Chapter 93 - A Mother's Selfish Request (3)

Since Lim Yi Sheng is already in America he took the opportunity to deal with some business matters and then accompanying Samantha from time to time whenever she's free.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-mother&apos;s-selfish-request-(3)_50300943916393859">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-mother&apos;s-selfish-request-(3)_50300943916393859</a> for visiting.

His flight going back home will be later in the evening, his luggage has already been packed and prepared so he does need to go back to the hotel anymore. For remaining free time, he decided to swing by Samantha's hospital to bid her goodbye.

"Brother Sheng, you're leaving already?"

There was a bit of sadness in Samantha's voice. For Samantha, her Brother Sheng is her hero although they are not always together because she was studying abroad he knew that he cares.

"Yeah, there are matters that I have to take care of in the company that's why I have to go back for now."

That was true but there is one more reason why he was excited to go back now.

"When will you come visit again?"

Lim Yi Sheng patted her head like a child, "I'll will be back before your operation and I will see whether you are keeping your promise of taking good care of your health, is that good?"

"Of course! If you want, I will send you an email everyday."

He chuckled at her response, "You don't have to go that far. I believe in you so I don't need to see any proofs or something."

"Are you sure? I might be simply saying this without meaning it."

"I've seen you grow from grow from a little girl who's has weird quirks into a fine young woman, of course I'd know if you're serious about what you said or not."

"Even though you're not always here?"

"Don't underestimate your brother, Sam."

Samantha smiled, "Of course you don't need proof because I'd definitely do everything to be healthy all the time."

"Then be a good girl and don't think about unnecessary things, okay?"

"I promise I won't think about anything else."

She was but a child at the age of 10 when he took him in and became her guardian and now she's grown into a young woman. Her personality that time was like nothing like this. People sure change in time, not only Samantha but the him who met her the first time is also different now.

When he read Cheng Ningxue's letter, whether it was true or not he already decided that he will take care of Samantha one way or another. He first brought her to the hospital for thorough check up and at the same time for DNA testing the result was obviously, positive. Even her VSD that was mentioned in the letter was also true.

Given their social standing, it is inevitable that there are people who try to take advantage of them so he hired someone to investigate the authenticity of the things Cheng Ningxue mentioned and they were just like what she wrote. And, just like Samantha mentioned, Cheng Nignxue was already gone that time.

As for recognizing Samantha as a part of the family even with the blood relation as a proof, it was still beyond his authority and at that time his father and grandfather were not in good terms.

Reminiscing about these things, sometimes he wanted to know whether his past decisions really benefited everyone or he just delayed things for nothing.

"Brother, are you okay?"

He was snapped back in the reality when Samantha suddenly spoke but instead of answering her question he smiled and commented, "I'm glad that you weren't as restricted as you were before, Sam."

"What do you mean by that, brother?" there was a crease on her forehead clearly showing her confusion.

"Back then you were limiting yourself so much. If you have something you like, you won't say anything and just keep it to yourself. Even when you are in pain you would bottle up everything inside and smile."

"Was I like that?"

"Yes, you were. At some point I thought that's your version of your rebellious phase."

Although Lim Yi Sheng has Lim Shinyi who's four years older than Samantha as a sister, their attitudes and personalities were vastly different. He thought that all sisters will be like Shinyi who is spoiled and cute but Samantha was so different from what he thought, though she's cute she was to reserved.

"I didn't know it's just that when Mom was still alive, although we were poor she would try to give me everything I want I've been spoiled rotten maybe unconsciously I restricted myself because I'm afraid you'd leave me alone if I become disobedient and wilful."

"It's okay to be wilful at times as long as you are not going overboard."

Samantha laughed, "Are you sure you should be saying that brother?"

"You have always been a sensible child. It's okay to be spoiled, you're my sister. Anyway, I need to leave now I still have a flight to catch."

"Alright, take care and have a safe flight."

"You too, take care. Call me whenever you want to."

"Okay, I will."

He stood and walked towards the door but before he could go out, Samantha called out once again which made him turn.


As he turned, his face is showing a confused look but what he saw is a radiant smile from his sister which made him unconsciously smile, "Hmm?"

"I've been preparing myself for years now, whatever it is that you need to tell me just say it without hesitation after my operation so you don't have to show such a conflicted expression whenever the topic was brought up. Okay?"

"You're really not a child anymore, huh." This, he already knew, but hearing her say those words made it even more real.

"Duh.. Of course I'm not anymore. So don't ȧssume that I can't handle it , I have been constantly thinking of the worst scenarios I could possibly think of."

"If you're that determined then let's talk again after your operation, make sure you recover fast so we can continue this conversation sooner."

"Of course I will recover fast! Sorry for holding you up and I promise that I will take care of myself well so that everything will go smoothly."

"I know you will."

He smiled and waved her goodbye before finally exiting the room.