cannot waste it by going round in circle. 

"Did you manage to learn something?" An Qi Lu asked curiously.

It's not like they did not try to investigae the reasons of Shen Feng before why he suddenly left just like that but no matter how hard they tried they would always end up at the reason that he was 'too sad' that he cannot continue staying at the place whre he had a lot of memories with his late wife.

Having been in the business for so long, of course they would not accept a reason like this that easily. They've met people who would constantly use psychological factors to conceal their real intentions. But after a few times of reinvestigation they cannot find any trace of him being forced to leave so they end up half-accepting these reasons. 

"He said something while he was at a drunken state last night. From his words it seems like 'he' has some sort of connection as to why he left that time."

If this ends up becoming the truth then she might need to reevaluate her relationship with her father.

"Assuming that's true, then your father must have been threatened by that person that's why he was also reluctant to come back? Not only because you don't want to see him but because he can't really go back."

Yeah. That would have been the best way to explain it.