Chapter 74 - Pictures (2)

"What is this?" she asked as she opened held the envelop with her hand.

"It's from him, I think you of all people should know better what are the contents of that envelope. After all, you receive them every year."

She opened the envelope with trembling hands, when she took the contents of the envelope out in the open and scattered them on the bed she can easily tell that they were pictures, pictures that shows how he was watching everyone around her.

There were photos of her grandfather, of Xi Chen, Fang Wenna, Li Jingli, even Lim Yi Sheng and the people around him.

"It seems that he'd added more people on the list of people you need to protect, Xi Ana."

Hearing those words, she'd lost it. The temper she'd been keeping in check was nowhere to be found, she's angry, scared, and anxious.

"If he wanted to kill me, he can just go ahead and kill me. Why do these things? Why threaten me like this? What have I done for him to hate me like this?"

There wasn't really anything special on the pictures, they were just pictures of their everyday lives but that is exactly what's making her scared, the fact that someone is watching the people she cares about and one wrong move from her could mean death.

No matter what she do, no matter how discreet her actions were he still can find a way to threaten her, to held her in captive. She has been working hard to expand her power, she even has her friends to help her but is that not enough? Just how powerful is that person? Was everything she had done until now pointless?

No one knows of the existence of these photos except her, not her family, not her friends, and not even An Qi Lu. This burden, no matter what it takes she had kept it to herself and still planing to do so until everything is over.

She can still remember the first time she received these kinds of photos was when she was 16 she tried to commit suicide, she had just gotten her driver's license back then and that time she was determined to die.

She tampered her own car to lose its break and she deliberately drove on the road that will pass through a bridge, when she was nearing the bridge she intentionally banged the railings which made the car flew to the river below.

During those time, she forced herself to believe that it was the right thing to do, that she had endured enough. She believed it that is why she decided to end things right there and then.

When she woke, the next thing she knew she is already at the hospital and since no one knew how to contact her family or friends she woke up alone on the bed of the hospital's ward.

"Miss, the person who saved you left this envelope with me and told me to give it to you the moment you wake up. He also said to read the note inside."

She took the envelope and thanked the nurse, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Also, we don't know how to contact you family but since you're already awake you should give them a call."

"Alright, I will."

As soon as the nurse left, she opened the envelope and was confused to see sets of pictures of her family back in the Mainland, pictures of her friends, and even some of her acquaintances at school who she only talked with more than one time.

There was a white paper that was folded into two, she unfolded the paper with trembling hands. And what was written on it made her previous dėsɨrė to die disappear into thin air.

Because what was said was, 'You die, and they will die along with you.'

Memories kept rushing back to her and no matter how hard she tried to forget she could never and even if she receives this envelope every year, she still gets frightened. Just what does he want? Isn't the 20 years of torture wasn't enough for him?

Reminiscing all these memories made her heart ache. Literally. She clutched her ċhėst in pain.

Alex saw the sudden changes in her, and he became frantic, "Hey, Xi Ana! Are you alright?"

He knew her condition that's why he became nervous, for years he had been watching her together with him and so he is very much informed about her anxiety attacks.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/pictures-(2)_50023567395453288">#&apos;s-wife-has-a-secret_14496266906619705/pictures-(2)_50023567395453288</a> for visiting.

Her hands which was covered with cold sweats were trembling and her breathing wasn't stable. Alex held her hands and with a soft voice he tried calming her down, "Breathe… Slowly.. It's okay, I'm here."

"Inhale, exhale."

Xi Ana followed his actions slowly and when Alex saw this he was relieved. He repeated the same words with action as her breathing gradually became stable.

The man heaved a deep sigh as he helped her lie down on the bed, "You scared me to death. You should have brought your medicine, are you trying to kill yourself?"

Xi Ana laughed weakly, "I've tried killing myself only to be saved by him, don't you think it's better to die of a natural cause right? That way he won't have any control over that."

Right at this moment, the woman who's cold and strong is nowhere to be seen. All he can see is a woman who's vulnerable and can feel pain as well.

"I once thought you're not human anymore."

After all the things she'd experience and still being able to stand and not show any weakness that's how he'd always seen her and that made him totally annoyed. He felt that after all these things she should already be broken beyond repair but each time all he can see is her cold and stoic self.

He's a witness to all the things his father had done to her, all the suffering she had suffered all these years, he'd seen it all.

And yes, it was his father that did all those things to her.

He knows about this condition but this is his first time seeing it first hand, "Is it painful?"

He looked at the woman who's face looked as though she just survived a disaster, "It is but it's not as painful as wanting to die but you cannot."

The meaning behind his question is more of like about everything that happened to her and what shocked him the most is that Xi Ana answered as if perceiving this meaning.