Chapter 127 - Notebook

Xi Ana turned towards her father and asked, "What was it that you did wrong?"

While waiting she walked around the room, this room was just exactly as she remembered it. This room is her parent's room, even after her mother died her father never changed room nor had ever changed the placements of the furniture.

She looked around a bit more and when her eyes landed on the tea table that her parents usually used in the past, what caught her attention was the black leather-covered notebook on top of the table.

As if her feet has its own mind that they walked towards it. Her hand lifted the notebook and it felt heavy. Literally and figuratively. She is only human and of course she had the urge to open the notebook to see what's inside but she eventually dropped the idea.

Opening it without the owner's permission is basically unethical.She placed the notebook and left it on the table as if she had never opened it in the first place.

She walked back to where she initially is and It seems like the person who she had been waiting to answer her question has already fallen asleep. Guess she can't take the opportunity to take advantage of her father's drunken state to determine what kind of reason he actually has.

The knob she was holding suddenly felt colder than usual when she heard what her father said, "It was him. He did this to us."

Those words were said in between his sobs but Xi Ana heard it clearly. She can't be wrong but does that mean her father also know about the person who killed their mother? Is he threatening him so that he would not come back?

Just what kind of connection does her father and that person has?

Her grip on the door knob tightened and there is no doubt that even her facial expression could not be read at the moment.

There was a sudden knock on the door which helped her come back to her senses. The knock was also accompanied by her husband's voice, "Ana, is everything alright?"

Before opening the door she had already regained her composure, "Everything's fine, he's already asleep. Shall we go?" she smiled at her husband as she closed the door behind her.

"Sure, I'll wait for you in the car then. I will tell Uncle Mu and untie that we will be heading home so just take your time packing your things."


Lim Yi Sheng smiled before going down the staircase while she walked towards her room. She had already arranged her things a while ago so there is really nothing much that needs to be done.

This matter is again added to the things she would be thinking over and it seems like everything is connected to that person. The possibility that the father of Wang Xinyi is him is yet to be answered and now there is also a possibility that her father was threatened by this person that's why he left.

These things just keep piling up and each of them demands attention. Right now her mind is full of confusions if only there is a way to end this in an instant she would definitely do so.

Asking the person who had caused great pains on you about the reason he did those things is something she would probably do. She can't not know the reason why she had suffered, not just her ȧssumption but his real reason.

She didn't know how she had managed to get her things from her room without leaving any when her mind is full of a lot of thing.

Lim Yi Sheng already told Uncle Mu and Auntie Shen that they were leaving but the two elders obviously maintained their habit of seeing her off at the entrance of the mansion whenever she visits.

"Young Miss, please take of yourself and eat your meal regularly." the old woman smiled warmly as she held her hand while saying those words.

"Auntie Shen, you always do this." although her words seem like a complain, they knew that this was her way of showing her affection to them.

"You know that my only happiness is to see you two living happily now that you're both grown up.."

When she was about to bid goodbye she suddenly remembered her drank father. It would not be a surprise if he will have a headache tomorrow. For him to be in that state it must be because of the long flight. He could have jut rested for today yet he went and drink instead.

"Auntie Shen, I might need to trouble you to make hangover soup for him tomorrow."

"Alright, don't worry just leave it to me."

"Thank you, Auntie Shen."


Shen Feng smelled the aroma of a soup near him which made him open his heavy eyes. He grabbed his glasses on the bedside table and wore it.

His vision became clear in a while and he was surprised to see Auntie Shen standing near him while holding a bowl in her hand. In this house everyone except his father-in-law calls the two elders 'Auntie Shen' and 'Uncle Mu'.

"You shouldn't have bothered yourself, Auntie Shen."

It seems like he was easily drank last night. Well, who doesn't have days when only a glass of wine could make them drunk more than usual.

He forced himself to get up and he realized that his head feels heavy. Auntie Shen put the bowl of soup on top of the bedside table and suddenly knocked his head, "Ow."

"This is not bother, you stupid son.Your daughter asked me to make you a hangover soup last night, if it was me I wouldn't really have bothered for someone who got drunk on the first day he came back." Auntie Shen snorted at him.

"I apologize for showing such immaturity last night, Auntie Shen. I will do my best that to repeat the same mistake again."

To be drunk like that at this age, of course it would be embarrassing and he would never want the same thing to happen again but that's not what's important right now, it's this soup!

"Auntie Shen, did Ana really asked you to make this for me?"

"Do you have other daughter besides Ana?"

"No." he only has one baby girl in this world and that would be Ana and no one else.

"You don't believe in me?" considering the attitude of his daughter for the past few years, in Shen Feng's mind it's nearly impossible for something like this to happen.

"It's not like that auntie, it just felt to good to be true. Never in my wildest dream would I ever thought that my daughter would be worried for me. I'm afraid that this happiness might not be real and so.."

"Look at yourself, aren't you pitiful to be even happy by because of something as simple as this? I don't what happened why the two of you can't seem to reconcile. Your daughter's heart is not made of stone and the fact that she asked me for this shows that somehow he cares for you more than you think."

Auntie Shen is right but somehow he doesn't know how to respond o those words. "I still have something to do in the kitchen so I'll leave you here alone so drink this soup while it's hot before it loses its purpose."

"Thank you, Auntie Shen"

Shen Feng took the bowl of soup on the side and drank it without hesitation. For him anything that came from his daughter and son will be his treasure, it doesn't matter whether its big or small as long as it came from them it is a treasure.

The soup he drank sure made his body warm which enabled him to drag his body off the bed. He wore his slippers and was about to open the curtain when he saw his notebook on top of the tea table on the side.

When he looked at it properly he realized that the position of the notebook on the table is different from the way he had placed it the previous day, he had been living alone for a long time that he could instantly notice something like this.

The contents of this notebook is very important to him although it is not necessarily be a secret he would still prefer for it not to be read by other people.

There are only few people who could enter this room without his permission, his father-in-law, his children, and Auntie Chen and Uncle Mu.