Chapter 75 - Seeking a Father's Attention

The only people who knew about her condition was An Qi Lu and her personal doctor who is in New York but from the reaction of Alex just now it seems that their side also knew about it, so much for keeping it a secret huh.

Her anxiety attacks were related to her psychological trauma she knew that very well that is why all these years An Qi Lu has been working hard to prevent anything that might trigger those emotions, whenever it happens her breathing becomes uneven and her heart constricts as if it was being squeezed to the point of no dying. That thing that happened on her birthday, it was also because of this.

"You guys really know everything about me, huh." she said lifelessly as if she had already been deprived of living.

She mocked herself internally. What power? What resources? What connections? All these years she had been doing everything she can to gain all these things but why does it feel like everything she had done were nothing but pointless when it comes to that person.

No matter how powerful she is, that person seems to be much more powerful than her. Has everything up to now was really for nothing?

Isn't this game of life and death between them has been going on for a long time now?

When Alex didn't speak, Xi Ana once again opened her mouth. "Can't you just bring me to him so we can end this once and for all?"

"You know that's not possible."

"Not possible? Or is it just because he is not yet tired of making me his mouse to which he can torture and play with every time?"

Xi Ana knew very well that she had already lost her cool or else why would she speak so much things when she knew she should not be? Her strong woman facade crumbled easily because of the pictures that she'd seen.

"So this is the real you, huh."

Alex was quite amazed to see the woman lose her cool, from the first time he had observed her until their first interaction earlier this day he had seen nothing but her confident seeing her like this was really something he did not expect.

Xi Ana inhaled a deep breathe to calm her nerves before letting a laugh that made those people who hear chills. "So in the end this is nothing but an act to play with me. That person is quite persistent, he's been playing with ever since I can remember. So, it is safe to ȧssume that he will let me live today at the very least right?"

They don't have the intention to kill her, not now that is.

"The only goal today is to keep you here for a while, as for the other things we'll see in the future." After Alex said it he went out the room and locked it from the outside.

All his life all he ever wanted was for his father to acknowledge him, to make him be proud of him even though he is not really blood related with them so that he will not regret the day he picked him up.

He always trained like there's no tomorrow, studied like his life depended on it but never once did his father showed any interest onto his achievements nor did he show any real emotions towards him.

When he was young he thought that his father was an unfeeling person, he consoled himself thinking that there is no one in this world who could draw out emotions from him but he was wrong because the first time he saw his father watching the then 14 years old Xi Ana he could see mixed emotions like anger, longing, and sadness which he never expected to see.

That was the moment when he also started paying attention towards this woman. Just why would a child younger than him, not even close to them could make his father show those emotions.

Thinking back to the past made Alex really uncomfortable that his hands unconsciously balled into a fist. Back then, he couldn't accept that another child could could do those when he himself has always been trying to make his father turn and look at him.

Not long after he went back to his room Fang Jianghu, Fang Wenna's uncle went to him. As usual, he is wearing his silver mask to cover half of his face though he just conveniently showed his face to Xi Ana though.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/seeking-a-father&apos;s-attention_50023737315094072">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/seeking-a-father&apos;s-attention_50023737315094072</a> for visiting.

"Mr. Smith." Fang Jianghu was trying to be as polite as he can to the person who helped him this time.

In Fang Jianghu's mind, this person is one of the key figures in the Core, although he has a lot of dealings in the inner circle of the underground society it doesn't mean he is one of the important figures inside. If he were to put in a more understandable way, he is nothing but a commoner inside the circle and this person in front of him is one of the royalties.

Within the Core there is a certain organization called, S Organization and most of the transactions that takes place inside the Core were under their supervision so its easy to ȧssume that the Core is owned by S Organization themselves. It is, after all an untouchable place for ordinary people and it is also the dirtiest place in the underground society.

"This is futile action you know." Alex said without a trace of emotion. Well, he just played along for a while.

"With your help Mr. Smith I believe all my plans will go accordingly."

"Huh! Just because I helped you kidnap Xi Ana you had already ȧssumed that I will back you up all the way?" This man is really naive, just how was he able to enter their organization Alex thought.

Fang Jianghu was dumbfounded. Isn't it supposed to be that way? If not, then for what reason did this man willingly helped him with this kidnapping thing?

"Because you are a member of the organization we will always back you up for every illegal transaction you make, our relationship has always been about profits. In exchange for protection, the organization will receive 30% from the the profit of each transaction. Having that said, do you think this personal grudge you are busying yourself over with is even worth it for us to make an action?"

That is a fact. The reason why his illegal transactions has encountered few problems is because of the backing from the organization.

"This may be presumptuous of me but I wanna ask. If the organization was not planning to help me then why did you help me kidnap Xi Ana in the first place?" even a person who is not involve will definitely ask the same question.

"That was just a personal errand of mine and its so happen that you need her so I just conveniently went with the flow." and now that this errand is over there is really no reason to stay longer than he should have.

Whether Fang Jianghu's plans will work out in the end or not he doesn't care, he will leave and so will his subordinates. He knows that by now the other side would have already found traces of this place, if he is not cautious he will also receive a lot of casualties which he cannot afford.

On the other hand, for Fang Jianghu everything that Alex said doesn't make any sense to him but because he already achieved what he wanted everything else doesn't matter.

"Since I'm done with my business here I'll be leaving, as for Xi Ana.."

He paused and gave Fang Jianghu a cold gaze which made the latter unconsciously stepped back.

"You can do whatever you want with her but I'm warning you, you can't kill her."

She can't die, not now that is.