Chapter 94 - Going Back Home

Lim Yi Sheng wanted to tell Samantha first about her identity before letting their grandfather know about this because he can't exactly predict what reaction he might have once he dropped this news.

His father having illegitimate children might even give him a heart attack, when his older uncle got another woman pregnant despite already having fiancee his grandfather went ballistic.

Their grandfather, Lim Ming Cong might not look like it but he is a difficult character to handle, his strong personality towards the men in the family and his hatred for failures would automatically snap when the buŧŧon was pressed.

He also deeply values family more than anything else that is why Lim Yi Sheng has always been reluctant up to now.

Furthermore, there is also his mother and Shinyi that he has to consider. Just what would his mother feel if she knew that her husband had a child with another woman when Shinyi was only four years old back then.

Being the oldest, Lim Yi Sheng could see before that his father was not an affectionate person even to him he was more like a teacher than a father. The relationship of their parents were not exactly loving as well, he might give everything like jewelries, bags, clothes, but never the affection that a husband has for his wife. He was doing it as if it was only an obligatory manner he has to perform.

Actually, there are so many things he wanted to clarify with his grandfather up to now and one of those is also about his father Lim Yi Bai.

He waited for a while for Lu Nai He inside the car because there are still some matters they will need to discuss with each other which they will take the time going to the airport to talk.

"You could have waited for me before going back you know. I would also be finished by tomorrow with my matters, as if a day would make a difference." this is the first sentence he said as he entered the car.

Without a trace of hesitation nor reluctance he answered, "Ana will go back to City A tomorrow, I want to see her a day earlier. So yeah, it does make a huge difference is that so bad?"

Hearing this kind of answer, Lu Nai He was speechless, "How could you say that with a straight face?"

"Everything is possible if you have a beautiful wife."

Lu Nai He can't believe that the person he's talking to right now is actually Lim Yi Sheng, the way he said those words were so dignified and he also said it with a straight face as if what he was saying is not shameless at all.

"I can't believe you, never in my life would I here you say something like this."

"You'll know once you get married."

"Yeah, yeah. Here we go again with getting married, I'm still enjoying my life as bachelor there is no need to rush. Furthermore, you just married my goddess, I have not yet recovered from than." he said it in a way as if it was a matter of fact.

"Every time Xi Ana was involve in the conversation you just have to say that at least once."

"Can't help it, your wife is really my goddess. I don't need beauty pageant winners, how could they compare with my goddess who ha beauty, brains, and wealth. Anyone who would think that she is not gorgeous should go and blind themselves entirely for not using their eyes well."

With those many words Lim Yi Sheng can't help but sigh, "Good thing you're my friend."

"It is indeed a good thing I'm you friend." he said while grinning.

It's not like he liked Xi Ana in a romantic way, it was merely admiration. In simpler explanation, he's like a fan liking an idol or an actor. Xi Ana is excellent that he can't easily compare her to other woman.

Furthermore, he always talk about Xi Ana like this just to tease his friend.

You can tease Lim Yi Sheng all you want but you will only get a conditioned response every time as if he was obligated to react that way but if it is about Xi Ana his reactions would always be cute which is a delight to the person who's teasing.

If he could take a photo of it and put it in an auction it would probably be sold handsomely.

"We've been friends since we were little but only when I tease you about your wife do I get such priceless reactions. How could I not enjoy such a delight?" Lu Nai He was grinning from ear to ear clearly showing that he's enjoying himself.

On the other hand, Lim Yi Sheng felt a sense of 'de ja vu' as if he lready heard this words before although not exactly the same, Xi Ana's statement was actually like this, 'Your reactions when I tease you were priceless and cute, that in itself is making me enjoy every minute of it.'Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-back-home_50300975038133487">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/going-back-home_50300975038133487</a> for visiting.

For these two, he had become some kind of entertainment. If Xi Ana heard Lu Nai He just now she would probably laugh and agree to it, Lim Yi Sheng thought.

After that banter between the two, they already started their discussion. Some of the matters they need to discuss is about Samantha while all the others things are about business.

"Base on the results of Samantha's tests these previous days, she is getting better faster than I thought. I previously said that at least a month before we could reschedule the operation but unfortunately upon discussion with Doctor William it is better if we should wait at least two months more."

"Why? Is there a problem with Samantha"

"The impact of her relapse was quite serious, her heart was weakened which is not a good thing as it may cause problem during the transplant itself."

"What about the donor?"

Lu Nai He shrugged, "Unfortunately, we have to find another one. The body of the donor might not make it for another two months."

It took them great effort to find that donor but they cannot rush Samantha any more than this, since it lead to that then they just have to find another donor.