Chapter 92 - A Mother's Selfish Request (2)

Although Lim Yi Sheng was quite surprised about the progress of this situation, he really didn't dismiss the child in front of him and that would be really unreasonable. He would at least consider after reading the contents of this 'letter'.

Furthermore, he already heard that this child has been waiting here for a few days, if this is something like a scam it would be unfair for this child who was being used. Moreover, if he really is the person she's been looking for then it is his responsibility to see this situation to the end.

"Did you perhaps got the wrong person?"

"No, it's you big brother. I have a picture of you."

The little girl enthusiastically showed the picture, well technically speaking its a cut-out of his picture from a magazine he was featured on upon graduating university at a young age.

"Alright if you say so. The let' see what your mother wanted to tell me." Unconsciously, he walked towards the table outside the coffee shop and sat down which the kid also followed suit and sat on the opposite chair.

He fiddled with the envelope first since he really can't make anything out of this situation, he was only being curious about the little girl but surprisingly he was the one she was waiting for.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-mother&apos;s-selfish-request-(2)_50278390774691166">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/a-mother&apos;s-selfish-request-(2)_50278390774691166</a> for visiting.

"Why did your mother wanted for me to read this letter?"

Kids don't lie, that's the general rule but of course there are also those who are an exemption.

"She said that once you've read the letter you might look after me, if not at least you would keep me alive."

"Where is she?"

For a moment there was a trace of sorrow in the child's eyes, "Mommy is already dead. She died last week."

What is this? This isn't a scam is it? Th person who wrote this letter is already dead?

He wanted to know more, he wanted to ask the child about the things she knew but before doing that he needed to read the contents of this letter first only then would he be able to fully grasp this situation he's currently in.

He ripped the envelope open and took out the letter. The penmanship was neat and smooth, one would instantly say that the person who wrote this letter was woman.

At first he merely skimmed the contents of the A4 paper, but after reading only a few lines he was utterly shocked and so he decided to read it from the beginning.


Dear Mr. Lim Yi Sheng,

First of all, I would like to apologize if my daughter startled you by giving this letter out of the blue. My name is Cheng Ningxue and that girl with you right now is my daughter Samantha Cheng. I'm writing this letter because I do not have much time, by the time you read this I might have already been dead.

I told myself that I will bring this story to my grave, I was already prepared for it but it never crossed my mind that that time would come sooner than I thought, when I received the diagnosis that I have I terminal cancer and that I would die soon that's when it hit me, 'Ah, I cant take this secret with me to the grave after all.' that is because my daughter still can't stand on her own.

I know you're a busy person, just like your dad. Actually, Samantha is your sister. She is a daughter of your father and me. If you're thinking if we had an affair, the answer is no we don't have. It might sound like an excuse now but it was a drunken on Mr. Lim Yi Bai's part, I think I was mistaken for someone else but still I was the willing victim.

It only happened one time and I didn't expect that it would create a new life. It never crossed my mind to bother him nor your family, who am I compared to your right? Your family is up above while I'm just a lowly commoner. So I decided to keep them, yes it's a 'them' because I conceived a twin.

During my pregnancy, I ran away and lived in the Philippines and there I gave birth to my twin daughters. Unfortunately, the older one was so sickly that I always had to bring her to the hospital until all my savings were used up.

We went back to the country hoping that I could borrow some money from my acquaintances but there was none. Even if I work 24/7 I still couldn't keep up, that is why with a heavy heart I decided to leave my older daughter in a refutable orphanage because there, they would be able to give the medical attention she needs.

For a few years, from time to time I would go to there to sneak a glance at her and surprisingly she resembled your father a lot. But, when she turned four I heard that some kids with high intelligence quotients were transferred to an orphanage in England so that they would be given more opportunities and she was one of them. I was surprised because I didn't think there was a system like that.

I regretted it a lot but there is no way I could get her back again, just when I thought it was the worst feeling ever here comes another hit. I often observe that Samantha was always out of breathe despite doing only light physical activities and no matter how I feed her it seems like she really does not gain weight so I got worried. I brought her the hospital and at the age of six she was diagnosed with VSD.

Two years ago I was diagnosed with a terminal cancer.

To be pitied on, that's my goal since my pride or whatnot cannot feed my daughter and so I need to do this but don't get me wrong I narrated these things not because I want Samantha to be recognized by your family I only want her to live comfortably if possible.

When I'm already dead I can't do anything anymore that's why while I'm still breathing I will do what I can for my daughter's future.

- Cheng Ningxue
